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    • #151592

      Im newly married and always knew my husband had a strong interest in the horse and football betting. However, he always showed me his bets. They were 1 or 2 pounds each. So i was always under the impression this wasnt a problem. As the daughter of a recovered alcoholic, and a gambling addict – i thought id see the signs quicker than most. I was so wrong. I looked at my husbands last bet placed a few days ago, placed with an illegal bookie via whatsapp. The bookie said his current balance was 2500euros in owed monies and he needed to make a payment before being allowed to place another bet. SO he went and placed his bets in the bookies. Upon me reading this text, he became furious that id looked at his conversation with his bookie. His defenses shot up and he has since been finding reasons why this is my fault. But i think hes finding fault in me really, as an easy way to leave me. If he tells himself that im the problem, he can go back to gambling everyday. He is completelyunder the impression that this illegal bookie is his friend, and the bookie cares about him. Its so difficult watching how hes been groomed by this man, and hes utterly convinced its a sincere friendship. He has since agreed he has a problem with gambling, and we are due to talk later tonight after work. But he keeps bouncing from one extreme mood to the other. One minute hes full of remorse and knows he has a problem. The next minute he hates everything about me and his anger is explosive. Ive never been in this situation before, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. x

    • #151622

      Hi Daniarchie Thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy friends and family forum. This forum will provide you with warmth and understanding from your peers.

      Feel free to use the friends and family group, you’ll find the times for these if you click on the “Group times” box on our Home page

      Read about the friends and Family Groups Online Groups

      Now that you have introduced yourself you’ll find that many of the people you meet here have already read your initial introduction and they’ll welcome you in like an old friend ??

      If you’re the friend or family member of someone who is either in, or has been through, the GMA residential programme please take extra care to make sure that nothing you say in groups, or on our forums, inadvertently identifies that person. Even if your loved one isn’t connected with GMA, please don’t identify them either directly or indirectly just in case they decide to use the site themselves.

      You’ll find a lot of advice on this site, some of which you’ll follow, some you won’t…but that’s ok because only you fully understand your situation and what’s best for you and the people you love. So, take the support you need and leave the advice you don’t because it all comes from a caring, nurturing place ??

      We look forward to hearing all about you!

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #151663

      Hi Daniarchie

      I suspect that you are right that your husband is finding fault with you for a reason. It is quite common, however, for a gambler to try and put the blame for his own poor behaviour on the person who loves him most, thereby off-loading responsibility. In other words (and I think you have already understood this), if it’s your fault, then it isn’t his and he doesn’t have to do anything about it. If your husband accepts responsibility for his actions then he will be admitting he is out of control and he isn’t ready to believe that – at the moment.

      It is easy to misread a gambler. Many people have thought their spouse has a mistress. The anger and intolerable behaviour that you describe is likely to be as a result of his gambling and thinking of him leaving you, or you leaving him, is not helpful to either of you.

      It is hard to talk calmly when there is an addiction in the room with you. Many people liken it to having a beast in the corner of the room, constantly listening and looking for an excuse to roar. Maybe if you could imagine such a beast, it will help you find the right words to keep the beast quiet whilst saying how you feel.

      Your husband’s moods are also a consequence of his addiction. When he has money and is ready to gamble, he might be calm, happy, excited even, willing to talk and co-operative but when he has gambled and inevitably lost (because that is the nature of the addiction beast), then he will be depressed, angry and unable to think logically or reasonably.

      Your husband did not chose to have an addiction, there is probably nothing he would like more than to gamble without all the accompanying moods and failures.

      He can change Daniarche, he can learn to control his addiction and live without it ruining his life. He can be the man he wants to be, the man you married. He has to want to do it and it takes courage and determination but I am only here, writing you because I ‘know’ he can do it.

      It is often said on this site, whether it is gamblers or loved ones, that when everything has been tried and nothing has worked – it is time to try something else. Telling him that his so-called bookie ‘friend’ is no good will not help; he believes this bookie will make his world turn right again. I am hoping you can gently point him towards the support that will help him to understand what the bookie is really doing to him and why. We have a fantastic gambler group, facilitated by Charles, who will understand your husband in a way that you and I cannot. Charles has lived in control of his addiction for many, many years and he gives his time to supporting others who are struggling to make sense of what has happened to them.

      Maybe, when your husband is calm and receptive you could tell him that you have sought help for yourself because you want to understand. Maybe you could ask him to pop into one of Charles’ groups where he will be welcomed and understood. Nothing you have told me has not been heard before but your husband cannot know that, he probably believes that nobody can understand him – apart from the ghastly bookie.

      There is a Friends and Family group tomorrow evening, Thursday, between 19.00 – 20.00 hours UK time. It is safe, it is private and we could communicate in real time which if often the best way.


      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by velvet.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by velvet.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by velvet.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by velvet.
    • #153024

      Maybe you should place some limits if the words don’t matter to him…

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