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  • This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by HPT.
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    • #28056

      Good morning everyone,
      Firstly please accept my apologies for my poor english. Secondly and most importantly i wish everyone in here the best. I hope that one day we will be proud for overcoming the worst addictions of all. We know we deserve it.

      Today is the first day of my new life. For the past 15 years i’ve been gambling non-stop. Roulette, blackjack, poker, virtual sports, slots and the worst of all sports betting. I must have lost around 70.000 during these 15 years. 25 out of these 70 were lost in the last 25 days. I must admit that i feel fully depressed and i don’t have the courage to reveal my addiction to any family members, friends, relatives I feel so embarrassed. This morning i didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to sleep forever but (luckily) i had to go to work. Psychologically i feel like a zombie but i assume i have no other choice to fight back for my life. I just wonder when will i start to feel better ? I am sure there are some “experienced” people that can provide me with some useful information here on how time heals wounds. I wonder… how much time will i need to be a normal person again ? I cant stop crying. I feel so lonely. I want to share my problems but at the same time i am so afraid. For one thing i am sure. I WILL NEVER – EVER GAMBLE AGAIN. The thing is …i am not sure i can handle my extremely bad psychological situation.
      God bless you all.

    • #28057

      Hey there,

      Thanks for sharing your story. I have also had large losses and have tried to quit many times. Can I suggest you download/pick up a book called ‘Easy Way to Stop Gambling’ by Allen Carr. I got it after a suggestion on here and it has totally changed my perspective on gambling. I have had almost no urges and I am on 12 days gamble free and it feels awesome.

      Don’t use willpower, don’t make assertions like ‘I WILL NEVER GAMBLE AGAIN’. It is dangerous – why? Because it rarely works. How many times have you said that to yourself? only to fall back in it a day or week later and lose MORE than you lost before. That’s what happened to me, dozens of times!! This book made me realise the willpower game is a dead end. You need to change your perspective and the urge will fade away.

      Good luck in your recovery. I’ll be following your thread.

    • #28058

      Hey again hintline. Killingit is right, refrain from big words like “I WILL NEVER GAMBLE AGAIN” etc. They mean nothing. It’s like saying “I will never catch the flu again”.
      First of all, you don’t know that, second of all it’s highly unlikely (that you won’t) and third of all, just like with the flu, you don’t have a lot of control over it (in state that you’re now in).

      You definitely want to read that book by Allen Carr, “The Easy Way” and hope that it will work for you.

      To quit gambling, you need to “trick” your brain, you need to get different perspective on things. Willpower alone won’t work. And even if you’re extremely strong willed, it would mean a life full of struggles. And as Geordie mentioned in one post it’s not what life is about.

      Good luck and make sure you come here often.

    • #28059

      Your post resonates with me a lot because these are the exact feelings I’ve gone through time and time again. Trust me when I say that it does get better from here. It will require a lot of hard work but it can get better if you decide to stop gambling, one day at a time.

      Good luck with your journey and look forward to seeing you on here more often.


    • #28060

      Thank you very much for your support and help. Believe it or not i have read the whole book within 5-6 hours. Really interesting. I assume allen car’s suggestions applies to most addictions. But the differentiation on his approach is what makes you think twice to not fall into the trap again.
      Thanks again. Appreciated

    • #28061

      Hello Janstad. Thanks for your kind words. I have read the book within 5-6 hours. I plan to follow all his instructions. Thanks for your support.

    • #28062

      Hello Jackwilson. Thanks for your support. I hope that at the end we will both be happy and proud and that we will win this fight against the devil which is called gambling.

      36 hours – clear. I intent to make it 36 years + . It’s my first and minor step. Second step is that for the first time in my life i discussed my gambling addiction with my mother. I need to admit that my feelings about talking are a bit strange right now. Not negative but strange. Hopefully i will feel better with my decision in the next couple of days.
      Thanks once more.

    • #28063

      I can identify hintline. My gambling has also progressed significantly recently. I’ve been an emotional wreck the past few days after losing boatloads. And I certainly have been where you are with the crying etc. I just got off the support groups and I must say I feel much better chatting to the community here in real time. I don’t feel nearly as alone as I did. Time will heal our emotional scars as long as we keep our feet moving in the right direction. All the best.


    • #28064

      It’s day 3 and i am still gamble free. What worries me is that i dont have any urges …Is that normal ? Please leave your feedback on how urges work so that i can prepare myself psyschologically in the best possible way.
      Thanks everyone

    • #28065

      Urges are difficult because they can seemingly come up out of no where: When things are going great, when they are not and everything in between. Reflecting back, I got to 6 months gamble free because I was very aware of myself. Very connected to my inner emotions on any given day. Although I am not necessarily religious, I prayed and meditated for strength and self awareness even when things were going well. I got away from that and that’s when the obsession started creeping back in. And all it takes is one big loss for gambling to totally consume my mind. So if you are having no urges perhaps take a quiet moment to yourself and ask why that is. Ask for the strength to remember this moment when things get more difficult. It worked for me in the past, I am hoping it will work again and perhaps it will help you.

    • #28066

      Hey Hintline how are you going? Have you been able to abstain from gambling?

      I am curious to see if Allen Carr’s book had the same effect on you. I think I’m beginning to sound like a broken record in other posts it would be good if I had someone to back me up!! ??

      Seriously though I hope all is going well. I suggest you keep posting – this forum section is a journal after all. I find it is very therapeutic and it’s comforting to see when others post, especially as some of the stories are very sobering and have a lot of pain and loss.

      Our resolve to beat this terrible addiction is what unites us. It’s important we never stop trying to beat it.

    • #28067

      Hello killingit and thanks for your comments-support m8. I am still crystal clear. No urges at all. I am actually so disgusted with this thing (gambling) and i honestly doubt if i will have any in the future. This will be answered i guess when some reasonable money will reach my pockets. I hope i will prove to be right.

    • #28068

      I also read Easy Way to Stop Gambling’ by Allen Carr and is very good…it show the ilussion of gambling, and that doesn’t worth…

      somebody watched also the videos:Allen Carr’s Easyway – How to Stop a Gambling Addiction Online Video Program?

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