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Therapy for Gambling Addiction Terms and Conditions

By registering and/or using the Therapy for Gambling Addiction website you acknowledge and accept all of the below terms and conditions. Please also additionally note the privacy policy of the Therapy for Gambling Addiction website.

  1. Be respectful at all times with the life choices, beliefs and opinions of others even if they are not your own.
  2. Do not add images of yourself to forum posts as this could lead you to be identified.
  3. Please ensure that you do not deliberately offend or disrespect others.
  4. You are not allowed to upload images, links or content to forum posts that may be deemed inappropriate or are not in keeping with the purpose of the site. Video Sharing Channels can not be promoted within Gordon Moody
  5. Do not post in forums, or refer to in groups, advertisements or links to any service in conflict with Therapy for Gambling Addiction or problem gambling in general or promotional material for any commercial organisation.
  6. Do not directly or indirectly disclose the identity of anyone using the site which includes present or past residents of the Gordon Moody residential programme.
  7. Therapy for Gambling Addiction strongly discourages contacting members of the community outside of our service and accepts no responsibility for any outcome should you choose to do so.
  8. Do not exchange address, emails, phone numbers, social media details with staff or service users.
  9. Do not repeat information disclosed in groups by others present on our forums as this information is confidential.
  10. Do not seek to engage in interactions with others using our site for the purpose of research or subsequent publication. All media enquiries should be sent to [email protected]
  11. Duplicate and multiple accounts are not permitted; you can use the forgot password option if you don’t remember your login details.
  12. Please respect the privacy of our staff by not attempting to add them to your professional or social networks. Staff are not permitted to share any personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers with you.
  13. Gambling Therapy reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, by publishing these changes in this section. Your continued use of the site after the changes constitutes your acceptance of new terms and conditions.
  14. Data may be used to help us to improve our services, for authorised academic and applied research, and/or statistical analysis.
  15. You need to be 18 years or over to register and participate in forums and groups. Under 18s are welcome to use the one-to-one live support option or should email us for information about more suitable services.
  16. Threats of suicide made on the forums will be immediately removed and individuals disclosing intent of suicide in groups will be asked to stop. If the individual continues, they will be removed from the group and may be excluded from the site after being signposted to a suitable service. Therapy for Gambling Addiction is not intended to provide crisis support.
  17. Gordon Moody retains ownership of all content added to the Therapy for Gambling Addiction Forums and reserves the right to retain content should a member subsequently leave or be excluded from using the site.
  18. Gordon Moody reserves the right to remove any content that may consider unhelpful or detrimental for the recovery of other members of the community.
  19. All members must have a registered email address that allows Gordon Moody to make direct contact with the member. The email address will only be used by Gordon Moody for communication regarding site issues as well as for notifications regarding posts should the member wish to receive these. Failure to have a registered email may result in the members account being locked

Where appropriate, if a member is felt to be in breach of these terms and conditions they will contacted by email. If the situation cannot be resolved satisfactorily the member may be excluded from the site. Therapy for Gambling Addiction does not operate an appeals process and any decision made to exclude an individual is final.

For questions or complaints about the Therapy for Gambling Addiction website?please email us.

We recommend using the Therapy for Gambling Addiction website and support services as part of a wider support network.