Upcoming Support Groups
Do you want to talk to others who are in a similar position to you? Are you looking for advice, support and information from people who have been free from gambling for many years? Why not try our online peer support groups. Below you'll find the next 3 available groups and the times we run them.

Showing the support groups for Sunday 17th November 2024

About Support Groups
Gambling Therapy support groups are text-based, with automatic translation available if required.
Joining an online support group can help you to find perspective and connection. Talking to others who may be in a similar position to you, hearing how others have handled their own situation and sharing your story with others will help you to build strength and resilience.
Gambling Therapy groups are run by experienced facilitators – either peer support workers who have faced gambling issues in their own lives, or by trained psychologists and therapists. You will be made very welcome if you decide to try out a group.
Check all the support groupsTypes of group
New Members
This group is intended for anyone new to the Gambling Therapy website or new to groups… or both. You will be made welcome by an experienced facilitator and offered emotional support and practical tips as you explore the website.
Problem Gamblers
This is a peer support group, led by a facilitator who has personal experience of overcoming problem gambling.
This group is open to all members of Gambling Therapy, whether you have a gambling problem yourself or if you are affected by someone else’s gambling.
Friends & Family
This group is specifically for anyone who is struggling as a result of a friend or family member who gambles, or for those that want to better support someone who is struggling with gambling.
Topic Groups
These are themed groups – each week the group will consider a different aspect of problem gambling. Topics appear on rotation and cover areas such as triggers for gambling, fighting the urge to gamble, resolving conflict, dealing with guilt and shame… the topic group forum shows past and forthcoming topics.
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