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    • #12757

      What is it with me and gambling? How much do I possibly have to lose before it gets through my thick skull that I have to quit these stupid games and habits? Could valuing money too much actually be a contributing cause to my gambling problem? The reason why I ask that is because in normal every day life I try to save every dollar when possible, I don’t spend much frivolously other than gambling ofc. It’s not that I’m trying to save the money to gamble with either, I realize the value of money and how it can give you freedom. I understand its importance, but yet I’m still a compulsive gambler.
      When I lose gambling I try to save extra money to “repay” the gambling loss, do you guys/gals have any thoughts on this? Is this worsening my gambling appetite?My main problem seems to be that eventually the pain of my losses wears off. The worse the pain the longer it lingers, I may be able to stay away for a month, I think the best I’ve done is maybe 3-4 months a couple times.
      Eventually I start thinking stupid again, telling myself that I can have more self control this time. Of course as soon as I get to the casino and things start going poorly for me that goes out the window and I’m on tilt throwing good money after bad and what do you know I’m starring at a huge loss at the end of the night inevitably.
      Day 1– 6/3/2012 2:51:55 PM: post edited by WhyDoIGoBack.– 6/3/2012 2:52:48 PM: post edited by WhyDoIGoBack.

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