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    • #8548

      Those gambling shops are everywhere
      Corals, william hills a betfred there
      It’s in the paper and on the Tele
      Taking food from our children’s belly
      Greedy And sneaky is what you will see
      Those gambling devil’s inside of me
      ‘Leave me alone. You’ve had the lot’
      Bingo or lottery. Cards or roulette
      Football or horse. What dog will win next
      I should never have played that very first time
      If I won that pot it all could have been mine
      Those sneaky greedy devil’s, laughing at me
      All that time I was blind to see
      What placing a bet has done to me…

    • #8549

      The numbers you pick, random or not
      The higher the stake, the bigger the pot
      Odd or even, red or black
      The dealers are trained, it’s part of their act
      The cameras are watching to see your next move
      Waiting to see how much money’s on you
      No more bets, the wheel has spun
      I went with friends and it was all for fun
      But now on my own the nightmare has begun

    • #8550

      Great poems, Shaun
      Now that we know what gambling does to us, let’s kiss it goodbye and walk away

    • #8551

      It’s all in our minds. All the best vera

    • #8552

      Very powerful poem Sean .

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