- Toto téma obsahuje celkem 6 odpovědí. Do diskuze (3 diskutující) se naposledy zapojil u?ivatel busychild a poslední změna proběhla p?ed 6 roky a 1 měsícem.
4 února 2019 v 11:32 pm #49518busychildú?astník
Hello everyone.
Today i decided to quit already hundrend and fifty time gambling. But this time there is a click on my head.
I’m 28 now. In my country there was quite low level security to get access to slots I was 13 old and we had in a Restaurants some old school slots – Royal was a scatter btw. I saw my friends in those ages was having fun and I was watching, as I did not understand how and what is working.
I did not had a lot of money in those days and every penny was counted generally on streets. So I wanted to give a try having my daily school money and got some profit straight away. Like 1 Euro to 8 Euro. Something like that and thats how all bad path started… Then I was going with mates into local mini casinos where was a miracle slot world for us. 15-20 Slot machines so many games e.t.c. Amazed by atmosphere – Main thing that we got inside 14-15aged even age limit was 18 years. Free coffee, tea, lights, music, drinks everything looked so cool + we were starting having fun on slots and in short story it went more and more visiting those places – I used to say if there the slots is not giving money lets go to other places and that’s how we mostly spent time. After as in life happens we go our lifes and I started my own path – I have not finished basic school in last year been thrown out – Was earning money playing Counter-Strike ::) Then I also started to learn and play Poker since 14 age. Was reading a lot getting education of all information how to play,bet, positions. That was so cool but in meantime it’s all connected – Slots – Poker – BlackJack = Gambling!!! Today I literally say – Whenever is involved money for gaming its a GAMBLING ! Any game whatever you do where is money is a GAMBLING – Chess-Golf-CarDrive-Fights whatever it’s a gambling! I play unregullary Slots-Poker-BlackJack for 15 Years. Problem is when I go inside Casinos i can’t stop – Drunk or Sober I can’t stop! The problem was that when I used to oplay small limits like 0.10-0.20 for spin was quite okay and anyway I saw others betting higher getting higher winnings. So I tried to play 1Eur spin got a winning quite good 1.1k around and that was a killer of my life. I started to play 1-10EUR per spin and lost a lot of money. Lot of times went out of Casino angry myself, thinking how may good things I could do with that money – Bills, clothes, trips, flowers for girlfriend, take her to restaurant, investents. But those ideas comes of course after the war! And everyone is smart after war! Anyway the point is – After school nothing changes I wasn’t daily gambler but still I never could not say No if we are going to Casino… There was time when i quitted slots completely played only Poker and little little bit BlackJack. 25-26 Year old when I was. Don’t know what happened then but I think I got tired of that all software stuff and I wanted to play games where I make a decision at least. Where I am now. I play slots, BlackJack, Poker with money I can’t afford. Risking my own budget. I feel very lost now. I read a lot of things what I need to do – replace anger with happy emotions, get some hobbies, sport etc. I have a hobbies and will get back to them and also go to gym. I just think this is a great add-on for my gambling quitting path to make a journal. So I wanna be proud for myself and I am giving myself lojality promise that I AM QUITTING GAMBLING FROM THIS MOMENT! And if in anytime I will be villing to gamble I will straight away replace it with some kind of different thing what will disstract me from that. I will try to programme myself and work on it. I will keep u all posted how I feel, and how it goes on.
Thank you
5 února 2019 v 9:07 am #49519duncú?astník
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
5 února 2019 v 10:21 am #49520busychildú?astník
Thank you ??
5 února 2019 v 10:26 am #49521busychildú?astník
Already having 5 minutes up I’m analyzing – What is current financial situation – Debts – Planning my budget – Paying back plan. Feels like I have something heavy inside me – I would say maybe regret what I was doing understanding what I could do with that all money what is lost. Anyway moving forward and not interested to go to gamble. I deleted all gamble softwares from laptop. Feels like I’m getting clearer picture what’s actually going on and what should I do to get myself asap back on track – Paid debts, bills, collections, investments.
5 února 2019 v 10:46 am #49522Steevú?astník
Keep doing what you are doing in terms of looking at the reality of your financial situation. When I was gambling I was blissed out from my finances and only looked at the immediate money I had for my bets – not the bigger picture. It is only when I first stopped that I saw how horrendous things had become.
Also good that you are looking to do something that will fill the void that gambling filled in your life. What did you give up for gambling and can you go back to it? In the early days I felt it was important not to do anything that would be a trigger for me. I felt dancing was safe until I started learning at one club that had a slots machine in the foyer!
Making a new, gamble free life for ourselves is what (in my opinion) our goal is on here. That will look very different for different people – think about what that would mean for you and aim for it. I wish you well.
5 února 2019 v 10:31 pm #49523busychildú?astník
1 day gone – Only one thing is a bit bad inside me. That feeling when you get easy money quickly – Makes a bit bad that actually value when you work in real life – working hard to get money even if u get some extra money from different sales, deals whatever it’s not so big and quick as sometimes u get the free spins or good sesion in slots u know what I mean ? I think the value between the money u get working and gambling(If you win and leave asap with winnings) is the one thing what triggers feeling to get back gambling. I gave a lot of money and also relationship previously.
7 února 2019 v 3:40 pm #49524busychildú?astník
Things are good. Everything is getting paid back I mean debts. I am now in position where I try to work all out with logic and keeping myself calm – Trying to live like this is different life and take that as new born life. I am less stressed and getting some positive feelings already which I think is quite fast. I was thinking to get into some of slot casino and just test myself and watch how others play but NO I could not do it cause there was straight away some kind of Trigger inside – NO and that’s it. I was thinking about Poker maybe get to together and play – NO i don’t want any involvement anymore in ANY gambling. So far so good. Thank God I’m holding myself together.
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