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    • #155900

      It’s hapen again i play all night feel like i don’t want Live anymore siting alone in my flat why alone ? Wife end my Child gone they have enough of my lies I don’t deserve anything I’m empty inside

    • #156060

      There are many ways that people lie each day, and at least yours is just to yourself. You need to find the strength to stop just as if you were a drug addict or alcoholic. I, myself, am the same as you but find strength each day to live my otherwise productive life and keep on trying to fight this disease. That is what this is, a disease of the mind. You are not evil or bad, you just need to stop the behaviour that is tearing your life apart. They say that gambling hurts no one. That is not true. It is hurting you and in turn, hurting those things in your life that you care about. The only one that can change the direction that you are going is you. You sound like you are at the point where you need to make a plan. Share it with us and we can all help.

    • #156331

      Kolejny dzień bez hazardu czuje ze b?dzie tylko lepiej nie potrzebuje juz tego chce sie cieszy? ?yciem a nie my?le? sk?d wezm? pieni?dze na rachunki w t? gr? mo?esz tylko przegra? i nic wi?cej

    • #156965

      Znowu zagra?em to wszystko nie ma sensu nie mam si?y jestem nikim

    • #157098

      Jestem znowu kolejny dzień dochodz? do siebie po ostatniej przegranej nie chce gra? zobaczymy jak potocz? si? kolejne dni wkurwia mnie te uzale?nienie gra? ?eby przegra? nawet jak wygram to nie mogie wyp?aci? wygranej bo nie umiem to jaki? poci?g z którego nie potrafi? wysi??? zobaczymy wiem ?e robue ?le muszk? wkoncu przesta? pope?nia? te same bledy

Viser 4 svartr?de
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