- Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten sowie 4 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 7?Jahren, 2?Monaten von Johnny B aktualisiert.
27 M?rz 2017 um 10:57 am?Uhr #37218I_MaverickTeilnehmer
I did it again. After telling myself I wouldn’t. I lost 2K in a week. I stole 800 of that from my company overdraft and the rest was what my parents loaned me to cover my last losses.
I am dazed. What is wrong with me. After 2 years of not gambling I have lost 5K in 6 weeks. Lost job opportinies. Time with my son. And no I am back to square one. I don’t know why I did it. I worked so hard on recovery only to blow it like this.
I just couldn’t stop. Even when I was up. I kept telling myself top stop now, but I wanted more. I was convinced I had it sorted, I understood how to play the game well. (Poker).
But the truth is it has taken over my life and my mind. It is all I can think about.
I am hugely in debt from the last time. I haven;t opened post for weeks. Companies are chasing me who I owe money to. I am late delivering jobs for clients. And all I can think about is how to get money to win back my losses. Even though I know that is a lie.
I am very ill and I do not know what to do. I am very sick. Very sick.
I believe even when I wasn’t gambling I was not in recovery. I do not believe I am an adult. I have some sort of serious mental health ills. I cannot cope with the life I have created and I am hurting everyone round me with my actions. I am not sure I deserve to live. I think I am having suicial thoughts so I am going to go to the hospital and see if I can section myself. I am not sure I am safe to be around.
I need help. Meetings won’t help. I am not sure what will help. Perhaps I need to go to prison, or end up homeless. I have nothing left and no one trusts me.
I am back to the worst rock bottom I ever had as this relapse was horrific and I am not sure it is over. The urge to find money to gamble with with overwhelming me. I cannot think straight.
Please don’t hate me. Although there is little to love in me. I gambled away money from my young son. I am a terrible human being.
I am uterley destroying my life.
27 M?rz 2017 um 6:58 pm?Uhr #37219charlesModerator
Hi Mav, well done on coming back here.
What is wrong with you? You have an addiction?
What will help? Well the things which helped you stop gambling before. You can do it again. This time though remember to keep using support to maintain recovery.
Back to basics, keep posting, get to groups.
The debts need to be addressed. You are in teh UK so you have lots of options. Talk to Stepchange or the Citizens Advice Bureau and they will help you get to a manageable position financially.
Of course sorting the finances out is of little use if we carry on gambling so let us know the positive steps youa re taking, teh barriers you are putting in place.
28 M?rz 2017 um 8:19 am?Uhr #37220danchaserTeilnehmer
So. Three options:
1 – suicide (easy way out. Permanent solution to a temporary problem (if you really want it)). Worst option.
2 – feel bad for a while and then gamble when you have recovered from the last loss, and then give gambling another shot.
3 – my favorite. Tell gambling to go suck a cucumber. Be just a little stronger…even if it’s just 55.0001 %, and let go of that futile and destructive illness in our brains that is rightfully described and literally, diagnosed as compulsive gambling.
I choose #3, and I hope you do too.
Believe it or not (I’ve witnessed it) that at one point, after you’ve given up this nonsense that is gambling, you’ll be forgiven by your loved ones. Impossible to imagine, but true.
Trust me. I’m you. You’re me, when it comes to this seemingly impossible feat we have to accomplish.
I’m at day 42. Nothing to pat myself on the back for and I’m not. However, I do know one thing: life goes by in a blink. 42 may as well be 4200. Maybe not financially, but emotionally, it does.
You’ll be fine. Or you won’t.
How determined are you to take this shit one day at a time? How tough are you?
By reaching out for something other than what your self-inclination is, which is self-destruction, it would appear that you’re willing and ready…and strong enough to fight against the moments of „weakness“.
Trust is yourself and…time. You will never „earn“ your money back by gambling. Good. It’s a fool’s paradise anyway.
The most sound piece of advice in your newfound STRENGTH (!), trust what Charles has to say. His sound pieces of advice aren’t fun to hear, but they’re pretty damn close to being more than needed.
16 Dezember 2017 um 12:33 am?Uhr #37221Johnny BTeilnehmer
Your comments are right on.. Nobody is going to worry about us, we need to make ourselves better. Gambling is a choice. Always was, always will be. The urge can get overwhelming, but is never truly uncontrollable ( unless we let it be ) I am on day 50ish as of this writing, I have found huge support on this forum, and when I was in day 7 to 10 I was looking forward to gambling “ the right way“…but now as I am further into my acceptance of my issues, I know there will never be a right way…. There have been too many explosions in the past, to think it will never happen again if I gamble… But rest assured the only way to make sure it doesnt happen again is NOT to do it….. One day…. Advice to Maverick…one day… don’t gamble today. tomorrow, do the same thing…Everything else will begin to get better, once you do not stand in it’s way.
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