- Αυτ? το θ?μα ?χει 0 απαντ?σει?, 1 φων? και ενημερ?θηκε τελευτα?α φορ? 13 ?τη, 3 μ?νε? πριν απ? τον χρ?στη .
Επισκ?πηση 0 απαντητικ?ν νημ?των
Επισκ?πηση 0 απαντητικ?ν νημ?των
- Πρ?πει να ε?στε συνδεδεμ?νοι για να απαντ?σετε σ' αυτ? το θ?μα.
Dear Members.
Unfortunately Gambling Therapy is experiencing problems with the loggin screen. As far as we’re aware this is only a problem with users using Windows Vista & Windows 7 in conjunction with Internet Explorer 9.
We’re working on resolving this problem, In the mean time you should be able to access the site using Mozila Firefox or Google Chrome.
Again I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause
"Occasionally it’s wise to doubt our doubts, to question our questions, and to re-think our thoughts."– 16/11/2011 19:14:29: post edited by harry.