- Αυτ? το θ?μα ?χει 1 απ?ντηση, 2 φων?? και ενημερ?θηκε τελευτα?α φορ? 6 ?τη, 1 μ?να πριν απ? τον χρ?στη .
Επισκ?πηση 1 απαντητικο? ν?ματο?
Επισκ?πηση 1 απαντητικο? ν?ματο?
- Πρ?πει να ε?στε συνδεδεμ?νοι για να απαντ?σετε σ' αυτ? το θ?μα.
Dear Members
It has come to our attention through some recent incidents that some people are in contravention of our T&C’s that are in place to protect members and staff alike. Can I ask you all to re-read the following terms and conditions. Any member in breach of the conditions is likely to be removed from the site until further notice.
Please Read our Terms and Conditions
Thanks again for your support and help