- Αυτ? το θ?μα ?χει 0 απαντ?σει?, 1 φων? και ενημερ?θηκε τελευτα?α φορ? 10 ?τη, 4 μ?νε? πριν απ? τον χρ?στη .
Επισκ?πηση 0 απαντητικ?ν νημ?των
Επισκ?πηση 0 απαντητικ?ν νημ?των
- Πρ?πει να ε?στε συνδεδεμ?νοι για να απαντ?σετε σ' αυτ? το θ?μα.
Hi all, over the last couple months I’ve had a serious relapse losing a significant but thankfully not debilitating sum of money. Unfortunately if I continue what I’ve done over the last couple months that will change. I gambled yesterday but I will not gamble today.
I lost about a thousand dollars in a matter of an hour or two. I didn’t even give myself a chance to win with how I was playing (playing poker). I just literally threw the money away. It like taking out 10 hundred dollar bills and lighting them on fire. THIS is why I can’t gamble anymore.
What I think I need to remind myself it that no matter what I tell myself I WILL bust my “gambling bankroll”. Its NOT going to be different this time because of my addiction to gambling. Even if I play well for a few days, eventually I give it all away for whatever reason. I can play well and build a bankroll up for a few days but its inevitable that I go on tilt or get overconfident and play at levels were Im overmatched.
I’ve probably busted a 100 bankrolls. This is IT. I’m not busting anymore.
Day 1 without gambling, lets doooooooo this!