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  • Αυτ? το θ?μα ?χει 0 απαντ?σει?, 1 φων? και ενημερ?θηκε τελευτα?α φορ? 13 ?τη, 3 μ?νε? πριν απ? τον χρ?στη Dunc.
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    • #2422

      Dear Members.

      Unfortunately Gambling Therapy is experiencing problems with the loggin screen. As far as we’re aware this is only a problem with users using Windows Vista & Windows 7 in conjunction with Internet Explorer 9.

      We’re working on resolving this problem, In the mean time you should be able to access the site using Mozila Firefox or Google Chrome.

      Again I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

      "Occasionally it’s wise to doubt our doubts, to question our questions, and to re-think our thoughts."– 16/11/2011 19:14:29: post edited by harry.

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  • Πρ?πει να ε?στε συνδεδεμ?νοι για να απαντ?σετε σ' αυτ? το θ?μα.