- Este debate tiene 121 respuestas, 14 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 7 a?os, 1 mes por i-did-it.
28 agosto 2017 a las 8:17 pm #38804JacquespaulParticipante
I had a big debt 20k +
Would have taken 5 years to pay backWon a vast sum of money on a poker twister game.
Paid off my debt.
Had 1000’s left.
Thought I could win again although this time on horses and footy bets.
And for a week or to did.
Losing became s habit as my bet sizes increased to try to capture what I had lost.
On the brink a dew times and if it wasn’t for a last gasp goal or a horse just winning would have lost all my money.
I have 1000″s in the bank still (or will when coral pay me).
And loan is paid – but I’m so close to losing my final monies and then would have to borrow again and then I would continue gambling to try and get myself up again and all downhill from there I recon.
Stop I need to stop now 7k in the bank is better than 7k in bookies pockets. Although if I stopped last week i would have 30k in bank.
Then again it was all bookies money in the first place. Although I don’t feel that well atm with the way it’s gone.I need to stop now before it’s too late.
28 agosto 2017 a las 9:32 pm #38805charlesModerador
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
28 agosto 2017 a las 9:37 pm #38806charlesModerador
Hi Jacquespaul, well done on looking for help.
Read the other stories here, you will read a lot that you will relate to. You will also see the success stories – what are they doing that you can apply to your own situation?
Get yourself banned from that site.
One thing we know from our gambling is that when we lose all our money we can’t gamble – no money = no gambling. Use that knowledge. Don’t leave that money sat there tempting you – put it somewhere you can’t access it to gamble with. Who could help you with accountability? A family member maybe?
You can stop gambling, it is important though to use support – if we could do it on our own we wouldnt be in the **** in the first place! Keep posting here, keep reading the other stories. Check out your local GA meetign as well.
Hopefully see you in a group again soon and I look forward on reading the positive steps that you are taking.
31 agosto 2017 a las 9:17 pm #38807JacquespaulParticipante
Gee. After my first post went onto poker site and lost a bit of my money. Could have been up but wasn’t.
Now on the prexipise so no more.
Can’t withdraw my final wingings from coral today due to a technical hitch. But I could bet, success I didn’t and withdrew the amount.Day 2 of not gambling now. Just thinking about my winnings I have dwindled away is immense.
I won’t put another penny towards my downfall. I can save at no risk and be up with no risk. Although the highs and distraction of betting felt good, but only when up/winning.
Day 3 tommorow.. .
1 septiembre 2017 a las 2:20 am #388082017shaunParticipante
Winning is loosing
1 septiembre 2017 a las 3:08 am #38809veraParticipante
Compulsive gamblers never win.
1 septiembre 2017 a las 5:22 pm #38810JacquespaulParticipante
If you win you will lose bigger in the long run I agree.
1 septiembre 2017 a las 5:28 pm #38811JacquespaulParticipante
They give me a bonus amount of money for free. Well sure i have to take it and try to win a bit more. Sure I did win then losevthen win. But I betted more than what they gave me To get up. Felt sick whilst doing it as well. Withdrawn it all now. Maybe I should ban myself from bookies online sites.
I will think about it. -
5 septiembre 2017 a las 12:23 am #38812pParticipante
Nice to see you coming looking for a way to stop gambling.
Banning would be a great idea to try for you if you are struggling with online gambling and land based. Depending where you are you may be able to ban both.
Try bet filter or gam block for online blocking
There is no free money in gambling and there are no wins
Look at the amount lost over all i imagine if you were ahead and rich from gambling you wouldnt be here
Whatever is lost is chased, whatever is won is lostThere are no wins when a gambling addict
5 septiembre 2017 a las 7:43 pm #38813i-did-itParticipante
Hi jaques Paul, I have a gambling addiction which has given me some very dark days (today is not too sunny to be honest ).
Paul the fact you are writing here tells me you should cash out and run. When we have a winning streak we all think we arei invincible- that we will always win back – when gambling becomes compulsive we will never win – if we are winning we will think we are in a winning streak and continue to gamble – if we are lost we will chase it .If you feel gambling had become addictive for you then yes, closing. accounts would be a good idea .
5 septiembre 2017 a las 10:38 pm #38814JacquespaulParticipante
It’s been exactly a month since I win that big money on poker.
I have been preoccupied with gambling for a month now. Nearly every day on every horse race nearly. Went up, went down to the brink and up again and down to the brink and so on it continued. I feel sick now when I gamble so need to stop and get back to my fitness and sports which has taken a bsck seat. If i stop im well up. This is a problem as I feel i no value on money. It’s just numbers. , Betting makes you sick. -
6 septiembre 2017 a las 9:11 am #38815JacquespaulParticipante
Today I will not gamble.
6 septiembre 2017 a las 9:47 am #388162017shaunParticipante
I’m sure if you was 35 k ‘up ‘ in a months time you wouldn’t be looking for help
10 noviembre 2017 a las 7:26 pm #38817JacquespaulParticipante
As predicted many months ago and with all good intentions to stop before it was too late. Alas it did not happen.
My demise is complete. My partner who has been a great source of comfort lately has just about given up on me. In debt again with loans and overdraft over and credit card debt. So it’s all over for me now really. No way back, no one to help and bail me out for a final time. What can I expect I ruined everything and the end is near. A failed suicide attempt yesterday left my neck hurting and bruised. Today is another attempt I’m sure. There is no Way back. My partner has nearly and rightly abandoned me and although I have a few people who care there is no hope and I cannot live with the losses I have had and with that money I could have madeb my daughter better off and more happy. My partner more happy. But I was consumed and that’s it. I am in chaos with life on every aspect and will leavev chaos behind after I’m gone. But I cannot go on. I have ruined everything and its better I leave before I do more damage in life. I can’t sleep , eat and look after myself properly. I am overwhelmed by life events (moving house, gambling, a failing car, a failing at work) I could name more. I am not functioning basically and its now all gone and over. (I cannot be that homeless man on the streets of london). Which i always predict for myself. 22 years in the navy (fought for my country in 3 wars / Iraq x2 and Yugoslavia war, and look at me now I have and am nothing…
All take heed – please stop gambling right now if you have a chance to in life.
It is hard and I am consumed by my losses. And ruined now other peoples life because of this situation. Gee whiz, damn it . How did it go so wrong so suddenly. O well it has and no one can help me…. -
10 noviembre 2017 a las 11:09 pm #38818finding_lauraParticipante
A compulsive gambler never wins. We would pay anything for the buzz of the bet. And sooner or later the money is all gone.
Please don’t do anything terrible like trying another attempt! Your daughter would only feel worse. You are sick right now. Sick with the gambling disease. And like any other illness you need treatment and help.
I’m not familiar with the UK system. Please call emergency if you think you will harm yourself again. Please see your doctor to see about arranging addictions and mental health help.
We can get better. There is hope for a better life without gambling.
please take care,
Laura -
10 noviembre 2017 a las 11:22 pm #38819JacquespaulParticipante
Hi. You have kind words. But going to gp/authoritirs/professional will not help me. I have lost too much for any repair. If I do go for help I will lose more than I have now ( which is next to nothing) so no choice I think… I would lose job become bankrupt and homeless in quick time. One reason while I held on this far. The fear of losing everything.. although just about to lose my life…
10 noviembre 2017 a las 11:35 pm #38820JacquespaulParticipante
If you win all Well and good. Then just stop stop stop. Because you could be like me. Win. Even increase in winnings. Lose yourself to gambling. Then lose everything, then suicide then you fucked up other people’s life as well as your own. Please don’t do that. Do not take the next bet which will lead to ultimate destruction. Believe me it can get very real very fast and then the self destruction is devastating to all and not least yourself as it will inevitably end in yout death because not only of the guilt/ shame / remorse/ but you have lost everything you gained either by luck or your hard work.
All of you its simple – fucking stopbright now before it’s to late.
It’s to late for me I realise but I want a strong message to be learnt – up now, down now, stop stop now.
Enjoy the simple pleasures in life and if you haven’t depression cool. Even more to stop. Enjoy your life in different ways and look after your friend and family’s
Looking out for depression ECT cos it’s a killer.. I know as I am dead v soon.
Hard hitting stuff – take it in its real. You will lose everything and die and do untold damage to your family.
I know I am going to do that but have no choice I think and I cannot go on. Depression is a killer. I am not a coward as it ducking takes a lot to kill your self… goodbye.. -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 4:06 am #38821Monkey15Participante
Permalink, hope you are still here to read this message. I feel your pain and am worried about you. I urge you to call an ambulance or go to A&E. you need some real support from professionals. I know myself that even in our darkest times that their is always hope. I hold great hopes for you, from little ole New Zealand
11 noviembre 2017 a las 11:04 am #38822Monica1Participante
If you read my journal you will see that I was much in the position you are. Bankrupt with a repossession order on my home. Unemployed with my work coach suggesting I go into a hostel for the homeless. As if I would ever do that. Suicide seemed a viable option to stop the pain. But it isn’t. You are caught in the deep emotional sickness of gambling addiction. There is a way out. There is help available. I too am in London and I have found the help and support I needed through GA. please go to a meeting. There are no quick fixes for this but there is a way out. Suicide will cause huge distress for the rest of their lives to those who love you. There is no going back on that decision. And even if you think that no one loves you like I did, you are wrong. Accept that you have a compulsive gambling addiction, that this is an emotional illness and that our thinking gets completely clouded by the self destructive nature of the addiction. That you are not alone and that many other people have become caught up in this illness and have recovered from the brink. if you still feel suicidal, there is an organisation in London where you can stay for a few days to talk things through. I will find their details.
11 noviembre 2017 a las 11:29 am #38823JacquespaulParticipante
Well that was not fun. On the edge looking down 12th Floor when my phone rings (unusual as it’s normally on silent) my daughter it was. So I ***** not do it as needed to answer her. Then after a chat climes back over railing and went back down to hotel room for more talks with my daughter. I go home now and she is driving up to to see me. Damn it how has it come to this is beyond me. I’m still going to lose everything and dont know what will happen to me now. Thanks for reading and don’t gamble please now or in The future. A royal navy veteran is now at rock bottom…
11 noviembre 2017 a las 12:39 pm #38824i-did-itParticipante
Your daughter rang you because she needs you – she needs her daddy. She does not need his money , his winnings, a high life – she simply need you her dad.It’s a fact that most of us on here have gambled and lost crazy amounts – some of us have felt suicidal- but many of us are living gamble free lives and Our kids would choose a skint parent , a parent up their eye balls in debt everytime over a parent who has taken their own life .
I’m saying you are important – you made this child and now it’s time man up and be there for her – not with your money – but with your time .
Get help with your gambling – go to GA, sign up for Gordon moody house residential – ring gamcare and get free counselling – buy a gambling blocker for your laptop ( I stuck
My iPad in a sink of water because I couldn’t trust myself )We have all hit really low times – your daughter ringing was a Divine intervention.
You are here for a reason – it may not be to be wealthy ( although it still can be ) – imagine in the future if your daughter feels like you do now – would you not want to be there to help she how important she is?
At the end of he day it’s only money – u only need enough to eat – a job and a savings plan and you can have a great life .
Debts can be repaid , money can be Saved – but your daughter cannot have the life she should have had without you.
Stay strong – Google gamcare and start getting your life back – -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 1:58 pm #38825Monica1Participante
If you still feel suicidal you can stay with this organisation in London in a non medical setting. They talk with you and that is it. I have been exactly where you are and believe me living and kicking this addiction is the way to go. I decided not to commit suicide, the gambling for me was a slow suicide anyway. Suicide is not the answer. Please keep posting. There are a lot of people on this forum who have been exactly where you are and can help and provide support.
11 noviembre 2017 a las 3:16 pm #38826JacquespaulParticipante
Now home from London. Looking at all my problems again and it is insurmountable. My daughter on way up. I have no money. No money to pay bills. Eat. Goto work. What happens when rent can’t be paid at the end of month and others bills and credit cards can’t be paid. Gee so many other things as well. My head is now hurting again and i hate this life despite some lovelly people who want to help. But I’m passed helping and have been a damn fool and don’t know why. Damn maybe I should have jumped after all…
I cannot see a light at all. Nothing now.
Last week maybe, 2 weeks ago possibly, 3 weeks ago yes and a month ago definitely. But I gambled all the money away and have less than nothing.
All of you stop stop now before you get to the real real bottom of a hole and there is no way up for sure. -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 4:07 pm #38827Monica1Participante
Yes, jp this is your rock bottom. I have been there. I gambled away everything and the rent money. I got a repossession order on my home. Do you privately rent? Perhaps your daughter can help with the immediate like food and a bit of money to see you through the next few days and for you to get to work. You mention you are in work. I was not. I fessed up to my housing association and I still have my home. Hanging on by a thread but I am still here. And got sick on top of this with all the stress. Gambling will only take us down further, the insanity of just keeping going and frittering away thousands in the illusory world we create for ourselves. I went to see my Gp although it took weeks for me to do this of sitting in the abject misery that this illness brings and it is an illness. And there can be recovery. Little steps. Someone said to me when I signed up to this site that I needed time to heal and they were right. But we cannot do it without support. I though I was way past helping and went on the last binge to the same place you are in now. And I can say is that there is help out there and you have to reach for it. We all reach our individual rock bottoms. I hit mine, others when they end up in a psychiatric ward,
Prison or homeless. That is the downward spiral of this addiction. Have you ever been to GA? There you will find hope. There is hope and no one is not worth saving. I mean that, no one. You do not want to destroy yourself, it is the illness running the show that makes you feel like this. Things can and will change. That is for sure but you need to face up to the fact that compulsive gamblers never win, they NEVER win because it always goes back and more. There is light, you are alive and destrying yourself makes the illness the victor. But you can gain mastery over the illness one day at a time. You are better than they. Gambling takes away everything of who we really are and we can get ourselves back over time. -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 4:16 pm #38828Monica1Participante
Yes, jp this is your rock bottom. I have been there. I gambled away everything and the rent money. I got a repossession order on my home. Do you privately rent? Perhaps your daughter can help with the immediate like food and a bit of money to see you through the next few days and for you to get to work. You mention you are in work. I was not. I fessed up to my housing association and I still have my home. Hanging on by a thread but I am still here. And got sick on top of this with all the stress. Gambling will only take us down further, the insanity of just keeping going and frittering away thousands in the illusory world we create for ourselves. I went to see my Gp although it took weeks for me to do this of sitting in the abject misery that this illness brings and it is an illness. And there can be recovery. Little steps. Someone said to me when I signed up to this site that I needed time to heal and they were right. But we cannot do it without support. I though I was way past helping and went on the last binge to the same place you are in now. And I can say is that there is help out there and you have to reach for it. We all reach our individual rock bottoms. I hit mine, others when they end up in a psychiatric ward,
Prison or homeless. That is the downward spiral of this addiction. Have you ever been to GA? There you will find hope. There is hope and no one is not worth saving. I mean that, no one. You do not want to destroy yourself, it is the illness running the show that makes you feel like this. Things can and will change. That is for sure but you need to face up to the fact that compulsive gamblers never win, they NEVER win because it always goes back and more. There is light, you are alive and destrying yourself makes the illness the victor. But you can gain mastery over the illness one day at a time. You are better than they. Gambling takes away everything of who we really are and we can get ourselves back over time. -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 8:14 pm #38829JacquespaulParticipante
Now my daughter rang 111 and now I’m at A & E probably about to be sectioned. O dear
11 noviembre 2017 a las 8:25 pm #38830finding_lauraParticipante
I hope you get the care you need Jacques. Your life is irreplaceable. I don’t know if you can call it divine intervention but you are here to post once more. Hold on Jacques, hold on!
I pray the angels watch over you. Laura -
11 noviembre 2017 a las 8:34 pm #38831Monica1Participante
I admire your daughter for doing the right thing. Many people do not know what to do in these circumstances. As long as you get the right sort of help jp i.e. Addictions counselling. A section is only a good thing if you are an immediate danger to yourself. You are not mentally ill although you have an addiction that is classified as a Mental health issue. You have an addiction that has played itself out to its conclusion. When we lose thousands and thousands as I did and lace ourselves with nothing we kind of have a mini breakdown but there is a way out. The question is whether you feel able to cope going forward. I declined to get admitted or sectioned as I felt it would only prolong something that with the right sort of help I could move forward without the trauma of a psychiatric admission, but only you know that. An admission could give you the space you need and give you the supports you require, Within A and e there is usually mental health liaison who can refer you on to a crisis team or addictions counselling. I think it unlikely that you will be sectioned unless you are an immediate danger to yourself. Your daughter cares for you a great deal clearly. I care about what happens to you. We are powerless against this addiction unless we get the right support and help and connect wit our higher power who can help,us out of this cycle of despair. Keep,posting and let us know what happens.
11 noviembre 2017 a las 8:41 pm #38832Monica1Participante
Along with Laura, I just prayed for you and your daughter to receive heavens help.
11 noviembre 2017 a las 10:31 pm #38833Jonny123987Participante
Hi Jac,
I just read your posts. I’m glad your daughter is getting you some help. It’s hard to see the way out when the fog is so heavy. How can you ever find yourself if you never realize you’re lost? Yes you fought for your country and you are a hero. Yes you have great daughter and people that love because I’m sure you’re a great person. And by the amounts of money you gamble I know what that kind of gambling does to a person. I was right there. I gambled the same way and for over 20 years. I also hated myself. Man I was amazing at placing bets. I could place one right after the other. Truth is… I was sick…very sick…I was lost…. I still am a bit but things are getting better slowly. I was where you are… I promise I was.
You are sick. You are stuck in the gambling fog. You have only one choice and it isn’t suicide. And committing suicide may not seem cowardly to the person doing it but unfortunately all people will remember is that you weren’t strong enough to handle yourself. Call it cowardly, call it weak, call it strong, people generally don’t want to remember a suicide because it’s scary. Just a thought. I had a best friend commit suicide over a year ago and it was tragic. I think he is missing out on the opportunity and chance at being strong enough to turn his life around. Anyone can die… Anyone can kill them self. You say it’s hard. I’m sure it is. But isn’t it harder to try to change it all around? Is all lost? Maybe? Has all been lost for others and have have they clawed there way back? Yes… My grandfather was in the holocaust. He figured it out after losing everything. At least we did this to ourselves…
I think it’s time to take a good look at things… Firstly being that you aren’t a bad person. You are lost, you are sick, you have been corrupted by this machine. The reality is you are a good person. You have so much to offer the work and your loved ones. Money comes and money goes. The chance to come back is now. What an amazing story it will be. Jac’s comeback from the lowest depths…. of where a person can go.
You have to want to stop though. Ask yourself some important questions? Why didn’t you stop when you had more than 0? How come you didn’t stop when you went into debt? How come you are willing to kill yourself? Why are you seeking attention by talking about it online? These are honest questions that need to be addressed? I believe you are looking for help – yet you claim it’s over. The thoughts you’re having aren’t rational… That’s kind of what I’m getting at. If you were listening to someone saying these things you would have advise for them… I suggest you take that advise. You need to decide that gambling is over. It’s a horrible thing…. You need to just turn over all finances to someone you care about that can watch things for you and can give you a stipend to live on daily. DO what you need to get back to a place that can start happening. It will if you just don’t gamble. Seek help at GA and get a counselor. Block all access to casinos, online, tracks, etc which won’t matter because you won’t have access to any money. Maybe get a free therapist that the government will provide. Start exercising. Get outdoors and walk through nature 20 minutes a day. Start stretching. Start doing breathing techniques. Start doing a yoga class twice a week. Start doing TM. Start doing one old hobby you used to like. Stop watching all sports, horses, etc. Most importantly…. Let it all goooooo… The money is gone. The time is gone. All the lies are done. All the bull crap is done. You are at negative and are going to slowly start clawing back just to get to zero. And then from there the skies the limit.
A person needs 4 things. 1. Something to be hopeful for. 2. Someone that believes n them. 3. Something to do everyday. 3 Someone or something to love. Those are the basic foundations and everything can be build off that. Start living one day at a time…seriosuly…one moment to the next. Think about what that means and do it. Start loving yourself. Start being gratful for what you have. Stop comparing yourself to the top 10% and Realize that we are here for a time and then gone in a blink of an eye and whats most important… love, friendships, caring, spending time with each other, the chance to collaborate with others, the chance to do something nice for the planet…. I believe in you Jac. What’s your next move?
Jon -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 5:02 am #38834Monkey15Participante
Hi there everyone. I just read through Jons email to Jac and it has moved me to tears. Although these words are for Jac, they truly made me think about my own situation and has given me hope not just for Jac but also myself. I’m hoping that Jac reads these words. How are you doing Jac, I’ve been thinking about you all day and would really like to know how your journey towards recovery is going.
12 noviembre 2017 a las 8:25 am #38835JacquespaulParticipante
Well I’m bizarly at work atm. Such a sense of duty I have.
But headache no sleep. A promise of it will be alright from daughter, a fruitless trip to A & E. And more thoughts in the middle for the short night about i wish it was ended. There is no way ahead with so so many issues and stuff. Too much for me to handle and sort out and too much to take. I have little enegy and motivation in the light of this vast enormous bad unrecoverable situation. I want to just instantly make it stop. My daughter has returned to portsmouth probably distraught at the NHS as she thought that was the answer last night for me. It is not, I am lost in myself and lost to this world. My partner who is in France with his family cannot help. I am past helping now it seems. My Auntie Hilary wants to help, but the short term suggestions although admirable will not sustain me for long as The guilt / Shame / messed up head will unravel into …..
I have no options, I cannot see the light, thankyou for posting all of you and it makes me sad I cannot put even a small step foward. I am tired now. -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 9:07 am #38836Monkey15Participante
Hi Jac
So relieved to hear from you and sorry to hear that you are feeling like you do. Please don’t give up as you are giving me hope. If there is hope for you then surely there will be hope for me as I also am struggling to regain control once again. I know that feeling so well of guilt, shame a messed up life and head. At the moment all those close to me have no idea of this burden of guilt and shame that weigh so heavily over me yet the words of support that have been offered to you have got me thinking about my life and options. Funny enough since I found this site a week ago and during all my readings of others stories, including your own has made me reflect on my own life, the way it was heading and a flicker of hope and dertermination to try to beat this curse for once and for all. You are not alone Jac as I myself am not alone as we fight to regain our life back, together. Together we can do this!
12 noviembre 2017 a las 9:13 am #38837Jonny123987Participante
Hi Jac,
I know all seems lost. I can only tell you that you are in the gambling fog… You won’t know what its like to be out of that fog until you are free of it for a good amount of time. Once out of it you will see things more clear. You saying all that although it probably feels that way is a defeatist attitude. That is the talk of a gambler who just wants to continue gambling and really want to kill themselves because they are out of money and want to continue gambling. The reason being… gambling helps them forget the problems and feel ok for even just a moment. These problems could have been with you from early childhood. You gambled as medication to shield you from a number of other real problems that you have at the core.
I feel for you… but don’t think you want to quit gambling. You never talk about quitting. You just want to talk about the bets. The pay outs. The gambling…
If your daughter wrote what you just wrote what would be your advise to her? Would you tell her to fight or throw in the towel? Should we all just throw in the towel when the going gets tough? I guess so based on your philosophy. I don’t agree. -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 9:23 am #38838Jonny123987Participante
I’m here to stop gambling and help others stop gambling. Do you want to quit gambling? Do you want to take the steps to getting your life back? Or are you just going to keep saying that you’re going to kill yourself and how unbearable it all is? I think a more positive approach to recovery is warranted. You just mentioned you were at work. You have a daughter that loves you. An auntie that wants to help. These are positives and things to be grateful for. You have more than most people have in the world. Some people have to walk 6 miles for a semi decent plastic container of murky water to take back to their malnourished family member at the refuge camp. Pick yourself up and start taking very small baby steps to get back your life. First and foremost. stop gambling.
12 noviembre 2017 a las 10:15 am #38839JacquespaulParticipante
I do want to quit with all my heart. I want my life back.
It is true I continued because it takes me away from depression and other life issues. I wish I had never started ever and lead a normal like. I didn’t so that’s that – I’m sorry and messed up very deeply and cannot recover to any firm of life. I hate myself. -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 1:10 pm #38840finding_lauraParticipante
You hate yourself. Yet you are here posting and made it to work. When I was at my rock bottom I even started considering break and enters and can you believe it kidnapping! I’m a middle aged disabled woman who worked a desk job most of her life. Point is, you say you hate yourself. And it seems you have truly hurt yourself. But you haven’t progressed to criminal activity as far as I know. Trust me, there is still more of you to lose! I think you need some serious addictions help. An in house rehab. Talk to the help line here when they open tomorrow. They are very familiar with programs in UK. You can do this. There is that kernel of strength within you that is reaching out. Do not do anything foolish. We can reverse our state of affairs over time, but we cannot reverse death and the pain it will cause our loved ones. Praying for you.
Laura -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 1:53 pm #38841JacquespaulParticipante
Now my brother wants to come and see me to help. I’m am finding it Very difficult with this help and now the disruption in their lives.
They somehow believe I can recover and insists it is possible. But I have severe doubts about this as I cannot picture it. They insist I goto doctor again this week and maybe get medication. They say contact bank to explain situation. They say they are there for me. But what happens when everything collapses, I lose my job, rented flat, i am at work now, but not functioning after all that has happened and its Very hard to see any recovery from this situation. Others disagree but they do so only because they hope and not because they know. I do not know what to do next. Do I go Into work tommorow? Do I tell Work? Can I function on the Monday in work? Do I goto the GP Monday. I do not know what to do. I am very tired and the last 4-5 days have had an enormous effect on me. I am numb, paralysed and uncertain. I think I may be to damaged to even try.
Thus is just an update and my thoughts nothing more. -
12 noviembre 2017 a las 2:20 pm #38842Monica1Participante
Many of us have felt as you do. You are not too damaged to try. Personally, I would not tell your work. Work is a source of money. I still have no work so cmsider yourself,fortunate and over time have lost as much as you did. Go to see your doctor. Like A and E, however, there is not much they will be able to offer except to treat any depression. If the think you are suicidal as I was try will not give you medication. My Gp said servicesmfor CGs terrible in the uk, go to GA which I was already doing. If you really want to go all out to,recover try applying to,Gordon nobody for rehab. However, this is a lengthy programme and you will need to tell your,work. Get into addictions counselling. We all started this addiction,with underlying issues and depression was certainly part of it for me as I expect it will be for you too. Believe it or not, the. A ms are very aware of gambling addiction and some even have a special section that deals with it. It is the addiction of our times what with all the advertising on tv. Your work is a strength, take a couple of days off or a small amount t of sick leave and get services in place to support you. Hand over your next paycheck to a relative. Limit your access to funds. You can come back from this but you must really want to and be willing to do what it takes. There are no magic wands here, and it will take time to rebuild but you already have more than most. I have no one in my family for support. You have a job, you have family members who want to support you. You can do this. The feelings of numbness will go. Depression about the situation is normal, so expect that. Expect to feel your feelings when they come back. If I as an unemployed 59 year old woman who blew as much as you did can come back from this, so can you. Not easy but so worth it to regain back the huge amount of ourselves we lost through this insidious addiction.
12 noviembre 2017 a las 2:21 pm #38843Monica1Participante
The banks have a special section meant to read
12 noviembre 2017 a las 3:32 pm #38844JacquespaulParticipante
The banks have a special section meant to read
12 noviembre 2017 a las 5:51 pm #38845AnónimoInvitado
*Some banks have specialists who deal with gambling addicts.
Hi J
You say in your post, ?Others do so because they have hope, and not because they know??
And is it the case that you know?
NOBODY KNOWS what the future holds, not even you.
People have hope, because they know that even people in your sorry position can and do turn their lives around.
It isn’t easy, but neither is it impossible.
At this moment in time you sound panic stricken and don’t know which way to turn. You will be finding it hard to think straight, hard to accept that you, yes you could just lose all that money. You probably knew when you were gambling you were going to lose it all, even when down to the last couple of grand stopping was out the question. Just in case.
Just in case what though?
A big win, people do win, don’t they? Not people like us jaquespaul. You have the same condition as me, you are a compulsive gambler. Stupid title to be branded by really. Gambling isn’t compulsory, although, by the sounds of it, you, just like me, behaved just like it was! A big win though there’s a thing. Hold on didn’t you have one a few months ago, gee whizz look where thats got you, I wouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to go looking for another.
I can’t advise you either way, but if you go to the doctors it is possible that they could refer you to the national gambling clinic.
Until you clear your head a little bit, I would suggest you get all the support you can.People to talk to.
I don’t doubt for one minute you were serious in your suicide threat. I’m afraid to say I’ve been there. I felt like “whats the point in even trying, I’ll only end up doing it again, I’m a f* up, this is my lot in life”. Two of those attempts were in hotels that I couldn’t pay the bill for. Once it was vodka and sleeping tablets on the cross channel ferry, imagine the shame 7 days later getting released from hospital and having to go to the docks to get my car back.
My gambling helped turn me into a criminal, I’ve lost many jobs through stealing from work. I’ve been to prison 5 times and rehab 3 times. Not long after the last time in rehab I went back to crime. I didn’t plan to, I just let the gambling take me. I was so close to prison again, and why? For stupid bloody gambling.
I understand the suicidal thoughts, I don’t have hope Jaques. I do know. I do know that people like you can change, and that people like you do change.
You might think you’re not worth the effort, and that you’ll always be like this. You don’t have to be. You can change, the hardest part for me wasn’t actually the not gambling, it was the learning to believe I could change.
I gambled for over 35 years and in that time I had become quite used to listening to my own bullshit and lies, I’d say things like, “just another half an hour” or “one last fifty quid” I’d still be there hours later after countless last fifty quids. So when I was telling myself that actually I had a choice and I could say no, and that I could change I didn’t really believe myself.
After lots of attempts at stopping and crashing I began to believe in that choice, and I have learned to say “no”
I think if you’re feeling so low in the morning you should go to the docs, he might even give you a week on the sick. I’m a great advocate of telling people of my situation, if you work for a big concern with an HR dept. they may have a counsellor. I think its imperative you talk to someone asap. If you find it too much tonight the Samaritans are always there.
If so many people are telling you that there is hope, and things will get better there must be an element of truth in it. Most of us on here because we’ve been in very similar situations.
You have positives. A job, a roof over your head. You can work hard and keep these.
All the best
13 noviembre 2017 a las 6:03 pm #38846JacquespaulParticipante
Thankyou for all of your recent posts and I have read them many times.
I have been to the doctor’s today with my brother who came to visit all the way from Essex, I’m in Crowthorne.
Told all to a nice lady doctor. We have a plan of sonesort and will take the fluoxetine tablets and start to rebuild.
Will call Gamcare, but if anyone has any other suggestions I will look at those. My nearest gavmeeting would be reading but cannot get there in my failing car and with and failed finances.
Thanks againI will not gamble
13 noviembre 2017 a las 10:20 pm #38847Monica1Participante
I am glad you went to see your GP jp and that your brother is providing you with support. GA does seem a long way for you which seems a shame. Other options are, of course, gamcare, who will provide you with counselling sessions. Views differ amongst CGs as to the efficacy of what gamcare provide. I personally am not a fan but it all depends on the counsellor you get at the end of the day so I would encourage you to go. You can also self refer to the national problem gambling clinic in south west London. I have been there too. Meanwhile keep posting or join the on line groups at Gordon moody here. Helps to keep the mind focussed on recovery.
13 noviembre 2017 a las 11:24 pm #38848i-did-itParticipante
Hi Jaques, it good to hear you sounding more positive – there is always a way forward – and your family value you so much.
There is online GA and they have a meeting on Friday night and 24 hour chat .
There is also a site called gamtalk which has meetings.
And of course there. Are groups here .
Just keep taking one day at a time – you will find things will get better and better . -
14 noviembre 2017 a las 10:51 pm #38849finding_lauraParticipante
yes the facilitated or hosted groups are usually earlier in the day. Good place to get some extra advice. Have you talked to them on the help line here? They would likely be more expert in the resources available in your area.
I’ve heard it said gamcare tries to get a person to control their gambling as opposed to stopping but I don’t know if that is true or not. Any other members know?
I don’t think I could every control my gambling. I have failed that in more ways than i even want to review!
So glad you went to GP again. And that your family is involved. As much as we don’t want to be trouble to them, it is better than trouble and grief for not having the opportunity to help!
Keep posting!
Laura -
15 noviembre 2017 a las 7:18 am #38850JacquespaulParticipante
Today I feel terrible again. I look at all aspects of my life and it’s all in ruin. Way to complicated. And want this pain to end. Clearly I am not well atm and cannot see that I will get better ever. My mental state coupled with all other issues that seem impossible in them selves means I do not see a light and definitely no tunnel. I hate myself and I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I’m in work now for 12 hours and I cannot do my job and it seems like the situation is unrecoverable. O dear..
15 noviembre 2017 a las 1:39 pm #38851JacquespaulParticipante
I tried and am trying but so much has gone in and I have a messed up life anyway. Even if a little bit was fixable I would go with that and try to build. But partner is coming back from France tomorrow and I cannot face the conversations and the knowing that it won’t be the same again. I know my family want to help and have. But I have let them down and cannot live with the handouts and pity I will get from now on. My daughter has been great and regret everything that has got me to this position. It’s hard and impossible for me to continue the downward spiral. It is not thier fault it is mine and nothing they tried to help me big time. They are not to blame themselves whatsover. I am. And i messed up not only last week but years before that. My family would take a big bursen to continue to support me especially as i will lose my job soon and then what happens. It’s way too complicated to fix, and that’s without trying to fix me. I’m sorry sorry sorry.
I am not myself and depresion coupled with anxiety coupled with compulsive gambling and the way it has unbelievably gone lately is the ultimate killer. So downhill very very quickly.
Thankyou all who have tried to help. And continue please as you might catch others before they fall too low. -
15 noviembre 2017 a las 2:01 pm #38852veraParticipante
May I ask a question, JP?
Do you think you are the ONLY gambler who got him/herself into this situation? -
15 noviembre 2017 a las 2:09 pm #38853AnónimoInvitado
Did you not go to work?
Depression is an awful thing, so can life be, sometimes.
The tablets will take a few days before they start to have any effect.
The feelings that you’re feeling are not unique to you. The magnitude of it all, the mess you’re in, other people have been in such a big mess and have managed to get their lives back from gambling. You can too.
Once you’ve accepted fully that money is gone, then maybe you’ll start to see things more clearly. No magic wand is going to fix things overnight, you will fix things…in time, and with the right support.
15 noviembre 2017 a las 6:32 pm #38854JacquespaulParticipante
Damn it. My mood and emotions are over the place atm. I am not stable at all. It’s a dreadful feeling. I will hang in there a bit longer if I can… All I can say. Dreadfully day at work again.
15 noviembre 2017 a las 11:34 pm #38855Monica1Participante
Vera has great wisdom JP. We have all been there. The emotions will,be up and down for a while. It is all part of the recovery process. Eventually they will even out. All of us have been to hell,and back with this addiction and geordie also has great wisdom as he fell a long way further down than any other cg I know, and is havng a good recovery. There are no magic wands and you can expect to be up and down for awhile. Can you take some time or leave from work? Get your supports in place. They will help you enormously.
18 noviembre 2017 a las 5:34 am #38856JacquespaulParticipante
Thankyou for all your advice. I so so so wish I had taken the advice 2 months ago but I didn’t it for some reason couldn’t. I am very restless now. My mind is numb from it all. Affecting everyone because my actions dies not sir easily with me at all. I cannot recover but others will in time is all I can say. It’s impossible and no one understands which is a shame. I feel for Alan and Sarah the most. I hate myself, depression, anxiety, compulsive gambling and no doubt other stuff which has made me unstable the past few weeks and that includes work. Once again thankyou and sorry. Xx
18 noviembre 2017 a las 9:50 am #38857Jonny123987Participante
Hi Jac,
I feel bad to read about your suffering. I want to inspire you and offer you words that will make it all better. But I have learned many lessons in life… One being that actions speak louder than words. It’s time to take action. You write time and time again that you can’t try. I get that you hate yourself. I get that you’re depressed. I get that the anxiety is horrible. That is crappy. But YOU are the only person that can change it. Nothing amazing was build or happens in a day and if it does than it won’t be respected or appreciated. It takes a plan, then takes a bunch of specialists at the right time to build it starting with the foundation. Done correctly with a plan, baby steps, and execution with the right team in place can be accomplished. Amazing things can be built. Is life hard and crumby some times. Sure. But if all us just gave up like you are then what would be the point? part of the journey of life is falling down. That doesn’t mean we have to surrender to the negative and accept failure and weakness and set the bar low. How about try to just do a few simple things for me please… Breathe in and out ten times. Breathe in and ***** to 8 while breathing in. Hold the breath for a 4 *****. Then exhale *****ing to 10 when hitting 10 you should have finished. Then repeat 10 times. When you are done think of 5 things that you’re grateful for. Then get up and take a 20 minute walk preferably through nature. Come home and drink 2 glasses of water. While on the walk stop and do 10 pushups. Repeat 4 times on the walk those 10 pushups. Then do whatever you want. But do that for me and for your self.
Jon -
19 noviembre 2017 a las 7:06 pm #38858Jonny123987Participante
Hi Jac,
I get really mad reading that post. I have to be honest. You ask for help and you get it. People offer you advise and support. What do you do? You don’t take any of it…. All you do is yap and complain saying it’s too much. You said you were a soldier. Well soldier up. You may have been a soldier but your not being one right now. You’re just giving up. Is that what you are? A person that accepts failure? You originally posted on here that you were up 20k, down 20k, up and down and all around. Then you said you wanted to kill yourself. Then you keep saying that other people should seek help now and get help but yet all is lost for you and it’s time to just die or something. It’s such a defeatist attitude. Everyone on here is being nice and caring and so have I but how has it helped you?? It hasn’t. In fact your notes are getting worse. I feel for you but also don’t think you are trying at all. Whats the point in offering a stone advise? If you don’t take the advise, or try to better yourself how do you think it’s going to happen? I understand a person relapsing and gambling again when trying to quit. I understand a person that can’t stop gambling. But I can’t understand a person asking for help and not taking any of it or trying even one iota….
Most gamblers loose EVERYTHING and more. You have a job, a family that seems to really care, a partner that is still with you, a body that seems to functioning, you must be somewhat fit to have been a soldier…. These are the few things that you’ve mentioned yet you seem so ungrateful. You have so much more than most people in the world yet you are defeated over what? Money…. Really…. Money has you beat? It’s a fucking piece of paper made by rich men to make you feel the way you do right now…. Beaten… defeated… in fear… to scared to make any changes… to scared to try… So scared about who you are and what drives you to explore whats really going on and try. Like a child ready to cry, stick his thumb in his mouth, and wait for mommy to make it better. Maybe it’s time to start fighting instead of giving up. Just saying… -
19 noviembre 2017 a las 7:11 pm #38859Jonny123987Participante
You make it all sounds impossible when in fact it’s all really easy. You don’t gamble and you do things that make you feel better. It’s not rocket science.
19 noviembre 2017 a las 8:31 pm #38860finding_lauraParticipante
As Jonny says,
you have a to be grateful for. You don’t want to be a burden to your loved ones. But giving up and dying will give them the burden of grief. They will wonder what more they could have done, where they went wrong, how they could save you.If you have nothing but your life and your family support, no job, no money, poor mental health, you can come back from all of those things. Medication for depression usually takes six weeks to fully kick in. And that is if the medication being tried will work for you. It can be a trial and error thing. Can you take a sick leave from your job? Would your GP put you off even though he’s a jerk? People need support when they are going through depression and often need to be away from work where it is just too difficult to function. Please don’t give up !!! Find that fight in you to get the help you need. Get well! That is what you can do to thank your family for their help.
Laura -
19 noviembre 2017 a las 8:40 pm #38861AnónimoInvitado
?Si vis pacem, para bellum?
Isn’t that the motto of the Royal Navy?
it means, ?If you wish for peace, prepare for war?
If you want peace in your life, you are going to have to fight for it. There is no fast track or magical cure, and to be honest why should there be?
It’s not nice being in your position but I’m afraid that’s where you are. You can rise above it.
19 noviembre 2017 a las 11:22 pm #38862Monica1Participante
I understand where you are at. You have more than me. I have no job and sometimes starve because of my gambling habit. You have your family supporting you. I do not. And I too have felt many times like ending my life. No amount of tough talk will help when we are depressed. Only loving support, that’s it. We just haveto make that decision to continue, even when a big part of us doesn’t want to any more. Because I can’t afford To go out of the door, I stay in bed a lot. You have more going for you than I do and you can make those baby steps. If I can you can. But believe me when I say that I know the space you are in really well. It won’t last forever and you will come out of it. You are so not alone with feeling the way you do
20 noviembre 2017 a las 12:29 am #38863Jonny123987Participante
Monicau is right. Me or anyone talking tough may not be the solution. I did think of her when I was writing to you earlier. I think she is a good example of someone fighting for her life back. Not that comparing anyones situation is fair…. And Monicau has a lot to be grateful for as well. All of us do… I’m just saying we’re all not alone in this. We are all part of a family or club that understands each other. I’m just saying that you have to start trying. No yesterday, not tomorrow, not even today… But right now.
20 noviembre 2017 a las 5:23 am #38864JacquespaulParticipante
Sorry all for my bad posts over the last couple of weeks. I clearly am not myself.
20 noviembre 2017 a las 5:41 am #38865AnónimoInvitado
There’s no need to apologise JP, it’s what gambling does to us. You will find yourself one day, hopefully sooner, rather than later.
It’s hard to get over the absolute nonsense that we’ve done for years and years, and we’re on the bottom that’s where we are. Suicide is a very real consideration for many CGs when the ship hits the fan. In fact it was always quite black and white to me. ?Win my way out of the shite, or top myself? Simple as that….More ludicrous than a truck load of crunchy nut cornflakes.
Keep posting JP, however you are feeling. Do you have any precautions in place for your wages on your next payday?
Have you thought of getting your wages paid directly into your brothers or daughters account?
20 noviembre 2017 a las 1:12 pm #38866Monica1Participante
Really get that JP. Right there with you. Along with Geordie, I had the same attitude, which is as crazy as a truckload of crunchy nut cornflakes. Like that expression. One of the biggest challenges is to fight to get ourselves back because we lost a whole lot more than money. As jonny posted earlier iam fighting to get my life back. So must you. And our favourite expression on here, baby steps. I listened to a program yesterday on getting more out of failure than success. We must not give up even though we want to. I am certainly someone who completely gave up. I am taking the baby steps. I dont expect a magic wand but I am asking for heavens help. I still have my ho e by a thread. My next battle is to stop things getting cut off. I don’t know how, so I am putting that to my higher power. This addiction crushes us in every way. We need to fight back. I appreciate being pain free, being able to walk through the park which I have just done. Simple things. When we look Around us there is a lot of suffering and I am who really feels that. I have had cancer but recovered, many do not. There are small things we can learn to be grateful for. Be patient with yourself, have compassion for yourself. You have been through the mother of all addictions that takes everything from us. You will come out the other end jp.
20 noviembre 2017 a las 4:50 pm #38867JacquespaulParticipante
Crisis team today.
Psychiatrist Tomorrow.
Doctors next day.
Signed off work 2 weeks Wednesday. -
20 noviembre 2017 a las 5:13 pm #38868Monica1Participante
Good luck with the crisis team jp and the psych tomorrow. I know well how you feel. The fight in me is coming back. It will come back to you too but for now just practice compassion with yourself. There is a way out.
20 noviembre 2017 a las 6:12 pm #38869Monkey15Participante
So pleased you are getting helpJP. I have been where you are, recently and somehow found an glimmer of courage and hope to continue. Hang on there bud, get the help you need and keep talking. Keep us posted because we care and want to share your journey with you.
20 noviembre 2017 a las 10:33 pm #38870AnónimoInvitado
JP steps in the right direction mate.
Do you think you could face a GA meeting? There are quite a few in your neck of the woods.
21 noviembre 2017 a las 7:09 pm #38871JacquespaulParticipante
Will trip to psychiatrist and the like today. Told them every detail. All still numb.
What do I do if I cannot look after myself and have come to a full stop basically? -
21 noviembre 2017 a las 9:55 pm #38872finding_lauraParticipante
I’m glad you will be off work for a little bit and are getting some medical help as well. Try not to think too far ahead. Right now it sounds as though a plan will be developed to help you. Maybe some more counseling or a rehab program. You did not get to this point over night and it will take time to sort it out. You are doing what you can right now.
I know what it feels like to be so depressed I could not work or even call my doctors office for help. When functioning takes more effort that I could seem to manage. Right now your job is to fight to stay on this earth and to take all help given to you. Your life is precious and it can be used for good. But you firstly need to work on rebuilding you. Stay strong, we are with you.
22 noviembre 2017 a las 7:42 am #38873Jonny123987Participante
It’s hard to imagine ever being normal again… I know Jac. I hope my words didn’t upset you the other day. If I can give you any hope I’m telling you. Let someone else take over your finances. Block yourself from all those sites. Keep getting counseling. Be honest with yourself. Really learn about yourself. Be open to ask all the questions about yourself that you haven’t ever asked or felt ashamed to ask. Attend some GA meetings and see if they make sense. Start a daily workout regime. Start thinking about the cup half full rather than the other way around. Let any losses go. That’s sooo hard…. Let it all go. Stop even thinking or worrying about yesterday. It’s gone. It can’t be changed no matter how many times we think about it. Don’t stress about tomorrow. Theirs really no need. What’s the point. Don’t even stress about 3 hours from now. Try your best to live in the moment. Feel the oxygen as you breath in and breath out. When you see someone smile at them and say hello and mean it. If you ask them how they are doing really listen and respond to them. Text some friends snd just say hi.
Things will get better for you. But it won’t be over night and it won’t be in a week. When I asked the doctors when I’d be able to stand on my toes again they said be patient and it might just happen one day. I could look at it two ways. This sucks… or this is a blessing? It is my choice to determine how I look at all situations. So I choose to look at it as a blessing for so many reasons. You have a choice Jac to turn things around. No one can wave a magic wand. The right words will not fix this. Hard work, self control, loving yourself, letting go of the past, and trying your best to be grateful will one day lead you to what you want. To look at yourself with respect again. With a one day at a time mind set the impossible can be overcome. I believe in you Jac. But you need to believe in yourself my friend. What’s the plan? -
25 noviembre 2017 a las 4:52 pm #38874JacquespaulParticipante
I get down because of the situations and then have bad thoughts and then recklessly gamble then put the bad thoughts into practise and fail.
This time it’s even worse and is now bad situations.
Gee, I wish I could turn the clock back 6 weeks. Such a massive fall in such a short time and now it’s terrible.
25 noviembre 2017 a las 5:37 pm #38875finding_lauraParticipante
We can fall far and and we can fall fast. Regrets are that regrets. Not things that can be changed. All we can do is try and make sure today is a good day. Like Jonny says ?yesterday is gone and can’t be changed no matter how many times we think about it?. But today matters. There is still life in you today. Back to basics. Breathe! Walk! Meditate! Talk to people when you can. You will get through this anxiety. All your being is telling you that you are in danger! But it isn’t a danger you can physically fight except by doing the above mentioned things that may convince your body that you aren’t in danger physically. But you are in deep danger in all other ways. This addiction sucks us in, chews us up and spits us out. Fight the danger by going to counseling and joining a gambler’s anonymous group. Try the groups here as well and get support. I know you are feeling terrible now. But we can turn this completely around. Take care JacquesPaul
25 noviembre 2017 a las 8:53 pm #38876JacquespaulParticipante
Well another attempt today. At my works big building. Just sat on the edge for like 10 minutes then got up and walked down.
Terrible terrible sitution.
Police did come to the scene but I had gone by then. -
25 noviembre 2017 a las 9:18 pm #38877Monica1Participante
How has the help you accessed been able to support you? Do you have anyone with you,, your family? You saw a psych and the crisis team. Did they get what you are going through? Your life is precious and it is not over. I lost as much as you did. The suicidal feelings are the addiction trying to wreak havoc on you. The self destruct button is the addiction, tell it it has done its worst, to naff off and now is the time for recovery JP. The reason you are sitting on the edge is because you feel you have fallen from a great height. There is a way back. You just have to take it. Look at what you do have. Do you have food and shelter? These are the two important things in life that we need to build from. Are you having therapy? Tell me what things you have in your life now to start from? I had no money at all, Bankruptcy looming and a repossession order on my home plus an unsupportive family. Tell me what you have Jp?
Please tell Me JP as I really want you to look at those things. -
25 noviembre 2017 a las 10:12 pm #38878i-did-itParticipante
Jacques – just keep in mind that whatever your circumstances that even if at times u feel u don’t value ur own life – others do – think about your daughter – she loves you regardless of how you feel or what you have done – more than that – she needs you .
.it might be a good idea to get some help for these strong feelings Jaques.
I am so glad you came back here and posted – I read your thread all the time
Please get the help you need – u are valuable on here and with your family . -
26 noviembre 2017 a las 3:27 pm #38879JacquespaulParticipante
Being admitted to phyc ward in reading in 1/2 hour. Told the crisis team + doctor (phycologost) everything and they say I have acute depression amongst other things.. .
O well. Didn’t help with going to my works big building and nearly jumping off of it. -
26 noviembre 2017 a las 3:31 pm #38880JacquespaulParticipante
I look back at my first post and wish I had took advice from the people that posted after I posted. Wish I was at that point again. Now with massive debt and suicidal feelings and family let down it’s been an absolute disastrous 3 months journey.
Take heed please all of you and stop right now before it becomes unrecoverable.
26 noviembre 2017 a las 3:42 pm #38881AnónimoInvitado
Yes you should’ve listened, but you didn’t.
Maybe you will heed the advice now JP. I think its not such a bad idea going to hospital, you are definitely unwell.
Please please please let us know how it goes.
Maybe this is the first step to getting your life back together mate.
26 noviembre 2017 a las 3:42 pm #38882AnónimoInvitado
Yes you should’ve listened, but you didn’t.
Maybe you will heed the advice now JP. I think its not such a bad idea going to hospital, you are definitely unwell.
Please please please let us know how it goes.
Maybe this is the first step to getting your life back together mate.
26 noviembre 2017 a las 3:59 pm #38883veraParticipante
Thank God that your cry for help has been finally answered, JP!
Best wishes for the future.
One day at a time. -
27 noviembre 2017 a las 4:36 pm #38884i-did-itParticipante
Hi jaques ,
I think you would have to search hard on here to find someone who has listened to all the advice they have been given- we can hear to words but we only really ?receive? the information when we are ready.
I hope you are feeling a lot better – this addiction is horrible for all of us who struggle with it but all of us can still have a good and rewarding life .I hope your hospital stay helps you see things is a new light – you are worth so much.
27 noviembre 2017 a las 4:49 pm #38885JacquespaulParticipante
I am in hospital but now what do i do.
I have debt aquired very recently of £30000.
Through 2 loans and 1 credit card. I will no doubt lose my job after all of this going on and I still have 10 months left on the flat I am renting through an estate agent. My car is on its last legs as well (mot and car insurance due then). Partner supportive but this is too far even for him to comprehend my reckless gambling (which I have failed to stop). Where does the light at the end of the tunnel appear. I don’t know what to do. -
27 noviembre 2017 a las 5:12 pm #38886i-did-itParticipante
Jacques – maybe try to look at how you can get through this minute , this hour , this day gamble free.
There will be other jobs
£30000 is a manageable sum to repay – even if it doesn’t seem like it now .
Concentrate on getting better – concentrate on nowThere are people who will help you get your debts in order – like step change .
Things will be sorted
Your life is irreplaceable
You are irreplaceable
You have made a mess of things financially – that puts u in the same category as every one on here , as the president of America ( in fact most country ‘a leader when u think of it ) as Simon cowell and several other people who went bankrupt.You job might still be there – I think they will have some kind of duty of care towards you .
Let the future look after itself tomoro . Concentrate on being kind to Jacques today.
Try to get to the groups on here tonight – Charles is very kind and a good listener . -
27 noviembre 2017 a las 9:49 pm #38887Monica1Participante
Idi is right. My debt is two and a half times yours. There is a way back. It was my 60 th birthday today and not only did I have a good day, I had a brilliant day, it can be done and I am still about to go bankrupt. Does t stop the good from appearing in our lives. And I don’t have a job.
27 noviembre 2017 a las 10:07 pm #38888charlesModerador
Hi JacquesPaul,
There is a lot of life after gambling I promise you. If you ever need to talk to someone then you always have someone to talk to at the Samaritans.
The good news is that you have a lot of support available to you. When it comes to gambling you have this site of course, Gamcare is another option for you as is Gamblers Anonymous. When it comes to the finances there are also a lot of options here in the UK; from some sort of manageable repayment plan right through to bankruptcy and a lot in between. You can also get free advice on that from Stepchange or the Citizens Advice Bureau. They can also direst you to other agencies.
Then of course there is the mental health support that is also avaialble.
You can get past this tough time and again, there is a lot of life after gambling.
Keep posting.
29 noviembre 2017 a las 7:53 pm #38889JacquespaulParticipante
Well I’m in the hospital as ‘ informal patient ‘ – they give me my meds for depression and that’s about it really. No therapy no councelling no nothing. They check im ok every 15 minutes (suicide watch i gather) although don’t feel like suicide at all. I have not a clue how I am going to get out of this. 30k debt and job about to go as well, flat I’m renting has 11 months on the lease and 2 big loans and 1 credit card to pay as well. Gee
29 noviembre 2017 a las 8:12 pm #38890Monica1Participante
Nice to hear from you. I avoided admitting myself when I was in same boat ie suicidal because I saw no point in it. It can offer a respite only and giVe you time to get your right head on. I am sorry that you are not receiving the therapy support you require. You must ask for some before you leave ie therapeutic talking therapy support as an outpatient
Look, the debts can wait, I am on day 107 and still slowly, slowly dealing with these. Theyan alway,wait and they prefer you to be honest with what is going on rather than do nothing.The most important is the roof over your head. The rest you can phone. They will always give you space to sort yourself out, the banks usually,give you six months. An old bank credit card debt of 10.5k said today they would put things on hold for six months when I told them the situation. And mine is 70k, not 30k. So there are ways out of it. Firstly, are you able to secure the roof over your head?. With difficulty, I did and am still here although it looked like I would lose it for a while. I expected to lose it two months ago and I have not yet. So first , and then the priority debts which are not loans and credit cards, but electricity, gas, council tax. Hsve you definitely lost your job. Is there not a notice period if you have ?
Then make contact when you feel up to it with stepchange and have all your debts details with you. There is a way out and it isn’t to gamble our way out of it. For me this is a long process, and a bit painful but I have two and a halftimes as muchdebt as yourself. Keep up the good,work and I hope you,come out of hospital soon. -
29 noviembre 2017 a las 8:42 pm #38891JacquespaulParticipante
Thanks Monicau and all who have posted on my ongoing situation.
I feel numb by it all in honesty.
. -
29 noviembre 2017 a las 9:22 pm #38892Monica1Participante
Good to hear from you. Glad you are posting. You will feel numb and there will be times when you won’t want to deal with it at all. That’s fine, don’t deal with it. Have compassion for yourself. As I said it can all wait. I did not open my letters for three months. Whilst I would nt recommend waiting that long, there will also be days where you do feel able to deal with a few things when you come out. Get help from family to do it if you need to. Just tell your story to your creditors, as much or as little you want to. Believe me when the alternative is bankruptcy your creditors will give you time and as I said, with the banks it is usually six months. So rest a while, chill out, watch tv, read if you are able to. I couldn’t focus on very much for quite a while. Find you. You are what is important right now, not the debts. They are really unimportant in the great scheme of things. -
30 noviembre 2017 a las 2:00 pm #38893finding_lauraParticipante
Hi JacquesPaul,
I’m thankful that Monica has been here to give you such good support and advice. She’s right about the bills etc. As long as your basic needs are being taken care of the rest is not important right now. I imagine you must almost be in shock from it all. I think it’s like we were in a trance and only when we can’t keep going do we wake up to the harm of it all. And shock at what we have done. I don’t want to say it’s just money, as we do need a certain amount to survive and live, but right now, it’s your health and state of mind that needs help. Frustrates me to no end the shortage of mental health support in a lot of modern countries. Lean on your family. Also, in my experience, squeaky wheel gets the grease! Ask your family to keep pushing as you are in no shape to push for yourself.
take care,
Laura -
30 noviembre 2017 a las 4:27 pm #38894veraParticipante
JP, you are most likely feeling numb from the shock of your financial loss.
Take time out. Talk to somebody. Surely there are therapists available in the hospital? Keep asking for help. Don’t ignore your debt. It won’t go away.
Can you get somebody to address your creditors on your behalf, explaining that you are ill? Get sick certs for you work. You can’t lose a job through illness.
Avail of all the help that’s out there. -
2 diciembre 2017 a las 10:17 pm #38895JacquespaulParticipante
Well nearly a week in hospital and visits from my family every day. I didn’t even know I was allowed out till a few days in as informal patient. There apparently will be a meeting on the 8th December to decide what to do with me. Family all supporting but feel numb and fazed by it all and have no idea what to do or say next to the doctors… I did gamble 2 days ago on my phone in hospital unfortunately. But now gamban is on my phone and laptop. I feel it’s all still all very complicated, but am going with the flow to see what happens and see if there are bits of light in this black tunnel I’m in. This mental hospital has some very poorly people in it and can be scared at times. Least I can lock my door from the inside. That’s all got now and thanks for the support thus far…
2 diciembre 2017 a las 10:31 pm #38896i-did-itParticipante
Hi Jaques Paul,
There is always light- just sometimes we are too overwhelmed to see it .
You have a family who care deeply for you and want you well – with or without debt !
Keep strong , well done on that gamban
People cAre , People value you , people need you .
Get well soon -
3 diciembre 2017 a las 12:11 am #38897Monica1Participante
Good to hear from you jp. Glad you now have gamban. You need to put barriers in place before going home, or immediately on return. i expect you will be discharged on the the 8th December. Hopefully,you will get some specialist counselling as well as an outpatient. We are heading into Xmas. I recommend you chill out for,a while and make a plan. Irrecoverable or not, you need to take advice from stepchange who will help you put together a plan. In the meantime rest and build up your strength. I am sorry you gambled in the hospital, is the addiction still running the show? Or do you feel you have suffered enough and need to eradicate it and recover you and your life?
3 diciembre 2017 a las 12:20 am #38898Monica1Participante
Well.done on the post on another persons thread on this site. Really sensible. And of course, you are right. As Geordie would say this is a very serious problem , we should not underestimate how serious a problem it is and indeed takes us on the road to suicide and complete destruction. I know as I too have been there.
3 diciembre 2017 a las 7:52 pm #38899JacquespaulParticipante
Today I am grateful for my family as I can see a light at the end if a long tunnel. I can see a road ahead. Thankyou my family and thankyou all who have posted to try to help me.
I am still In the mental hospital and will take it a day at a time. Review on the 8tj December. Thankyou all…. -
3 diciembre 2017 a las 10:38 pm #38900JacquespaulParticipante
I believe the fog is lifting. I have re-read all of your posts and also my posts (And it’s true I do not make much sense in some of them. And could not action your wise words at the time; which took you time to compose and write for me).
So many thanks to:
Monkey15Who kept persisting even though i was blind by most help at the time.
I am in a slightly better place (in my mind that is) and have some hope for the future and my family.
Once again I know you have all helped and continue to help the ever growing personell who fall foul of this CG disease. I will endeavour through my experiences try to also help others as well.
Thankyou and sorry.
3 diciembre 2017 a las 10:48 pm #38901i-did-itParticipante
Hey no need to be sorry – we have all been in bad places with this addiction- that’s why we get it !
It is good to hear you sound more positive-
Life will get better -I can absolutely promise you that.
Just concentrate on you right now – Everything else can waitHugs and best wishes !
3 diciembre 2017 a las 11:47 pm #38902Monkey15Participante
1 step and day at a time. No need to be sorry, it’s so great to see that things are improving for you and that you are writing a little more about yourself.
4 diciembre 2017 a las 2:36 am #38903finding_lauraParticipante
I think we all feel sorry after we start to come back from the brink this addiction drives us to. Sorry for a lot of the things we’ve done. But you should never feel sorry for reaching out to this community for support. I am glad to hear you sounding a little better. Tiny little steps and improvements in the beginning. But it is a start. Take care of you. Heal. I hope they provide you with the supports you need to move forward. Laura
4 diciembre 2017 a las 4:49 am #38904SemajParticipante
Hi Jacquespaul, glad to hear you’re feeling better and more clear minded now. Let’s all move towards a better life together . Hang in there!!
4 diciembre 2017 a las 1:39 pm #38905Monica1Participante
Good to hear you are feeling a little better. Look forward to the 8th December when I am sure you will be allowed home. Keep posting, my friend.
4 diciembre 2017 a las 1:40 pm #38906Monica1Participante
Good to hear you are feeling a little better. Look forward to the 8th December when I am sure you will be allowed home. Keep posting, my friend.
5 diciembre 2017 a las 7:07 pm #38907JacquespaulParticipante
Well I went to the hospital gym today which made a change from lying on my bed in the room. A great friend visited which was good. My auntie phoned from Germany as well.
Things are slowly in motion for my transition to Essex to be with my amazing sister. I don’t know for how long but I’m sure it’s the best thing for me. I do not have any headaches atm because they have plagued me for the last 5 weeks and I sleep now very well.
To sort my life out from here is going to be very complicated and challenges await I am sure. I am also sure I want to find a way through this.
Gambling is now behind me forever, it has done too much damage to be considered part of any future I have.
Tiny tiny steps is the way ahead and thankyou to all on this site and all my family for the support I have received thus far. -
5 diciembre 2017 a las 7:14 pm #38908i-did-itParticipante
Jaques Paul, so pleased to read you are feeling better – you are blessed to have such a caring family who value and need you so much
Keep strong -
11 diciembre 2017 a las 1:45 am #38909Monica1Participante
Good news. Keep posting! It is at the end of the day our family that are there with the loving support and our dear friends on this site.
11 diciembre 2017 a las 3:18 pm #38910finding_lauraParticipante
Such a positive heart felt post JacquesPaul ?? Remember that thought forever! Gambling has done too much damage to ever be part of any future you have. That phrase has helped me immensely. Thank-you for sharing it. You give help as you receive. This world is a better place with you in.
Laura -
11 diciembre 2017 a las 6:41 pm #38911JohnnyBParticipante
There is always help. Take the first step and HELP yourself, don’t HURT yourself. There can never be a financial loss worth losing your life over. We have all had that thought creep into our minds, but take my word for it… I have stopped for over a month. (which is a small victory) Guess what, I am beginning to lose my cravings, I am seeing small financial gains. I am better at work, and better in life, because I made my choice to take my life back. Don’t let it ruin yours. Thank you for your service. Please seek some outside help before it is too late!
11 diciembre 2017 a las 8:03 pm #38912pParticipante
Jacques i am so pleased things turend around for you.. remember there is rehab options for a lot of people too if ever you need it.. a few posts back you were considering taking your life, see how things change and improve, that would have been disaster for anyone around you and would have affected them for the rest of their lives.. I had a close friend who suicided, everyone was impacted forever. It plagues their minds for the rest of their life. Believe me it ruins people that are left here and cuts lives short when you never know whats just around the corner.. now your life is improving, there is always a solution, there is always another option. Always remember that. However bleak things seem, there is always always something else.. you maybe cant see it at that excact moment but it changes, nothing stays the same, its temporary.
So relieved you are here to tell the tale Jaques..P
12 diciembre 2017 a las 8:30 am #38913Monkey15Participante
I’ve been absent from you thread as all my energy has been going on some major life changes for myself. I hit my rock bottom about 4 weeks ago now and can tell you that things do slowly become better. I definitly did not think that at my lowest ebb and only now am starting to fathom of how much of myself had been lost to this horrendous and evil addiction. We are all survivors here at different steps of our recovery. I hold great hope that I will one day, help others on this site, like those that have helped me survive and tackle another GA free day. I’ve only just disclosed to my counsellor, GP and partner of how bad things got for me. I spoke to my GP today who said that he would have got me admitted to hospital if I had told him, 4 weeks ago of my plans. So, JP, we have our stories of pain, shame, recovery, surviving and thriving into a new and healthier way of living. Things do get better, one step, one day at a time we will get through this. Day 49 GA free for me today. What about you?
16 diciembre 2017 a las 2:25 pm #38914finding_lauraParticipante
Hi JP (hope you don’t mind the shortform)
It’s good to see your posts here and there in support of others. It lets me know you are still with us, still working on building a new life. This addiction leaves us in pieces. But we can build a new life. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Take advantage of all supports. It may not be easy but it is worthwhile! Sending you well wishes. Laura
16 diciembre 2017 a las 2:56 pm #38915lizbeth4Participante
Hi. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better! Debts can be paid, money can be made and things can be replaced. You are irreplaceable! Take care of yourself. You have family support and support here ! This addiction is horrendous! You can build a new life. Although it will be hard, you are worth it!!! Take care.
17 diciembre 2017 a las 7:28 pm #38916JacquespaulParticipante
Well I had a meeting with family and professional’s on Friday at the hospital.
A positive meeting chaired by a very good lady doctor.
I am now in my new home up in Essex with my sister and feel 100% better.
There is no gloom or doom anymore in my mind and now replaced with positive and happy thoughts. No suicidal thoughts at all and feel positive about the now and future.
Which I thought 3 weeks ago was impossible. I thought I could never be happy again or even smile (gee the mind is a funny old thing lol).
Hope I can continue to feel better and with the amazing support from my family im sure too.
That’s all for now. Thanks. -
17 diciembre 2017 a las 8:42 pm #38917Monica1Participante
Really pleased to hear. Have you given up your flat? Are you getting any professional support locally or GA? Well done.
18 diciembre 2017 a las 7:19 am #38918JacquespaulParticipante
Hello Monicau
Yes flat im renting will be gone by new year and broken car going next week.
Replaced with a newer car tomorrow and am excited about that (always had bangers in the past). Si things moving along one step at a time and cant believe the revesal of my thinking and my life. Certainly a 2nd chance in life and a very long life I have ahead. Starting back my sports today as well. -
18 diciembre 2017 a las 11:41 am #38919finding_lauraParticipante
Thrilled to hear your thinking has turned around and you are feeling much better. There is always going to be challenges but now you have the support you need to deal with them. I’m so happy you are getting the support you needed to turn this around. Keep up the good work. Laura
4 enero 2018 a las 11:25 am #38920AnónimoInvitado
It’s great to see you posting and offering support to others now mate. A massive change which is great to see.
I dont think anyone would disagree that you most certainly were at rock bottom when you first posted here, I’m pleased things are going the right way for you now mate.
I know you’re aware of the fact, but ongoing support is a must….its taken a few months for you to get away from the horrible place you were at with your thoughts. But you could be back there in a matter of hours if you started gambling again.
Keep on trucking Paul. All the best for the new year.
4 enero 2018 a las 1:08 pm #38921i-did-itParticipante
Hi Jacquespaul,
It was so uplifting to see you posting on other people ‘s threads and offering support. You have come a long way and it is great to see the change in you and your life . Keep strong . -
4 enero 2018 a las 11:40 pm #38922finding_lauraParticipante
Happy New Year Paul! I hope you are enjoying your new car. I love to see your name pop up on GT. Thanks for sharing your story to help others. Wishing you much happiness.
18 enero 2018 a las 11:52 am #38923JacquespaulParticipante
Hi all,
Thank you for reading…Well I am so so much better.
I have settled with my sister in Essex; joined a local gym so train every day and go swimming. Play squash weekly and my training my family here on playing squash as well.
My 1 on 1 counselling sessions with Gamcare are continuing and have helped. (my depression score is now 1; it was 33 before xmas!).
I believe I am out of my Depression it seems with the help of medication and the changing situation and support.
In fact feel like I did 2 years ago with a positive life outlook once again.I have re-read all my forum today and gee there was some sticky times in all of that, that i was lucky to come back alive from. (Glad I did).
Thankyou for all your posts over the months and your continuing support to others who have depression/ GA.
I still have another month off sick leave before a staged return to work no doubt and hopefully wont be doing shift work anytime in the future.
That’s it so far: 100% better.
Paul -
18 enero 2018 a las 1:30 pm #38924Monica1Participante
So pleased you are making good progress jp. And you’re right, you have come a long way. Delighted you will be returning to work soon.
19 enero 2018 a las 9:01 pm #38925i-did-itParticipante
Hi Paul ,
How considerate of you to come and share the remarkable progress you have been making . It will certainly
Inspire others who have similar issues . I am so happy the post on your thread have changed so much . You are a good person and deserve to be free from his horrible illness
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