777d casino login Register Philippines,SG777 Download App.REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic-tag/gambling/ Providing online help for problem gamblers Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:42:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.gettogethablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/cropped-gm-icon-32x32.png gambling - Gambling Therapy https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic-tag/gambling/ 32 32 Advice from a Muslim to quit gambling https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/advice-from-a-muslim-to-quit-gambling/ Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:42:05 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=199007 Hello deceived ones In my opinion, gambling cannot be abandoned or avoided. It is necessary to change sides and become an enemy to it. The prophet I believe in says: “Whoever sees evil should correct it with both hands. If he is not able to do this, he should hate it with his tongue. If […]

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Hello deceived ones
In my opinion, gambling cannot be abandoned or avoided. It is necessary to change sides and become an enemy to it. The prophet I believe in says: “Whoever sees evil should correct it with both hands. If he is not able to do this, he should hate it with his tongue. If he is not able to do this, he should oppose it with his heart. Be careful, this is the weakest of faith.” And jihad Fighting against something bad is the order of my religion. My Lord also says, “Whoever strives, strives for his own self.”
I gambled a lot, especially in the field of slots, and I have witnessed how data and players are corrupted, as are those here. I want to talk about these in a garden, where we can find healing for our breasts, how we can take legal and illegal revenge on those who organize this, and thus keep our struggle alive, easily quit gambling and find our reward.
My Lord says, “Whoever repents and does good deeds, We will turn his evil deeds into good deeds” and his word is true.
Some of you may associate that garden with those under the name of rehabilitation center, but it is not. I am thinking of opening the garden in Thailand.
What would you like to see happen in that garden, as you, not those who escaped, but those who got ahead of themselves? My aim is to enjoy the pleasure of those staying in that garden, discuss what you will do with them as much as you can, and to create legal or illegal groups, ideas and works against those who organize and support this business with other groups and the gambling gang, by hanging the ideas and works of those who may be involved on the board in that garden.
Don’t give up gambling, be an enemy to it. You are expected to come to the garden or let’s set it up together.

Note that my English is Translated English, but I think I got the message across.

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Online Slots Took Over My Life https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/online-slots-took-over-my-life/ Fri, 14 Jun 2024 08:41:44 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=198366 So…Finally I am here. writing about my story. Online gambling has completetly taken over. It all started 2 years ago and I have played everyday since then. Starting with the small bets and increasing everyday. Think today I have lost $20000, just by tring to win back my loses. I got a good job which […]

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So…Finally I am here. writing about my story. Online gambling has completetly taken over. It all started 2 years ago and I have played everyday since then. Starting with the small bets and increasing everyday. Think today I have lost $20000, just by tring to win back my loses. I got a good job which allows me to keep playing. but I dont want to. But somehow I cannot stop? why? I always know I get the money back from my job. But if I just saved it and didnt play I would have so much?

Hopefully I did my last bet today. Will keep writing in this thread everyday and keep you guys updated to try to distract my self from gambling. Have blocked my self everywhere now. Make this nightmare end.

Please if you got some tips let me know.

I am totally done with this gambling word. Time to get free. I am 27 years old. Its not to late i tell my self. So I really hope I stop this time.

Honestly. I am here to just write out my feelings. I have told noone about my problems so this is kinda a good feeling to write out some of them.

Thank you

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Lost Man https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/lost-man/ Mon, 08 Apr 2024 08:25:59 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=190762 Hi all, I am 39years old man that has been addicted to gambling for almost 20years and it has ruined my life. I am currently based in Qatar but have a young wife and daughter back home. My finances are at the lowest ebb and I want to know if I can overcome my challenges. […]

The post Lost Man appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Hi all,
I am 39years old man that has been addicted to gambling for almost 20years and it has ruined my life.
I am currently based in Qatar but have a young wife and daughter back home.
My finances are at the lowest ebb and I want to know if I can overcome my challenges.
I am brilliant and innovative but gambling has damaged me.
I cry and make promises but no improvement.
If my wife finds out, I could lose her.
I want to be a good man for my young family

The post Lost Man appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I need help https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/i-need-help-10/ Tue, 07 Mar 2023 16:27:09 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=172626 I dont know how to overcome my gambling addiction, i dont know how to feel about it. Im 19y i want to plan my future without thinking about the money that i spent on this thing. Sometimes i feel the urge of gambling more money because i keep thinking “just one more time and i […]

The post I need help appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I dont know how to overcome my gambling addiction, i dont know how to feel about it.
Im 19y i want to plan my future without thinking about the money that i spent on this thing.
Sometimes i feel the urge of gambling more money because i keep thinking “just one more time and i will stop” or “this time it will payout”
It never does and im sick of wasting my money and i dont know how to invert the situation.
At this point im willing to try anything

The post I need help appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I want to get rid of gambling https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/i-want-to-get-rid-of-gambling/ Sun, 12 Feb 2023 19:40:21 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=171606 Hi, I am from India and addicted from gambling. I was well before pandemic,however in pandemic I messed up everything because I started online gambling and lost so much money. I do have now 1,20,000 Inr debt and my salary is 25,000. Everytime when I thinking about my debt , I motivate to do gambling […]

The post I want to get rid of gambling appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I am from India and addicted from gambling. I was well before pandemic,however in pandemic I messed up everything because I started online gambling and lost so much money.

I do have now 1,20,000 Inr debt and my salary is 25,000. Everytime when I thinking about my debt , I motivate to do gambling to recover lost money and again I am losing the money.

I put bet again and so I can recover all the lost money and never bet;however this cycle never ends.

I wanted to finished my debt by taking long term loan;however no one bank help me to give the loan, since my cibil score is not good.

I don’t know what to do. I have family responsibilities and all my salary I spent to pay debt.

Please, help me to get out of this situation. This addiction is getting worse and worse.
I want to get out of this situation as soon as possible and I don’t want to bet again

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100 beats a minute https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/100-beats-a-minute/ Thu, 28 Jul 2022 08:58:24 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=159887 It all started with the high priced society Which turned into a lack of sobriety I didn’t care about the slot colours and all the variety. I want a future with the person I love I want a home and family Instead I needed a big shove You see, I didn’t do this for the […]

The post 100 beats a minute appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

It all started with the high priced society
Which turned into a lack of sobriety
I didn’t care about the slot colours and all the variety.
I want a future with the person I love
I want a home and family
Instead I needed a big shove
You see, I didn’t do this for the thrill
It was military to me, log on, deposit, you know the drill.
£10 lost, at what cost?
It’s only ten pound, try again
An hour later I’m sat there with a paper and pen.
Working out how much is gone from my savings, wondering how I’m going to tell my partner it’s gone

She works hard my partner, her head is screwed on, she would be the perfect mom

I lost hundreds of pounds, but how?
Well this is what I’m going to tell you now.
It wasn’t for the fun, it wasn’t just because I sometimes won. It was the anxiety, the fear, my heart beating 100 beats per minute, sweating and holding back each tear.
It was the shame, the embarrassment, the pain I know I would cause.
I let her down again and again and again
I’ve been a coward and a coward I would remain.
Until yesterday… yesterday I did something that is important.
I swallowed my pride, I gained the courage and I told her.
I told her I don’t have savings, I have been gambling.
Yes my world fell apart but it was already broken and I couldn’t take anymore of a shambling.

You know what happened?
I blocked myself from all 3 gambling sites I used. She stuck by me, despite her saying never defy me.
I love her more than anything in this world.
I have let her down more than quavers have been curled.

I don’t know who needs to hear this.
But don’t bottle it up anymore.
Open that door
Let the truth be free
Because it always comes out in the end
You need to admit it before you get round that dreaded bend
And overtime, slowly, but surely, your life will mend.

Thank you for reading. All the best for anyone that is struggling like I was.

The post 100 beats a minute appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I’ve ruined my life for myself and my family… without them knowing https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/ive-ruined-my-life-for-myself-and-my-family-without-them-knowing/ Sat, 16 Jul 2022 22:06:45 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=159274 Hello everyone! This is my first time on any kind of therapy and/or consulting website. Reading others stories helped me feel like there is hope for me too. My story started less than a year ago when I was casually browsing Twitch and stumbled upon Slots streamers. Not knowing what it was, I opened and […]

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Hello everyone! This is my first time on any kind of therapy and/or consulting website. Reading others stories helped me feel like there is hope for me too.

My story started less than a year ago when I was casually browsing Twitch and stumbled upon Slots streamers. Not knowing what it was, I opened and saw one streamers overlay saying that he had deposited $150,000 today and while I was watching him play, I saw he cashed out nearly $4,000,000… Seeing that number, something clicked in my brain. I wanted to see if I could do the same thing.

During that moment, I had $10,000+ in my savings account and $5000 in my crypto investments. Salary that allowed me and my family to live a very happy life. Some say people gamble because of pain but for me, I was happy. I was a new dad to the most beautiful kid in the world. Happily married to the most caring wife I could ever hope for.

I deposited $200 on one of the crypto websites and really enjoyed my time there. Didn’t have any gambling addictions or anything. I honestly deposited because how much joy I was getting from spinning and discovering all these cool mechanics and beautiful artwork.

After depositing closer to $1200, I realized that something is wrong and I should probably leave the website and close this chapter in my life. At that time I actually managed to win $1200 back and it was perfect time to quit… I request a withdrawal but the crypto I had was going through maintenance and withdrawals weren’t possible. Instead of waiting for that maintenance to pass, I went back to gambling and lost it all.

Any smart person at this point would just quit and leave but I was afraid… Afraid of something so ridiculous that some of you might think I’m stupid (and I wouldn’t argue back). I was afraid that my dad would ask me about my savings (that he tends to ask quite often to see if I’m surviving fine in my adult married life) and I’d end up lying to him and then one day when we’d sit down to check it, he’d see my lies. I was afraid of being judged by my parents.. People who have trusted in me my whole life. I was afraid they’d think I’m a terrible head of the family for doing something so stupid when I just recently had a kid and I’m the only person working in the family.

Because of this fear, I went back to gambling.. I wanted to win my losses back and I was telling myself that I’ve been able to win a lot in the past so surely I can do that again.. That got me into losing my savings + crypto which was roughly $15,000.

At that time I discovered how easy it was to take loans with my income and took first $2,500 loan, then another $2,500, then $5,000 and eventually another $5,000. Now I was $15,000 in debt and $15,000 of my own money lost. Roughly $30,000 lost in about 3-5 months.

Shortly after such a bad loss streak, I managed to win $12,000 back and paid $7,000 of my debt back and kept $5,000 in crypto savings hoping that it would go up 2-3x and I’d be out of debt. Took my family on a nice mini spa vacation with the wins as I realized that I’ve missed nearly 5 months of my kids life.. I wasn’t there when my wife needed me… I wasn’t there to enjoy my baby’s new interactions how she was discovering the world. I wanted to fix that with my mini vacation.

Now that I only had $8,000 debt left with a monthly payments of $150, I was happy again for the first time in a while. I made a promise to myself that I will not let my gambling addiction I’ve acquired in a few months ruin me or my time with my kid. I self excluded myself from the casino and life was good for a short period of time.

After some time had passed, I went back to gambling on a new website thinking that I’ll just do a few small deposits to keep it interesting for myself at nights when everyone is sleeping and I have some extra time. This was probably the worst decision I’ve made during my life.

Very quickly I managed to lose that $7,000 that I had paid back to cover my debt and lost a lot more. I racked up $40,000 debt.
With everything combined now I was $55,000 deep and no light at the end of the tunnel.

A lot of dark thoughts came to my mind but I always said to myself that “don’t do anything stupid… Taking an easy way out will make your family suffer the most. I can’t leave my beautiful kid to grow without his dad.” So I never did anything but thoughts stayed in my head and they are still there…

During all this time, no one knew about my dark gambling addiction and I was too afraid to share it with anyone. I was again afraid that I’d be labeled as the worst dad/husband on the planet and afraid that my wife could leave me and take our kid with her. Which again I wouldn’t blame her for but I don’t want to lose her or my kid. They mean the world to me and I love them very much.

Last week happened something that I will be ashamed for the rest of my life.. It was my wife’s birthday and I opened my bank account to see that I only have $200 left. Making me panic and think what the …. have I done… How did I end up in a situation where I’m not even able to take my wife for a nice dinner on her birthday because I need to save the money to buy groceries next week..

Today I sat down to do some calculations on my debt and I realized that I’ve racked up nearly $1000 in a monthly debt for next 10+ years due to ridiculously high interest rates.. I realized that for next 10 years, I will not be able to save even $1 with my current salary because everything will go back to paying the debt… I’m not going to be able to buy fancy new toys or clothes for my kid… I will not be able to take my family even on cheap vacations.. My life is ruined for minimum of 10 years and I do not know what to do.

I thought about an easy way out again so my wife could sell the house, pay my debt and live her life without a terrible husband like me but I will not do it, I promise. That would just traumatize my wife and kid for life.

I closed all my casino accounts today and for the first time ever, I’m seeking help. My life is a mess, I see no way out and I’m hoping to find motivation from this website.

Please let me know how you fought your addiction. Please tell me what you did to make extra money to pay your debts… I’m already working 40 hours a week and I don’t want to take a second job and completely miss my kids childhood ?? Please motivate me to stay here with my wife and kid… Please tell me that my future will be better and I will be able to enjoy life with my family…

Telling my wife about my addiction is unfortunately not an option.. I know it might help me out and she might not judge me if she truly loves me but thats not the risk I’m willing to take. I’m not willing to lose my wife/kid… I just need to find a way to hide my debt and addiction for next 10 years ??

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Living with the nightmare. https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/living-with-the-nightmare/ Wed, 27 Apr 2022 11:58:42 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=153350 I am 34 and have been gambling a long time. Around 4years ago the bets started to increase(and the wins) and all was good, then came the losses and chasing that one big win to be done with it. I then moved and had a lot more money freed up but I thought new start […]

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I am 34 and have been gambling a long time. Around 4years ago the bets started to increase(and the wins) and all was good, then came the losses and chasing that one big win to be done with it. I then moved and had a lot more money freed up but I thought new start no need to gamble.
It wasn’t long until I started again but this time I could bet bigger and obviously that would come with bigger wins and less worries. It started well I had gambled around £5000 but it was okay because my balance was over £20000 and my wife would never know so I withdrew the balance happy that I had beaten the casino and was up. Before the withdrawal had been processed I had signed up to another betting site telling myself I can spend a could of grand as I’m up and can win even more. That’s when it got really bad before I knew it I had spent another £20000 and was checking daily for the withdrawal to be in my account so my wife wouldn’t know I told myself that was the end and I didn’t have a problem.
Fast forward a month the money was in my account I was down but not too bad I thought I will have one more go cap myself at a £1000 and try make up the loss this never happened and by the end of the following week I had spent ALL the family savings roughly £50000 and then started working through my credit cards applying for more and more online all day racking up debt.
It’s wasn’t long until my wife noticed I had stopped sleeping stoped wanting to go out and fell into a real depression. When she confronted me I tried to lie my way through down playing the issue not only to here but too myself I did however stop , for a while. Then it started any bit of money o could get together that she wouldn’t know about to gamble away.
Fast forward 6months till she discovered again and again I lied and said it wasn’t that bad I don’t have a problem but this time I really tried to stop and cut and run from gambling the issue was the debt I had racked up £30000 in debt a constant reminder of what I had done. For months I stayed away from gambling telling myself I didn’t have a problem I’m not that weak until again the opportunity presented itself to gamble(and get away with it) if I win all my problems go away, I don’t I lost this again lead to my wife finding out and what I thought was the final straw for her.
I now know I have a gambling problem and really don’t want to lose my wife of 12years and my son, I have a mountain of debt to try work through and a constant reminder of my failings. I gambled to fill a gap then the depression of the losses and magnitude of debt kept drawing me back at the moment I don’t see how I can break the cycle with the constant reminder looming over.

The post Living with the nightmare. appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

From Impactful Winnings to Crazy Debts https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/from-impactful-winnings-to-crazy-debts/ Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:08:14 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=144902 boy oh boy.. 2020 started off crazy for me. well for all of us. a little about me before i get into the nitty gritty. I’m a 24 year old from Ukraine, with a gambling addiction. I’m not from any rich background, and i freelance as a developer. I always thought in moments of regret, […]

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boy oh boy.. 2020 started off crazy for me. well for all of us.
a little about me before i get into the nitty gritty.
I’m a 24 year old from Ukraine, with a gambling addiction. I’m not from any rich background, and i freelance as a developer.
I always thought in moments of regret, why I gamble, and why I’m pushing myself into a hole of dept at such an age, and I always seem to have the same answer, loneliness and boredom. not to mention online influencers.
i started off gambling in the start of 2020 on an online casino, gambling around the 2-3$ mark. it was just tasteful fun and experience, that didn’t really have any impact on me financially. One day i hit a jackpot with 2$ and cashed out 1000$. it took mere seconds for the to happen.. i believe that’s were i got hooked. yeah, i still work the same job as i did in 2020 but I make a bit more. but just for context, I don’t gamble with 2-3$ anymore, the minimum bet i toss into online slots or roulettes is around the 100-400$ per bet. so sometimes i end up spending 1-3k$ per day. every month i have a dept to close. but every now and then i hit small jackpots giving me hope that someday I’ll hit a big one which might secure something in my future.
this.. mental strain and depression is really getting to me. I’m writing this after losing 5k$ today taken from my savings account. Trying to make back last month’s lost money. instead burying myself in deeper dept. the scariest thing about all this, is how well aware i am of the grave mistakes I’m doing and how i keep doing them despite this fact.

The post From Impactful Winnings to Crazy Debts appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

What kind of help i need? https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic/what-kind-of-help-i-need/ Fri, 26 Nov 2021 09:34:32 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=143754 Hello. I started gambling around 8 years ago. Im 28 now. I started with sports betting and i had everything under ‘control’ 25 pound a month was my max. I won some money, i lost some money. 2 years ago i started to increasing my stakes and i was spending 200 pound a month or […]

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Hello. I started gambling around 8 years ago. Im 28 now. I started with sports betting and i had everything under ‘control’ 25 pound a month was my max. I won some money, i lost some money. 2 years ago i started to increasing my stakes and i was spending 200 pound a month or more and then i started recieving bonuses from gambling sites. I recieved 2 pound bonus for a online casino which i never played before. And I won in roulette with 1 pound bet on a single number. What a luck i thought. Since that day i registered on multiple sites and i was Playing roulette. I won 7 thousand in 3 days and a week later i lost it all. In next few months i deposit around 6 thousand and loat it all. I recieved phone calls from betting sites, emails Regarding large amounts of deposits and ignored them. Lost around 10K and my turnover (dposits,winnings which i withdrawaled and then 30 minutes later i deposit again) was around 32k. Lost it all. Lost deposit for our house. I had to tell my wife about it. I was crying, and couldnt believe how its happened?? I went to psychologist and i stopped thinking about online gambling. However i started buying scratchcards avery time i was filling my car. (2 x a week) and last month start playing roulette again. Lost 2k. Yesterday my wife caught me while i was placing sports bet. I think shes gonna leave me now, cause she cant trust me. I fell like i cant trust myself. Dont know what to do, i feel that even i stop for a bit i will come back to it. I destroying my life and hurting a person i Love. I was reading about GA groups and meetings in my city, however i dont think its for me due to the fact that im not british and english is not my native language. Im scared. Im lost. Im confused. Could you tell me what helped you? I just dont know what to do

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