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    • #48295

      Hi My name is Taz, I am 37 and a CG. I have been gambling for over 16 years on and off.

      It’s getting to a stage where I go on a binge and not stop until I loose every last penny.

      I want to stop gambling any help will be much appreciated.

      I have gambled all my salary with money left for rent and bills, wife doesn’t know yet, I haven’t got the courage to tell her as she is aware of my addiction and we always have big arguments about it.

      Any advice to help will be much appreciated.

    • #48296

      Hello Taz and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #48297

      I assume you have blown money needed for bills etc. So when they are not paid your wife is going to find out. You both need to be clear with eachother. You both need to get support, you for your addiction and your wife in how to be with you. Check if there is GA Gamanon or similar in your area and make the call together. No secrets, no lies. You have a problem and both of you need to face up to it. I wish you well.

    • #48298

      Good to meet you in the Group earlier, Taz.
      I agree with Steev. Both parties need support.
      Non CGs find it difficult to get their head around the chaos a gambler creates. Big arguments fudge the issue .
      Don’t drip feed your wife with the truth. It only causes mistrust.
      Well done on looking for help.
      Keep posting.

    • #48299

      Hi everyone,

      I am back again, this year has been worse for gambling, been doing it every day or week. Here in UK £2 bet limit was introduced in April, I blowed all my March salary before the last day. Gambled online on my credit cards, my debt has tripled in the last 3 months. Today I have self excluded myself from all the local book makers, have self excluded myself online by registesterinh with gamstop. I am not sure how I can find a cure with no support from family and friends. My wife doesn’t even talk to me about it, we don’t talk about money, she is aware of my gambling addiction however treats me like a normal person which I believe I am not. I have cut all my credit cards today.

      Don’t know where to go from here…

    • #48300

      Hi taz,

      Where you go from here…

      though it seems like youre in a loop of gambling and regret, it CAN stop. It starts with saying to yourself “no more!” 

      Take one day at a time to focus on your recoverY. Open upto your wife because she needs to know and will help you to put obstacles in your way to stop you from gambling 

      but it starts with yourself, you actually wanting to stop and placing obstacles in place, including transfering your salary to a close one’s account until u have had enough GF days to think rationally about this habit. 

      Stopping will allow you be clear of the haze that gambling creates and really look good and hard at your financial situatio, your life and yourself. It’s only then that you can repair, rebuild and find peace of mind 

      I wish you many many more GF days 

    • #48301

      Had a GF day 1, one day at a time.
      It was easier as I have no money to gamble, Friday is payday that’s when the real test begins…

    • #48302

      GF day 3, work is stressful other than that had an OK day.

    • #48303

      GF day 4, another stressful day at work, keeping my urges under check..

    • #48304

      Keep strong Taz !

    • #48305

      GF day 6, payday today managed to pay all my outstanding bills, not left with much for rest of the month but didn’t gamble which is the great. First GF payday in last 3 months. One day at a time…

    • #48306

      Well done and keep strong Taz, one day at a time .

    • #48307

      GF day 7, depressing day fighting with my urges and stress. Walked past the bookies a couple of times, took some cash out from the cash machine right next door. Long few months ahead of me, one day at a time…

    • #48308

      well done on your 7 days ?? all it takes is one bet…

    • #48310

      GF day 8, thanks Kolberg and RG for your support.
      It is always helpful to know that I am not alone on the road to recovery.

    • #48311

      Work is stressful however no recent urges to bet.
      I gambled in my dream the other night, how my mind is playing games with me. Got to stay strong one day at a time.

    • #48312

      Another GF day, had a few urges when I was home alone today, kept my self busy with cooking.

    • #48313

      2 weeks GF, been a busy day not even thought about gambling all day..

    • #48314

      GF day 16…

    • #48315
      Dark Energy

      well done, keep it up

    • #48316

      Another GF day, got a new job starting in Sept, it will be less stressful as I move away from a toxic work environment.

    • #48317

      GF day 20, every passing day my will to be GF is getting stronger still think about my debts. Life is calm with no gambling involved. It made me lie, cheat and steal from loved ones, Never again..

    • #48318

      GF day 22, its getting better by the day as I don’t thought about gambling, but I know it all can go wrong just in one mad moment and rush of blood.
      One day at a time.

    • #48319

      Way to go Taz! Routing for you.

    • #48320

      Thanks for the support Jen

    • #48321

      First month in this year which has been GF, looking to achieve many more.
      I do think about the time lost and debt to be paid, keeping my patience is the only way out.

    • #48322

      Taz congratulations.

      Patience is something I am working on too but I truly believe that those that are patient see the fruits of that rather than those in a hurry

      Wishing you more GF days

    • #48323

      Day 35

    • #48324

      Well done Taz- keep strong .

    • #48325

      Today was day 40 GF.
      Reading about the recent re-lapses of other forum members makes me sad, we all have to stay strong and be patient.
      The two main outcomes of gambling are regret and debt, I cannot change the past however I can design my GF future.
      Regret and debt will clear as time passes by however I cannot afford to have a slip up.

    • #48326

      Fantastic progress Taz.
      Thank you for your post on my thread – I didn’t really have a relapse – I hadn’t been able to stop until now !

      You will indeed be able to design your future and by staying gamble free it will be an award worthy design.
      Keep strong – you are doing great.

    • #48327

      You doing Great Taz!

    • #48328

      GF day 43

    • #48329

      I still have dreams about gambling and a big win!!
      GF day 47

    • #48330

      Not gambling will give you a much better win than any bet you can make at any point. Read about those people and their big wins and you can bet they have or will lose twice that amount . There is no real big win when you gamble. Its a series of wins and losses that usually does not favor the individual, and if you are a CG, then even if you win you will give it all back. Think about that.

    • #48331

      GF day 52, busy with work no thoughts or urges for G.

    • #48332

      GF day 57, busy with new job and family life.
      Being GF makes me feel positive about myself again as I can feel the changes in my behaviour.

    • #48333

      I would never have thought I could go without gambling for 60 days including two paydays. I am pleased with myself and I can feel the change in my whole life style the positive energy.
      Reading through the journal and hearing about re lapses makes me doubt myself how long before the devil comes knocking back.
      I have to stay strong and keep going, have the belief in me that I am never going to gamble ever again.
      I don’t wanna go back to being stressed thinking about gambling all the time, I wanna stay GF for as long as it takes.
      Wishing you all the very best for your recovery and GF life.

    • #48334

      So Happy and envious of your g free time. Keep doing what’s working. Unfortunately I have started with yet another day one.

    • #48335

      GF day 70.

    • #48336

      Been busy, didn’t get the chance to post.
      No gambling thoughts, I get regular emails from casinos saying I have loyalty points which I can claim by logging in, I can’t change my preferences without logining in.
      Still concentrating on not to gamble as I have realised with a GF life I can do and achieve much more.
      All the best for everyone stay blessed and gamble free..

    • #48337

      Great update Taz – so delighted to hear it.
      I have managed to get a bit of gamble free time also. (Just counted – 66 days).
      Keep strong and enjoy your gamble free life .

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