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    • #54879
    • #54880

      Lockdown is a potential disaster for folks in recovery and for those people who innocently dabble as a form of escape and then fall into the big trap. And who wouldn’t want some form of escape in these difficult days. I was pleased to see gambling ads banned in the U.K. but too little too late yet again. And they aren’t banned on social media or the internet. Read a news article yesterday to have a big ad for a casino bang right in the middle of it. Annoying.

    • #54881

      There is an online support called SMART recovery which some might find useful during lockdown.
      It can be accessed at

      About Our Organisation

      Their philosophy is as follows :

      People make a choice to engage in addictive behaviours and can make a choice to stop.
      Everyone has the power of choice and can choose to change unhelpful or harmful behaviours.
      People are not their behaviours, so stigmatising language like ‘addict’ and ‘alcoholic’ is not used.
      People seeking recovery are empowered to choose what works best for them from a ‘tool box’ of methods demonstrated in meetings and also available online and in manuals.
      Participants are free to engage with any other services or mutual-aid groups which they find helpful; there is no one path to recovery.
      Once a healthy, positive and balanced lifestyle is achieved participants are free to move on and pursue other goals in life. Some may choose to volunteer and train to become Meeting Facilitators.

    • #54883
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