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    • #11242
      little lady

      Hi I have only been gambling a short time but I am out of control. I have spent over 40k in savings and now have debts up to 50k. I have been playing slots online and can’t seem to stop. Have looked at going to gamblers anon but it is in the evenings and I can’t get out as I have a little boy
      Can anyone off advice online that might help me. I am crying all the time, I can’t sleep and just don’t know what to doShape up

    • #11243
      little lady

      Just decided to block my online casino accounts and prevent me from re-opening. That should stop me but will keep you informed. I am fed up of worrying all the time about this. I need to change and today is day one

    • #11244
      i won a new life

      Hi LL, U have taken the first important step to recovery, The online habit is tough to break. Yes ban/selfexclude for all any casinos you have played at and remove the software from your computer. Disable any method of payment u have been using so you can’t deposit. Install betfilter on your computer(link is on this page)-this will block betting groups. Talk to a finacial advisor at your bank to set up a payment plan to repay your debts (an afordable one so u can still live with your daily expences). I would also suggest setting up a new email because u will get tonnes of spam from the casinos. If u feel it is necessary cut your internet. I haven’t went myself but is highly rec. to get a private consuler/theropist. We are not only addicted to online gaming but the internet itself. make a list of things you like to do besides gambling and take a picture of your child, put it by your computer and write on the back please don’t gamble mommy just for today not one bet. If you get an urge shut your computer off, check your list and go for a walk or something. I am/was also addicted to slots, the problem is when we win we play the money back, and with the house edge there is just never a profitable outcome, every deposit will be lost. Don’t make the mistake I did of going back- I quit for a week- binge for a cupple hours. Our habits need to be changed. Read some of the posts in the friends and family form- this can be painfull, but a good reminder of the pain gambling not only causes us but our familys also. It will take some time for our brains to rewire, so set a goal of 30 days bet free life. God Bless LL. Today I will not gamble not one bet. One day at a time.

    • #11245

      On the right hand side of this screen there is an Ad that give 50% off on Betfilter licenses when you enter the code:BET3E606.  My gambling of choice was slot machines but I’ve heard that a gambling filter on your computer is a huge help on top of blocking your casino accounts. In this case, more blocks are better. 
      Welcome to GT Little Lady.  I’ve been working on recovery for many years.  It’s been a process but I finally got all debts paid and money in the bank.  You can do it too.  It won’t happen overnight but getting through ‘One Day At A Time’ without gambling will get you to where you want to be.  That’s the key, keeping it simple and just concentrating on today. It probably feels like an overwhelming amount but, ODAAT, you can recover.  You’ve taken a good first steps by closing your accounts and coming here to admit you need help.  I pray for a better life for you and your little guy.  You’re on the right road.

    • #11246
      little lady

      Thanks I won a new life and Neva, your support is appreciated so much. I have got through the day, worrying about money so decided to have a clear out to generate some cash to put towards bills. My mum has just borrowed me 30k to pay off bills so makes life a bit more bearable. Gonna pay all my credit cards and take one day at a time and try to pay her back. I haven’t told anyone about my gambling do this site is my only support.
      Thanks for the idea about the photo on my computer. My little boy means everything to me so what better incentive. Do you know if there is a way to block gambling sites from an iPhone as that’s how I usually play
      Gonna try and get some sleep now as I am so drained from worry.
      Once again thanks for your support

    • #11247
      i won a new life

      Gamblock has a download for mobile.the price is $50 USD, Maybe well worth it as u could lose much more than this in one gambling session. I have also read that can contact your service provider and have a parental control to block gaming sites.– 2/11/2013 3:54:29 AM: post edited by I won a new life.

    • #11248

       Hi Little Lady,
       Thank you for posting on the Gambling Therapy forum.  As you are a GB resident you are entitled to free online support through the Gamcare website at


      Can I suggest that you now copy and paste your post into one of the Gamcare forums where you will receive responses from others in a similar situation to you from all over the GB.

      We wish you well in your recovery.
      "You may never know what results come from your actions.  But if you do nothing there will be no result".  – Mahatma Gandi– 12/02/2013 09:27:45: post edited by Paul GT.

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