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    • #14063

      Internet Gambling Survey
      I am a researcher at University of Greenwich undertaking research into adult Internet gambling in the UK. I am posting this request on the Gambling Therapy Forum to ask forum members if they would be willing to take part in a short survey about Internet gambling in the UK. The survey consists of multiple choice questions about Internet gambling activity and how it changes over time.
      To take part, you need to be over 18, live in the UK and gamble on the Internet for money, either now or in the past, on any type of game, e.g. betting, poker, bingo, lottery, fruit machines, casino games.
      The survey and full details about the research are available at
      The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete
      If you would like any further information, please contact me at the email address below.
      Janette Davis
      [email protected]
      University of Greenwich
      This research is funded by the Responsible Gambling Fund, an independent charity set up to distribute funds for gambling research, education and treatment. The project has received ethical approval from the University of Greenwich Research Ethics Committee.

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