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It is so much better not having those urges! I’m at that point which I never ever thought I would be to not be thinking about gambling everyday and I’m only 20 years old that shows how bad I have been since I was 16. I’m really happy for you must be one of the best feelings in the world for you to know your going to be a nana!! But yeah my girlfriend said she would support me but my last chance as I have had a relapse I. The past so I had to show her my statements for a while which is understandable and she has started trusting me again just so.. on to the future, thanks for posting brightens my day to know others are coping well
Karl x
HammoParticipantHope all is well lads, ivevstick tonig and can honestly for the first time in my life say I don’t think I will gamble again!! Told my girlfriend after my little relapses and been plain sailing ever since, I told her because I believed I was ready. I told her if I gamble again that’s the end of us because I couldn’t put her through it when our future would be in gepody. Been 2 weeks 1 day now and not had a slight twinge to gamble at all and never been happier in life. Counting the days with ease now hope use are all okay and hope your keeping to it mate after your relapse Avfc
HammoParticipantHi mate thanks for your comment! Been some time I’ve kept looking on the site and looking at other people’s story every day just to keep strong not gunna lie I’ve had a few numbs and put daft bets on no benders quite yet just daft £10, £20 here and there but I feel I am starting to understand it more and it’s helping me out a lot, I realise now I was stupid before just hope I never end up in that place again
HammoParticipantWork in a bar on a Saturday when games are away, little by extra money should I say
HammoParticipantSorry for not been on for a few days been busy! Work at a sports ground and been a busy week getting things sorted I work in a bar when the games are away and with games been Ina. Friday I worked today and will be tomorrow also. But been going strong nearly at the 2 week mark and never felt stronger the urges are getting weaker and quite frankly the thought of gambling isn’t going through my head half as much as it used to as I was like Avfc betting on sport every night on teams I didn’t know existed! But hope you all are okay and keeping strong. We are winning this fight at the moment. Keep t up Avfc I’ll be back on daily now the rush at work is finished keep yourself busy mate
HammoParticipantAye it’s gone good for me! Should only get easier from now on surely?! Haha keep well mate always here if you need to talk or distract yourself from gambling
HammoParticipantHartlepool mate, where you newcastle? And don’t really know much about them or how they come about
HammoParticipantWe are doing well mate keep it up!! Keeping busy will make t much easier I’ve had a busy couple myself! Nearly a week pal we can do it
HammoParticipantCorrect mate! She does not know the extent I have gambled to but she asked me to put some horses on for her daft couple of quid for the grand national but I told her to use her dad or something as I am trying to stop!
HammoParticipantJust log in here when you get an urge and write a post mate I’ll soon sharpish reply, keep strong
HammoParticipantDidn’t do it though mate so well done for not trying again! Keep yourself occupied take your girlfriend out for some food or something spend the money more wisely
Keep it up pal
HammoParticipantBreezed it today been doing a health and safety course al day so haven’t had a thought about it hope your going okay mate
HammoParticipantYour right mate! But starting from day 1 as I I do not want gambling in my life what so ever! So I’ll go again mate I’m sure I won’t make that mistake but as you said we have to be harsh on ourselfs to make a success of it! Stay strong today mate let me know how you get on
HammoParticipantgutted! Bought a few scratch cards when with girlfriend earlier from the shop and put lottery on! I know it sounds harsh but need to be harsh to beat this addiction need to not gamble at all, so we start again from scratch! Didn’t even think about it at the time but may as well be honest want to do this process properly. Sorry lads will beat this though so Day 1 starting tomorrow (Wednesday)
HammoParticipantWell done mate glad to hear it!