Keep it up Marke you’re doing great. I had a bad slip 2 weeks ago lost $500 after 6 weeks of not gambling, back sliding is a depressing feeling trust me, i’m trying to use that as a learning experience. This Friday is a payday for me I know I have to be vigilant against urges
Re your comment on chasing losses Marke, that’s a delusion that all CGs appear to suffer from, I know I did for years and of course it just makes things worse. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the gambling addict, the ONLY way to win is to abstain. I’m almost 4 weeks now without gambling and feeling a bit better about myself already. I’m still broke and in debt but I wont be in 2019 if I keep this up.
Every day without gambling is a move towards a better life
Congrats marke and it was nice meeting you a few days ago. I’m in a similar boat as you, broke and trying to get my life back on track. All the best and if you feel any urges I urge you to visit this site first, its been working for me the last couple weeks and i pray to god i never gamble again