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Thanks V for replying, I had very little sleep last night. He took his bank card out which I didn’t know and transferred money from our bill acc as he has access to it via online so did a transfer from his mobile phone whilst he was out. He went to the bookies on his way home from being with his friend. He has said that he will leave today.But i have no idea where he will go. Our son has his 1st rugby match of the season so I am sure he will come and watch as he has never missed a match yet.
He is not in denial now as he came home last night and just said he knows he has a big big problem and just cannot stop. I am hoping the counselling will help but ultimately he’s the one that has to take everything on board and help himself to stop. I have told him that counselling alone won’t stop him and it isn’t a miracle cure.
financially I am fine as the house is in my name etc and all the bills plus I work so I am self sufficient in that way.
Ivy360ParticipantI’ve found out today that he’s taken £300 out of our joint account and gambled with it, I’m so mad that he even dare do that as he never has before. I’ve told him that I am changing the account into one of mine and he won’t have access to it. He’s now self excluded from the site he was using
Ivy360ParticipantMy husband is now hoping to take out an IVA to clear all his debts, I’ve told him that he needs to seek professional help!! He says he’s going to come on here. Time will tell. I’m struggling daily to deal with this as I had so many plans for our future. He’s now spending what bit of credit he’s got on materialistic things. Clothes for our son, he bought a TV for our room, a new vaccumm cleaner. He said it makes him feel better buying things. He’s bought our son his Xmas present. He’s booked me and my friend in to a spa for the day ( he has done that before just as a treat for my bday) but not just for nothing. My friend thinks it’s so lovely. I habit old her yet as I’ve not seen her to talk to and I feel I can’t text her about it.
I’m so confused. It would have been easier for me to deal with if he’d had an affair xx
13 September 2015 at 4:44 pm in reply to: The Wife of a Problem Gambler…Trying to save my family #3883Ivy360ParticipantI’m too with a cg who does admit he has a problem, but if my husband got physical he would be out, he’s just had a gambling spree and I said to him this morning I would rather him have an affair or hit me as I can deal with that, as he would be out the door with no chances.
Ivy360ParticipantHe asked me to put the blocks on last year and only I know the passwords and security numbers, he’s always a good dad, my boys don’t know that there’s anything wrong. I won’t enable anymore I haven’t done so for a long time. He dies work and works hard to earn extra money to pay his debts off. His mum has stopped helping him out after I told her that if he asks to borrow money she needs to check with me first, as she had helped us with buying a car etc on an interes free loan.
At the moment I feel I’m only staying with him for my boys sake, although I do love him etc, he acknowledges he has a problem. But struggles to seek help, he did go to a gambling annyonmos meeting years ago but as he’s in the police there were a couple of people there he’s locked up. So that put him off.
Ivy360ParticipantThanks for you replies, the reason why he asked me to put the block on was it is passcode protected so if he did it he would know the passcode, he’s also asked me to do his mobile phone again only for the same reason as the wifi. He did the research as I wasn’t aware you could restrict dires on mobile phones. I’m still confused as what to do as he has come such a long way from when I first met him and the years that followed. He doesn’t hide it like he used to. I can see hiss accounts whenever I want to etc. when I ask him if he’s gambled he tells me after the initial know. He doesn’t get angry like before. He knows exactly what I’m feeling as I’m not one for holding back, you are right I do need to tell someone and I will when I see my best friend
Ivy360ParticipantI’ve had a bit of a melt down today!! I’ve told my husband that I don’t know if I want to stay married etc I’ve told him exactly how I feel and that I really don’t know if I can Stay in the marriage even though he has come a long way with his addiction. I’m so confused at the moment. I go out and pretend to be happy and put on a front as know one really knows about his gambling the 2 people I did tell thinks he’s stopped, I can’t bring myself to tell them he’s gambled again. He has asked me to put a block on our internet but I think he’s just saying what I want to hear but he says he wants me to help him. Xx