8 days passed and I am still gambling free. I feel generally good not to waate money, time and emotions in gambling. The thiinking of the debts and how to fix them is a bit harder part in the last days for me.
Hi ujju197,
You are tottaly right. Still don’t have the guts to speak with someone cloae to me but I am getting there slowly.
3 days Gamble free and feeling good for now.
Hello everyone. From today I will keep count and accountabillity for mine actions here.
So for start:
One day Gamble free!
Feeling kind of numb and exhausted but One day at a time.
Hello, nlynch, thank you for the reply. I encounter difficulties to find a way to tell my mother or someone else around me. Feeling ashamed and weak, but i know its time to face the consequеnces of my behavior.
Day One again after little relapae. Trying to stay on the right path but its Hard.