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    • #12933

      Hi I’m nelly I’ve been gambling online slots since 2006 its got really heavy I have several bank loans I now have gamblock on all my computers but the other day I bought an iPad which allows me to go on these sites I’ve spent £2000 although I won and made withdrawals I am still £500 down and these casinos take a week to put the money back into your bank so today I woke up and had £10 and I have to buy food and the cat needs to see the vet I have now had to ask my mum for a loan as I’ve had a payday loan and can’t get another until I’ve paid back the other one I’ve put gold on gumtree it’s ridiculous all these lies to my mum and borrowing money so today when she lent me £1500 I decided I’d lock £1000 away in an isa sell my iPad and make today the day I never spin the reels again I contacted the casinos and told them to shut my account due to gambling problems I know why I did it did it being the operative word because I was in an abusive relationship now I find myself a single mum with 2 teens with special needs ADHD and aspergers so gambling was a way of shutting down but not any more now it’s pay back the debts and save can’t wait to shop today and get all those Bogor deals it will probably give me more of a thrill than winning a few quid but it’s not winning it’s getting a few quid back that was already yours thanks for reading

    • #12934
      Ma?tre des clés

      Hi Nelly, A Warm Welcome to Gambling Therapy
      Having found us you have also found a diverse community who can help and support you on your recovery journey.
      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment and by reading others stories am sure you will see that you are very much not alone in this addiction
      Please click here to see our services page, feel free to use all that this site can offer…
      To chat with others in real time you may wish to make use of the support groups, the ***** of these groups are advertised under "What’s on and When" or click here to see the weekly group schedule.
      For one to one chat you may want to try the live advice helpline. Click "connect" when these options become available.
      Also to say when you registered we would have sent you an email with an attachment, this attachment will help you navigate the site and find the support you so rightly deserve, alternatively this guide can be downloaded by clicking here.  
      Take Care
      Harry25 year poker player, 25 year Hierarchal fool, 25 year ego boost…  Intellectualisation was my down fall, simplicity was my salvation

    • #12935

      I survived day 2 and found I got more pleasure from defrosting my freezer with a hammer! Than winning the bonus round or free spins

    • #12936

      ***** Harry yes you can become very clever when you need to gamble I’m pleased today I survived day 2

    • #12937

      hi nelly and welcome to gambling therapy, good for you that you have decided to start the long road to beating gambling addiction, i myself am on my 13th day of being gamble free and in that short time have found that doing simple things here and there can be more enjoyable than sitting for hours on end gambling so keep it up!!!

    • #12938

      Welcome Nelly. You’ve taken some major steps to block any gambling.  Your kids and you deserve the good things money can buy (like food!).  Keep reading and keep posting.  You are not alone and you’ll find so much support here.

    • #12939

      Welcome to the GT community. Here you will find the support you need to arrest your awful addiction. In the beginning of recovery, most of us have had to put in barriers so that we cannot access money to gamble with. That has proved incredibly helpful to me. Good for you for blocking your online gambling sites. How easy would it be for you to unblock these sites in a moment of stress, weakness, etc? It isn’t easy to have two teenagers, let alone two that have special *****. I have two friends that have older teens with Asperger’s, so I am aware of some of the challenges they and you face. Kudos to you for getting out of that abusive relationship. You deserve recovery. It isn’t going to be easy, especially in the early days, but I can tell you that recovery will be worth it. Carole

    • #12940

      Thank you I’ve been tempted today but I haven’t I’ve been keeping busy it’s hard but I need to remember waking up the other day with £10 In the bank I hope they find blocks for ipads like on computers

    • #12941

      I have stopped before but I’ve had several relapses

    • #12942

      The money I would have given to these casinos I am going to get tickets to the Harry potter tour

    • #12943

      Thank you Carole I like being a single mum but obviously the kids are very challenging so when I do go on a binge I feel so quilts because they are reliant on me even though they are teens they get disability living allowance and I’m classed as a carer

    • #12944

      Thank you carole

    • #12945

      Not only do I have severe behavioural challenges with the kids although medication helps my neighbours who are joined on to me bang on the party wall in the night so for over 6 months I haven’t been sleeping so gambling was a way to escape what there doing to me

    • #12946

      Hi Nelly and welcome to GT.  Put up every barrier you can.  Recovery is hard, but your worth it!!!  Take care!!Seize all the good things in life

    • #12947

      well welcome and  next time the neighbors bang on the party walls bang on the keys here instead of the online stuff that just gets ya more grief.

    • #12948

      Day 3 or 4 now and no I haven’t gambled ive felt like it and had that restless feeling but I came on here and looked at recipies online instead ended up spending £40 at tesco on new baking tins etc at least I have something to show for my money

    • #12949

      Thanks sucks2beme I will I think they’re moving soon ******

    • #12950

      Off to bed now knowing I’ve got cash in the bank and don’t have to lay awake with my head spinning with working out how much I’ve lost and all the bills that need paying I’m doing ok goodnight all

    • #12951

      Sleep well!! Seize all the good things in life

    • #12952

      So pleased today I paid back my payday loan and got Harry potter tour tickets for july

    • #12953

      Got the Harry potter tour tickets so pleased

    • #12954

      Hi Nelly! I’m so proud of you for your gamble free days and that you are in recovery. Early recovery can be challenging as we choose to no longer have the gambling in our life as the anesthetic to our emotional pain. Raw feelings start to come back and at first we don’t always have the coping skills to deal with these feelings, but the coping skills come back, and we learn new ones. I’m cheering for you Nelly and for your daughters, who get their Mom back. I can certainly understand why you would need a complete break from any teenager, having raised a few myself. Your girls have special challenges as well, which makes a break for you even more needed. A suggestion may be to brainstorm, and write it down, what else you could do to get a break that would be healthy and recharge your batteries. You my dear deserve recovery, as we all do. Happy Recovery Day! Carole

    • #12955

      I have bought a few apps like chuzzle and bejewelled blitz I love those games you pay £1.49 for each app then you have them forever

    • #12956

      Thank you Carole for your kind words

    • #12957

      What a great change in you, in just a few days, well done keep it up.
      Geordie.Recovery is priceless.

    • #12958

      Thanks all had a bad night last night no not gambling the kids meds wore off and they both got aggressive and nasty had to call the police usually I would gamble but I didn’t got them calm then watched telly and played chuzzle for a few hours I think today it will have to be last minute Easter shopping

    • #12959

      Hi Nelly and welcome to the site ?? It will feel good to get your Easter shopping done instead of being broke! I like Carole’s suggestion about coming up with some different things you can do. A new hobby perhaps. Do you every get the opportunity to get out by yourself? Walking can be a great way to boost your ****. Keep your money tied up it can be tempting if you have a balance sitting around. Stay strong Nelly.

    • #12960

      I don’t get any free time I always have the kids my ex has them for 3 hours a fortnight separately although they are both his kids delightful man !

    • #12961

      Cast off I’m in my trainers and ankle support back to work soon it’s very badly bruised and swollen

    • #12962

      Wanted to say thank you for all your support and encouragement, you are such a good friend.  I keep thinking that things have to get better soon.  Glad your ankle is healing enough to get you out of that cast.  Bet you took a nice long hot bath after getting it off.  Deb

    • #12963

      You guessed right it was a lovely bath take care and it’s ok to feel sorry for yourself and mourn the bf you never had as I mourn the mother I never had

    • #12964

      How is your ankle?  Are you coping alright with your mom gone?  It must be difficult to manage stairs right now.  I know that I broke my wrist many many years ago and to this day it still aches at *****, especially in the winter.  Hope things are good with you.  Deb

    • #12965

      Hi I’m ok fed up seems the new neighbours are mates with the old so here we go again lots of banging etc I need to sell and move my new job is ok bit worried as she has snakes and an iguana she lets loose I can’t cope with that my ankle is very sore and bruised and swollen but m coping glad mums gone we didn’t get on

    • #12966

      Dear Nelly! Have you gone over to meet the new neighbours? What about explaining to them that you have special ***** kids and that at *****, they do act out and make more noise than maybe most people? If they knew that, maybe they would be more tolerant and bang the walls less. Nelly, unless you work at a zoo or at a pet store, iguanas and snakes have no business being around you and making you nervous. Could you ask the person who owns them to put them in their cages when you’re there? I’m afraid of snakes; they creep me out. Carole 

    • #12967

      are you sure you are meant to be walking on that ankle, Nelly?

    • #12968

      Yes the doctor said I could but I think I should take things more easily I’ll try and catch the neighbours and have a word

    • #12969

      I don’t think the banging is about the kids it’s about my previous neighbours getting revenge as I complained about them someone they know has bought the house and is carrying on in their footsteps I need to move quick

    • #12970

      Just saw my new neighbours in the shops he didn’t say ***** I followed him and overheard him saying I’m going to get the ***** out I know what that means he’s trying to get me to move

    • #12971

      Nelly are you absolutely sure you’re not being paranoid?  I really think you need to go next door and talk to them.  Find out exactly why they are being agressive.  If you take the initiative they might back down.  Deb

    • #12972

      Hi yes I’m sure I heard him there’s taps and bangs all the time it’s not good I don’t know what to do

    • #12973

      I’ve told the police what I heard him say. And things are not good there’s banging and tapping all day and all night I’ve recorded it I’ll have to move ASAP

    • #12974

      So these people stay awake all night just to bang on the walls and annoy you and keep you awake?  They must be crazy.  It’s a shame that you have to move but it sounds like it might be the best thing for you and your kids.  Are these young people that live there?

    • #12975

      Hi no they are in their thirties so youngish

    • #12976

      Oh nelly that is no good i hope the situation improves very quickly for you
      Happy birthday
      Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

    • #12977

      Hi CC and Carole sherry thanks for your posts she’s doing ok and we are off to seaworld in the morning

    • #12978

      I’m off to work in the morning…but I’d much rather be off to Sea World. ha ha  Have a wonderful time and soak in every moment.

    • #12979

      Now off just waiting for a cab

    • #12980

      Happy Birthday Nelly

    • #12981

      Happy, Happy Birthday (((Nelly)))! Seaworld sounds like a lovely place to spend your 40th birthday! Carole

    • #12982

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELLY!!!!!!!! I HOPE THAT YOU HAD A WONDERFUL TIME AT SEA WORLD.   One day at a time my sweet lord…

    • #12983

      Pics on Facebook under noelle Howe

    • #12984

      Thanks everyone can’t believe I’m 40 today

    • #12985

      I hope you had a wonderful, terrific birthday girlfriend, you so deserve it.  Deb

    • #12986

      We had fun went to the loop shopping mall bought loads went to Romanov macaroni grill then to the cinema watched twilight movie

    • #12987

      Went to busch gardens today it was great we are exhausted

    • #12988

      (((Nelly))) I’ve been to Busch Gradens in Florida and it is beautiful and a fun place. Have you been to see Mickey and Minnie?? Carole

    • #12989

      Hi not yet daughter hates rides so I don’t think we will but maybe if we ever come again we will

    • #12990

      Leaving today so sad my daughter cried last night I’m not looking forward to going home

    • #12991

      Wow Nelly,
      happy New Year, Happy Birthday, but i can undertand, not so happy to be leaving the happiest place on earth! I loved it while we were there.I hope the New Year brings other wonderful adventures your way. Stay strong in your recovery.

    • #12992

      Hi we are back in cold England not happy to be back

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