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Pregledavanje 10 odgovora iz niza
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    • #42880

      Good morning everybody, I’m 25 from France and i first of all want to apologize for my english.

      I’ve been betting on sports Events since i’m 19. At the beggining it was just small bets and then i think you all know what happened. I don’t have debt but I have lost around 20K if not more. That crazy and makes me sick. I’m not buying nothing i could use i’m just spending my money like this.

      I’ve been trying so many times to stop and i’m so ashamed to my parents, brother and girlfriend who are the only people knowing my issue. They know but don’t understand them and how can i bleme them ?

      I was a big fan of sport before and kwno i’m always wanting to bet on and have the excitement on. I really don’t know if i will be able to stop but i will try.

      Yesterday i’ve bet 80 Euros on 8 games to win big and the only missing was the Real Madrid against Leganes what a joke but whatever i would have bet and loose the money i would have won. I’m addicted to betting to give me something exciting in my life which is boring. I wanted to be Sports Teacher but in High school some big issues on my knee obliged me to switch to something else and the job that i’m doing since 4 years is making me so sick and angry about my knee.

      But today is a new start for me I swear to myself that i will be stronger and motivated this time. Thanks if you have read me, that’s good to speak. I will post as much as I can about my recovery from this. So let’s go from now Day 1 is on !!

    • #42881

      I’m in the same boat. Today is also my first day. Good luck mate hopefully we can both get out of this

    • #42882

      It’s not going to be easy mate but everything is possible if you really want it. Let’s do it together ??

    • #42883

      Hi Menez,

      welcome to the Forum. You say that your family already knows. One of the things that helped me in the beginning was not handling any large amount of money. I had to provide receipts for anything i purchased (small items or even a few groceries). Can you ask someone to take responsibility for your money? So you do not have access to it for gambling? Have you looked into attending some sort of counseling? Quite often regrets and past events or traumas can contribute to our desire to escape into gambling. Can you put software blocker on your phone and computer so that you can’t place bets? These are some ideas you can think of. If what you try at first doesn’t succeed, then try and build barriers higher. Work on your happiness as well. Also, watching sports is probably a big trigger right now. You may have to give that up for a while and try and find other hobbies. You can do this. And your life will be so much better for it. Take care and welcome to the forum.


    • #42884

      Hi Menez,
      You say you don’t know if you can do it .
      I can absolutely guarantee you that you can do it .
      You can stop gambling .

      I find it helps me to have a gambling blocker on my phone and on my laptop. I also have barriers in place like I don’t hold a bank card so I can’t gamble online.
      I recommend you go to the group tonight for new members – you will get a lot of support and advice there
      . Keep strong – you can do this !

    • #42885

      Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #42886

      First of all, thanks for your message. I’ve already excluded myself from i think all of the website but for a time of three years but i will exclude myself permantly this week-end when I will have time. Recently i was betting in office specialized to do so no more in the internet. I will tell to my girlfriend that she can look my account every month so I won’t be tempted too much.

      Because parents and girlfriend are only aware of this Situation since last week. I wasn’t sleeping and betting all night and in the morning to go to work i was looking horrible..

      And concerning watching sports i’m not tempting on betting if I watch NBA or football Games because I really love this. When i want to bet it’s if i know there is a hockey game or a tennis game during my time in work or during the night to give me adrenaline in what i feel like a very boring life..

      But i finished DAY 1 yesterday almost easily i don’t know how but i did it. Day 2 is on so let’s keep the streak going

    • #42887

      Good morning,

      Thanks for your message and encouragement, i will go to the group. I think about it before but I was like no wayyy how can I stay the rest of my life without betting it would be so boring i need that..

      But i’m starting to feel different now i’m really thinking i will do it, i have also start to read a book concerning my addiction.

      Thanks again i will try to be strong

    • #42888

      You are right – it sound boring to our addicted brains but once we stop gambling our brains start to change – and we being to enjoy the things others enjoy .

      For example, I know I have been quite miserable with grocery shopping . I would shop for bargains and then come home and gamble a grand.
      Now I look for good quality produce that my family will enjoy- it was Monica on this site who helped me think differently about food- and I cannot believe the difference in taste … and yes I really enjoy eating it .

      Our addicted brains consciously or subconsciously save all our money for gambling. Next time you get some cash, forget about saving or paying back – buy yourself something nice to wear and see how nice it feels to wear it .

      For my recovery , treating myself is the most motivating thing-
      A nice new outfit is better than a gambling hangover anyday .

      Hope this helps

    • #42889

      Hey Menez

      Going through a similar problem with sports betting. I am really pleased to hear that you are feeling positive about stopping.

      Similarly to you I have stopped now for a little under a week and hope to fight through the weekend as I know this will be a tough time for me considering the nature of my addiction. Seeing someone having a positive mindset like yourself gives me inspiration. I am going to to try to play more sports to combat the urges and keep myself busy.

      Good luck buddy and stay strong. I look forward to hearing your developments at some point in the future.


    • #42890

      Good morning Everybody and especially Ryan,

      Unfortunately i put an end on my streak Friday the temptation was too harsh just to do a little bet of 5 euros so even if it’s a setback for me betting only 5 Euros is major progress i never bet less than 20 before… Since then i’m fine without betting Saturday and Sunday even if there were a lot of sports events.

      I feel bad because it would have been great to not make this bet but i’m not going to lie here that won’t make sense.

      I have the feeling i’m making progress but i need to be stronger than this to resist. Have a nice day all

Pregledavanje 10 odgovora iz niza
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