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    • #8617

      I don’t miss you, I am actually glad that I haven’t seen you in a while. I won’t drive on that road to see you, not a few feet, not even a mile. It used to never be my style. I was more productive back then, not living in all of this 

      dishonesty and sin. Too many times I was robbing Peter to pay Paul. Falling on my own sword like Saul. That will change, things will rearrange. I deserve better, I deserve peace. I will get a good nights sleep atleast.

      As I said before I don’t miss you and hope you don’t miss me, it is better for the feelings to be mutual but if they aren’t that is okay to. Soon you will be saying there used to be a lady that would come here but I don’t remember who.

    • #8618

      good read! It’s great when we can „not miss” gambling. Hope you are well.

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