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  • このトピックには7件の返信、5人の参加者があり、最後にbonkersにより12年、 7ヶ月前に更新されました。
  • 投稿者
    • #12219

      Hi guys. After long time I finally admitted to myself that I am not a gambling guru as I thought (or wish). I am just a gambling addict.
      I am one of those fool people who thought that they have it all figured it out. The one with the system that keeps changing and improving after each row of looses causing me quite a lot of money. And after each time I say to myself that the next system is the one thats gonna make my life so much easier making easy money and not having to work any more ever ( sounds familiar doesnt it).I just thought that I have it all figured it out.
      Well guess what ,it took me years and many debts to find out something deep inside everyone of us knows.
      But today I say no more.
      No more gambling at all not even poker nights with friends that are maybe the only kind of gambling I enjoyed and didnt play for profit.
      Today is the first day of the rest of my life , and a part of me says that its already too late having damaged so serious my financial situation but the other part knows that its never late for a change and that it will become only worst if I dont end it now.
      So wish me good luck and hopefully soon I will be an ex gambler addicted ( I already feel like one writing all this).

    • #12220

      Hi MeMento, A Warm Welcome to Gambling Therapy
      Having found us you have also found a diverse community who can help and support you on your recovery journey.
      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment and by reading others stories am sure you will see that you are very much not alone in this addiction
      Please click here to see our services page, feel free to use all that this site can offer…
      To chat with others in real time you may wish to make use of the support groups, the ***** of these groups are advertised under "What’s on and When" or click here to see the weekly group schedule.
      For one to one chat you may want to try the live advice helpline. Click "connect" when these options become available.
      Also to say when you registered we would have sent you an email with an attachment, this attachment will help you navigate the site and find the support you so rightly deserve, alternatively this guide can be downloaded by clicking here.  
      Take Care
      HarryWatch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    • #12221

      Just placed an add to sell all my electronics as my situation is really bad and I know that the next couple of months will be really hard as those are the month of the reality. No more illusions that I will take care of my debts by betting. Its only hard work from now on ( as it has always been but the profit of that work was going into the wrong hands).
      I just wonder why we have to hit the bottom to realize and to confess to ourselves what is really going on.
      And from what I red on the forum we are all quite gifted/intelligent people but still our minds have been blinded for so long and we kept saying that we are not addicted that we we do it for fun or profit or simply because we found out a way to beat a system.
      I am trying to get a small loan to pay my rent and to return the debts that are up to date ( I know a very bad call but as you can imagine there is no way I can take money from my friends who are most probably already sick of me even though I have always managed somehow to return their money).
      I feel kind of sad writing this cause I know that whoever is reading it has most probably hit the bottom as well or if he hasn’t he would think that only an insane person will gamble the money for his rent but hats the life of a gambler I guess.
      One thing I know for sure. I wanna start living again the way I used to and the way we all deserve and with your help I know I can make it !
      I know we can all make it!

    • #12222

      Hi Me, and welcome to GT.  You are so right, it’s not until we each hit our own personal rock bottom that we can begin to recover and gain some sanity.  This site is a wonderful support system and it’s what has been lacking in my past attempts to stop gambling.  I find myself gaining strength daily through my own research and also the words of others.  You are not the only one here who has gambled rent or mortgage money.  I have refinanced my loan three ***** over the years, it would have been repayed many years ago had I been able to stop gambling then.  Best of luck to you and keep journalling.  Debbie

    • #12223

      Hi Memento,

      Welcome to GT.
      Yes you’re right, all of us had to hit rock bottom before finally admitting we have a problem.
      Like you, i also used to think that i have a way of beating the gambling system and winning. However, all those were just false lies and nothing is certain.
      Its never too late for a change although you have really damaged your financial situation.
      Think about it, if you win your life back from gambling, it is priceless and worth more than all those money you have loss. Remember, recovery is pricess.

      Best wishes,
      Stormy."The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket."

    • #12224

      Thanks Stormy and trulyshi.
      I have red some of the posts in the forum and I have to say a couple of ***** with tears on my eyes recognizing my own story.
      It seems we all feel almost the same way , embarrased , depressed thinking even some***** that a life end looks so much easier and the only way out.
      I dont feel any of those now. I feel proud for the first time from a long time. Just sold all my electronics ( incl. my tv that I loved) and again somehow I felt good about.
      The reason behind that is the fact that for the first time I didnt sell them to make money for gambling ( as I have done before). I sold them to start my escape from all this madness I turned my life into.
      I feel happy , positive and confident with my decision and admition on my problem and this helps me look forward on what I can do now rather to what I’ve done.
      I just hope this feeling lasts longer as it helps me fight my addiction.
      Albert Einstein Quotes. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    • #12225

      yes mate we are all fools who thought we knew how to beat the system,not go to work,but like us all,something has eventually got to give,debt ,relationships,not liking what you have become.but fear not its never to late to put things right,so i wish you good luck on your journey;it wont be easy,but you will do it,
      good luck bonkersOnwards and upwards

    • #12226

      yes mate we are all fools who thought we knew how to beat the system,not go to work,but like us all,something has eventually got to give,debt ,relationships,not liking what you have become.but fear not its never to late to put things right,so i wish you good luck on your journey;it wont be easy,but you will do it,
      good luck bonkersOnwards and upwards

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