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    • #16865
      ? ???

      I am trying to start a new threadThis is a far better thing I do than I have ever done and a far better place I go than I have ever been.

    • #16866

      Originally posted by tarbert

      How do I start a thread

      As you probably know, you just started one; now to continue it just reply to your own topic like you do to others. You post any additions or replies to it by entering your new input either  in the "Quick Reply" section, of selecting the "Post Reply" option.  You can also select the "Quote Post" option if you want to include that information in your reply. 
      Keeping the tread going is a far better thing to do than starting a new topic for each post.Larry"Day Two Is Another Day Behind" – With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s – God, GA, and GT, I will continue to be  gambling free.

    • #16867

      Hi Tarbert
      Your thread is started.. Keep posting and you will see people will reply to you, well done
       P – Living and Learning

    • #16868
      ? ???

      Hi Tarbet
      Hopefully this link will help you continue you thread thread and alllow the community to support you
      Take Care
       "Occasionally it?s wise to doubt our doubts, to question our questions, and to re-think our thoughts."

    • #16869

      Hey Tarbert
      Hows it going? keep posting on here and hope to see you soon here or in group chat
       P – Living and Learning

    • #16870

      Originally posted by harry

      Hi Tarbet
      Hopefully this link will help you continue you thread thread and alllow the community to support you
      Take Care
      "Occasionally it’s wise to doubt our doubts, to question our questions, and to re-think our thoughts."

      This is a far better thing I do than I have ever done and a far better place I go than I have ever been.

    • #16871

      Hi Tarbert
      Hope you are doing ok, might see you on group again sometime hey
       P – Living and Learning

    • #16872

      StrugglingThis is a far better thing I do than I have ever done and a far better place I go than I have ever been.

    • #16873

      It was so good to see you on the help-line, you are continuing to seek support which is great. Im happy to see you have found the forum, you will get so much support here. Remember to look for group ***** also.
      Hope to see you soon, take care x

    • #16874

      Struggling is good sometimes, Tarbert. It means we are trying. When we stop struggling it means we are giving up hope. I struggle to work every day and have had a fair few struggles to keep going at night too. Keeping to the ‘ one day at a time’ motto makes it easier. My greatest fear would be sickness, which would prevent me from working….you’ve faced the fear of not having work. ..
      I wish you all the best in your new venture. Let us know how things go for you!

    • #16875

      Hi Tarbert
      Good to see you in group again and good to see you working well at being gamble free, keep going and see you again soon
       P – Living and Learning

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