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    • #16789

      I really feel much more stroger since i found this site and GA site.this site already saved my life  defenitly saved .
      we all paid a big price for our weakness ,but defenitly we could  achieve some thing which worth this big price.
      I think we have to find out what is our reward ,passing this terrible frightening scary hopeless embarcing experience .
      there must be something which worth it.I dont want to say as i right in my profile that (i missed myself)
      now i think it is just an excuse ,no I dont miss myself I found more about Hamed and how weak or strong bad or good
      could be. i discovered some places in my lind that i could not even tought this things exist in me….
      I have to make somethink which defenitly worth all this trriblle time .hamed

    • #16790

      looool i forgot to right why i feel stronger att all looool i feel stronger because i for the first time in last 5 years i am sure i made a right desision to be here and to get help which i dfenitly need .
      i know i am in right place now it makes me stronger
      good luck everyonehamed

    • #16791

      good to meet you in the chat Hamed! Stay strong!

    • #16792

      Hi Hamed
      Good to see you on group and continue to work at being gamble free, those days add up to a new gamble free way of life, it is very worthwhile, and you have come to the right place, everyone is very supportive here…
       P – Living and Learning

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