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Rodomos 5 atsakym? gijos
  • Autorius
    • #38205


      I am new to this and it is the first time I have ever posted on such websites. I decided to post today following amother bad day of gambling.

      I was on my way to work and decided to stop over to get some lunch from Co op so I don’t need to nip out at lunch to the same place and be tempted to gamble at the Betfred next door! Got to work and had a lovely morning. Come lunch I got the urge to go and make a quick spin (roulette) telling myself il only make £40 spin take my time and try and raise. Last month I did this every lunch time and lost a load of money. Anyway I went and only had a 30 minute lunch break thinking yup il be back at work soon. I go in loose the £40 immediately and end up emptying my bank account of £390. It’s 3pm now. I then call the bank and re call all payments made by my visa debit card – this is something I know will eventually catch up to me and is slightly illegal. ànyway I managed to get back £200 from my car finance payment I just made the other day. I already owe them from last month doing the same thing. I went and lost this immediately.

      There seems to be some sort of strong hold over me for gambling. I can’t have £5 in my pocket without thinking let me put in the machine and see if I can win. But even if I win I can never just walk away . I think iv been cursed sometimes and have even thought of taking my life. I have gambled for the last 6 years solid nearly every day and must have lost over £200,000 in salary . I have 14 PAYDAY loans and haven’t paid anything to them in 2 years! I’d be rich if I didn’t gamble.

      Can I have some help please? I seriously don’t know what to do .

      Family are aware of my gambling addiction and tel me to stop. Obviously easier said than done. I often run out of £ by mid month and have to ask for money and in addition lie to my gf saying i can’t take her out because I have things on or I’m ill.

      I don’t know how much more detail to input in this thread and I’m just hoping someone can reply and give me some guidance. Please tell me how to get through the first day or week or something. I don’t know what to do. Il get through this month somehow. Again!!!

    • #38206

      Hi there,

      Firstly, really big well done for posting and putting yourself out there.

      I’m no expert in this, I have only recently begun to come to terms with my own addiction / compulsive gambling problem.

      I think this is a good starting point for you. Realisation and the start of admission that you have a problem.

      Other steps that may come in useful, if this constant cycle has affected you in any lf the ways that mine has then one option that helped me was seeing a doctor and explaining things. Doctors can find ways to help with mood and mindset.

      For myself it was enough is enough time, I had told myself over and over that I didn’t have a problem or that I could fix the problems myself. Until you fully admit to yourself that you are a compulsive gambler, you do have a problem then it would be almost impossible to get the help you need.

      You have to learn to be transparent, open, honest with your partner otherwise you will never get away from living a lie and therefore never break the cycle.

      If you haven’t done so already, I would suggest going properly onto the main Gordon Moody website and getting your head around what they are all about. They offer a 14 week in house residential treatment programme for compulsive gamblers who meet their criteria depending on circumstances etc. This is what I am about to embark on.

      I have a partner, I have a daughter, a mortgage etc…..14 weeks away from them is almost unthinkable but it ks 14 weeks that could give me back the rest of my life.

      There are online support groups and live chat sessions on this website and others. Gamblers anonymous in your local area can be effective of you commit to it.

      You will get through this month somehow but eventually it will only end one of a few very nasty ways. It will get too much and suicide will become a very real possibility. You will end up alone, broke, with all ties to friends and family gone if you do not get control of this.

      There are many more experienced members on this site who will give you some fantastic advice over the coming days or weeks so try and keep yourself active on here.

      For me, admitting everything absolutely fully and truthfully to my partner was my necessary first step. Seeing a doctor for my mood and suicidal thoughts was also very important for me. Getting in touch with Gordon Moody via their website and then speaking to Amy from there over the phone gave me a plan and direction I had been unable to find myself for over 5 years.

      Well done for taking a big first step and putting yourself out there.

      Take in some of the advice you get over the coming days and think about some of the things i’ve said.

      If you want any kind of future then the time to act is now. You can do this. You are not alone, but this could be the best thing you ever do!!

      Good Luck


    • #38207

      I can only agree with the great advice Kstep has given you.
      Our secrets keep us sick.
      Gambling will take everything from you.
      You found this site, its a great step. Reaching out for help isn’t easy.
      Can your family take care of your finances for a while? Give you some breathing space. No money = no gambling. You need support. Find the person in your family who understands that just stopping doesn’t work. Ask for help. Tell them to stop giving you money (enabling), it does not help the cg one little bit, no matter how much you beg and cry, yell or scream.
      The only one who can truly work your recovery is you. In saying that, you are not alone in this.
      Looking forward to reading more from you,
      Love K xx

    • #38208

      Hello ?and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. ?We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. ?We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. ?The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. ?So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and ?terms and conditions so you know how it all works! ???

    • #38209

      I’m struggling with the same maybe I don’t have to do it everyday, but from time to time I go wild and I hate this.

      I’m not the best person to give you advises but I would try to give your finances to someone who you trust.

      Why you just don’t go to casino and tell them to ban you forever? I believe you can ban yourself from the casino.

      Keep it strong, try to be here keep posting everyday about your feelings and bad demons…. I hope you will recover from it.

    • #38210

      I used to be the same roulette mad. When I would loose and have to go back to work knowing I’m working today n days after for f all. My advice… stay in work at all times. Make food/ take food. Don’t take any money with you. At all. Then you simply cannot.
      There use to be a sandwich ladie that come round. I hated not having money on me whether it’s 50p for a chocolate or couple ££ for a sandwich. I spoke with her about my gambling n she let me run a bill to £10 or 15 20 ECT so I didn’t have to run the bank an end up loosing 100 pound for a 3£ sandwich. It use to kill me inside what a mug I was.
      Doesn’t matter how proud or what role your job is, if your work mates try take the piss. Does not matter. The amount of times I went all day with no food or money because of the roulette on my lunch break. Bus money went in the roulette. Use to have to walk miles.
      Eventually I stopped taking money / cards. Has to be done. Go with NOTHING BUT YOURSELF, FOOD AND WATER.

Rodomos 5 atsakym? gijos
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