Jili88 casino login register Philippines.REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic-tag/help/ Providing online help for problem gamblers Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:42:44 +0000 mt-MT hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.gettogethablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/cropped-gm-icon-32x32.png Help - Gambling Therapy https://www.gettogethablog.com/forum/topic-tag/help/ 32 32 nightmare https://www.gettogethablog.com/mt/forum/topic/nightmare/ Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:42:44 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=198981 I started playing a few months ago and since then I’ve spent tons of money that I miss and were useful for other things. The issue of being unemployed greatly influenced this whole addiction and what bothers me is not being able to control when the urge returns. I haven’t played for two months now […]

The post nightmare appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I started playing a few months ago and since then I’ve spent tons of money that I miss and were useful for other things. The issue of being unemployed greatly influenced this whole addiction and what bothers me is not being able to control when the urge returns. I haven’t played for two months now and yet I feel like it and there’s a new website with offers. The biggest problem in all of this and what makes me sad and angry the most, is disappointing my parents who do everything for me and especially my mother because it kills me inside to know that I make her suffer, but the truth is that it is involuntary because I try to control everything and it is an uncontrollable desire.
I need help and I want help because this is not what I want for myself

The post nightmare appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Estou desesperado https://www.gettogethablog.com/mt/forum/topic/estou-desesperado/ Sat, 11 Nov 2023 14:07:00 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=184309 Olá! Sou Jorge, sou brasileiro, tenho 40 anos, sou casado e tenho duas crian?as pequenas, comecei a jogar a mais de 10 anos atrás, a princípio jogava apostas esportivas, como jogo de futebol, tentando prever algum resultado na partida. Alguns anos depois entrei nos cassinos virtuais que s?o disponibilizados nas casa de apostas, a parti […]

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Olá! Sou Jorge, sou brasileiro, tenho 40 anos, sou casado e tenho duas crian?as pequenas, comecei a jogar a mais de 10 anos atrás, a princípio jogava apostas esportivas, como jogo de futebol, tentando prever algum resultado na partida. Alguns anos depois entrei nos cassinos virtuais que s?o disponibilizados nas casa de apostas, a parti daí meu mundo virou de cabe?a para baixo, pois fiquei viciado sem perceber, jogando cada vez mais alto até chegar ao ponto que me encontro hoje, deixando de lado contas a pagar, deveres na família, e gastando praticamente todo meu salario, mês após mês, meu emocional cada vez mais abalado, comecei a ter crise de ansiedade, coceiras nas pernas, tremura nas pálpebras e palpita??es no cora??o. Estou completamente triste e decepcionado comigo, me cobro muito por estar nesta situa??o, esse mês em menos de 48 horas gastei o que sobrou do meu salario, estou arrasado em completo desespero.
entrei em contato com os atendentes do jogo responsável da casa de aposta e falei minha situa??o, mas o dinheiro perdido eles n?o devolvem, pois n?o faz parte da política da empresa, porem me sugeriram esse site, e falaram que eu seria bem acolhido aqui, pedi a auto exclus?o da minha conta na casa de aposta, e aqui estou eu, cheio de dívidas e com pouca ou nenhuma esperan?a que eu consiga me safar dessa. Obrigado se você leu até aqui.

Hello! I’m Jorge, I’m Brazilian, I’m 40 years old, I’m married and I have two small children, I started playing more than 10 years ago, at first I played sports betting, like football, trying to predict some outcome in the match. A few years later I entered the virtual casinos that are available in betting houses, from then on my world turned upside down, as I became addicted without realizing it, playing higher and higher until I reached the point where I am today, leaving aside accounts to pay, family duties, and spending practically my entire salary, month after month, my emotional state increasingly shaken, I began to have an anxiety attack, itchy legs, trembling eyelids and heart palpitations. I am completely sad and disappointed in myself, I charge myself a lot for being in this situation, this month in less than 48 hours I spent what was left of my salary, I am devastated and in complete despair. I contacted the responsible gambling attendants at the betting house and told me my situation, but they did not refund the lost money, as it is not part of the company’s policy, but they suggested this site to me, and said that I would be welcomed here, I asked for self-deletion from my bookmaker account, and here I am, full of debt and with little or no hope that I can get out of this. Thank you if you read this far.

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One Degenerate to Another https://www.gettogethablog.com/mt/forum/topic/one-degenerate-to-another/ Wed, 31 May 2023 07:49:55 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=177122 As low as low gets…former drug addict turned gambling addict who has now lost it all. My fiancée was diagnosed with brain cancer in March of 2023…during our time at the hospital after seeing ad after ad for online casinos I made my way into online blackjack. Winning a few bucks here and there helped […]

The post One Degenerate to Another appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

As low as low gets…former drug addict turned gambling addict who has now lost it all. My fiancée was diagnosed with brain cancer in March of 2023…during our time at the hospital after seeing ad after ad for online casinos I made my way into online blackjack. Winning a few bucks here and there helped bring in donuts and snacks for the nurses during our stay. Little did I know it would turn into a full fledged addiction, an addiction that would be worse then any benzo or opiate problem in existence. March, April, May have came and went with weekly hospital and doctor visits and still no answers or progress to our Cancer problem. All along while my warrior fiancée is fighting for her life I’m gambling away every penny l’ve ever had and taking multiple loans out with a plan to pay back not realizing I’ve just created a hole can no longer climb out of. Ive managed to ruin it all from the seat of my cell phone, I didn’t have to step foot into one casino or lender… the internet and my cell device powered it all. I work a 9-5 and each day I am trying to plot on how to come up with another dollar just to survive. Ive ran out of borrowing power and Ive finally hit the wall of defeat. My fiancée has no idea where I am financially and how I will not be able to help her is daunting on my soul. Bills are piling, food is scarce and I’ve sold all I can sell just to get us rent. I was blinded by the chase of getting back the money I lost the first couple weeks back from the hospital…it has now spiraled into another beast on its own. Gambling has ruined my life, I have ruined my life… trial by fire has been a motto for me but this one takes the cake. I don’t need the money for me, I need it for her. This is as pathetic as one man could be and I know that…im just stabbing at the dark at this point…I guess a gamblers chance the irony…

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How can I do this https://www.gettogethablog.com/mt/forum/topic/how-can-i-do-this/ Thu, 18 Aug 2022 18:12:51 +0000 https://www.gettogethablog.com/?post_type=topic&p=161576 I have a gambling issue which I developed in April 2022 and I have accrued over £70k of debt. I have also split up with my fiancée due to my issues. I am seeking help but I have had a relapse. To make matters worse I have been unlicensed casinos who I have no found […]

The post How can I do this appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

I have a gambling issue which I developed in April 2022 and I have accrued over £70k of debt. I have also split up with my fiancée due to my issues. I am seeking help but I have had a relapse. To make matters worse I have been unlicensed casinos who I have no found out from research have fake games abd close and open new casinos offer so I have no chance of winning as the games were rigged.
Is there anyone who has sucessfully come back from rock bottom and how did they manage it.
I’m usually a determined person and nothing can stop me but I feel worthless at the moment and don’t know where to turn

The post How can I do this appeared first on Gambling Therapy.
