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    • #42176
      Johnny B

      I have been in couples counseling working on the trust issues due to the CG issues that I have. I have put in place the blockers such as self exclusion, and turning over control of my finances (credit cards/bank card etc.)- I use a prepaid re-load card for my daily expenses.

      But one thing I am missing is somebody outside of my wife or counselor to be accountable to. The forums help, but is there a place to go for more immediate response when in need, such as helping defuse the urges and triggers?

      I have gone to one GA meeting, which didn’t quite satisfy me. I was not impressed. It may have just been a poor choice of meeting, but I have also read quite a few posts where there isn’t consistent attendance at those meetings so the support isn’t as strong as it should be.

      I live in the United States. Illinois (northwest Chicago suburbs).

      Any guidance would be appreciated.

      Thanks for reading

    • #42177

      Hi Johnny ,

      I too found GA wasn’t for me – I hated when they went through the roll, then called on you to speak – I really had nothing I wanted to Say to a roomful of men – for others I know they love to hear themselves speak to I guess it depends on personality type. I also find it old fashioned and degrading to refer to myself or anyone as a CG. I’m sure if we called people with other disabilities or illnesses by that illness or disability there would be uproar.
      However, I have also read of people who went to one meeting (seems to be a lot of people with this experience ) and tried others and eventually found one they liked – and I guess just because the meeting wasn’t for you doesn’t mean you won’t find someone really good to be accountable to there. I think you just ask someone to be your sponsor – ( not sure cos it seems every GA works differently ).

      Well done Jonhhy on all the action you have taken so far – you are making huge strides against this disease.

    • #42178
      Johnny B

      Thank you.
      I have been working very hard. I am still saddened that I may never (and shouldn’t) gamble again, but I have proven time and time again that I can not do it responsibly….and frankly, even if I could, why would we. I hate to look back at where I would be “if I didn’t gamble” because that is all hocus pocus and none of us can answer that with certainty, but what I can say, is I am in a much better place with the “new” me in place.. I am more productive at work, I feel better about myself, and I can see the financial progress in the positive direction for once… Oh well, better late than never. Good luck on your progress, and thank you for your response.

    • #42179

      …and that’s what recovery is all about Johnny – not a date or a number of days – it is about having a better and more fulfilled life,- it is about progress! Great post!

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