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    • #28974

      I been gamble for 15 years don’t know how to stop I tried loads of things feel ill with it can’t sleep can’t get num feeling .
      My family are gamblers soon has talk about it plants seed in my head then I mess up again I have no money and feel lost just want to be normal what’s normal these days .i gamble couple time a month then I have nothing to live on . No money for food etc at the time just want win my money back . I have had pains in my heart and been physical sick with it but when that thought get in my head don’t know how to stop . I have excluded myself from everywhere in my town . Don’t know the answer hope someone help me get it out my head so I live normal life I have waste to much time hurt my self and others I have to stop it day one for me so I’m new hope this helps me .

    • #28975

      Hope someone help me I know I have to help myself need little bit of support today feel vunerable

    • #28976

      Hi Kay37,
      I know how you feel. I have just quit again, for the last time. Since I did I have had nothing but pain and regert for the hurt and time wasted, not counting the money. MOney can always be earned again with focus and hard work – time can never won back. That’s what I know now so I am trying to focus on the time I had left, and what I can do with it.

      Have you seen a doctor about depression? I know that the gambling made me depressed clincially, but I only just got help for it. I am on pills, and they are starting to work. I am still getting the odd urge, but I am better placed to deal with it.

      There is a support group in 5 minutes here – please join us if you get this message in time. There are people on there who have been clean for years who will know what you are feeling better than I, and they might be able to help.

      I wish you all the best and all my love


    • #28977

      Hello Kat and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Kat Im sorry we’ve been unable to talk to you on the helpline, others are connecting but Im looking into the reasons why yout struggling… could you email me on [email protected] with how your trying to connect, eg device, type of connection, browser etc

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you?re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We?re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you?re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      And on that note….

      I?m going to hand you over to our community because I?m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our
      privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #28978

      Just got your message been out last day I’m back at work walk my dog give me some head space .feel so down got horrible feeling in my stomach so what change my life I know I have to put hard work in mav. Can’t believe missed session xx thank u for support

    • #28979

      Been 4 days without gambling scared got paid today haven’t gambled scares me so much day at time

    • #28980

      Hi Kat,

      You got paid today and haven’t gambled yet? well maybe this is the right time to hand your money over to someone who you trust so you can’t gamble it or go to the atm and get everything in cash when you only gamble online. The best thing ofcourse is to hand your money over to someone and the other thing you should do is exclude yourself from every online casino or casino in your town so you can prevent yourself for coming back. This is day 4, best thing to do is count all days and make sure that you don’t have to set the counter to 0 days.


    • #28981

      Thank u I have excluded myself day 7 feel proud of myself my mam went gamble today I felt sick inside and had a crap weekend with my partner who made my life hell this weekend mentally drain me and make feel worthless just want escape but I watch a movie instead hope I can stay strong hate feel like this xdont want devil to take over my mind x they only one winner x Katrina x

    • #28982

      Great job on making it 7 days! The days get easier as you have more time gambling free. Stay courageous. Stay strong. Remember, you will never, ever feel better if you gamble. You may feel worthless but you are not, you are worthy! Keep trying things to keep you occupied, get some therapy if you can, or visit your local church for some guidance and prayer if that is something that would help. Join a chat room, read a book. All the best, and know that other compulsive gamblers are here for you and understand what you are going through.

    • #28983

      Katrina Hi, your NOT worthless !!! In spite of having a rough weekend you were strong enough not to give into your urges. You have done great! 7 days no gambling. Dont let what others do no matter who they are drag you back to the gambling habits. Temporary escape is good … movies and such like. I have watched a ton of box sets online. Loads of movies anything to take the mind from the gambling.
      Here is to another gamble FREE day for you Katrina! Keep posting let us know how you are. Rooting for you!!! John

    • #28984

      Thank u for support come in from work it touch my heart how care understanding people are . Another day gamble free mam was talking about it tonight got it in my head but fight against .i feel u have devil that tells u gamble u get money back u never do you get more debt xx
      Thanks again

    • #28985

      You’ve done fantastically well. You’re surrounded by other people that gamble and you have money that you could use to gamble with if you wish, yet with all that temptation, you’ve not gambled for over a week and self excluded yourself!

      Stay strong and keep it going and always remember, you’re NOT worthless, you’re Priceless and you deserve happiness!!

      Take care,


    • #28986

      Welcome. You have done well to make it a gambling-free week. There are challenges and temptations around you, but you have found the determination within yourself and encouragement from others to keep you away from gambling. You can be proud of yourself.
      Yes, do find alternative activities; enjoy the movies, walking with your dog and whatever makes you happy and keeps you away from gambling. Read other experiences here to get other ideas about protecting yourself financially etc, too. Attend the groups (click on Support Groups to see when they are on) and keep writing and sharing.
      I wish you well.


    • #28987

      Another day gamble free I’m doing day by day because I’m finding it hard read people story’s to inspire me to be strong x I think everyone who on here are lovely it hard for everyone to admit to self mind others about there problem x try be strong x I’m glad found website x help me change my life and others . Everyone take care look after them selves x

    • #28988

      Another day gamble free it scared me mam been talking about how much people win there only one winner that’s them xx in my my head but need to get it out one winner that’s them x

    • #28989

      Another day gamble free hope can continue with it

    • #28990

      Another day gamble free hope can continue with it

    • #28991

      Great job! Gambling is a trap. We have to find new things to fill our time. The only safe way to make money is to earn it. I am happy you are putting things in place to change your life for the better.

    • #28992

      Am I get withdrawal feel so angry inside my emotions all over the shop at moment . Feel lost I haven’t gambled be 2 weeks it’s been so hard feel angry inside get to know my friends again which I find hard because I’ve been gamble on my own ages and never contact them has much hope I feel better soon had big fight with mam doesn’t help when she gambles she says she has more control than me x I keep strong and pray to fight this demon of gambleing x

    • #28993

      Give mam bank card today I be off work next week I’m frighted. When I’m off I do it so can’t do it x no bank card x

    • #28994

      My partner been horrible he got some anger inside don’t know how to control it .still haven’t gambled just need to continue x

    • #28995

      Still haven’t gambled day by day

    • #28996

      That is wonderful. Keep posting!

    • #28997

      read your thread a few days ago.. feel proud of yourself. In regards to your partner. Why are you still with him?

    • #28998

      Another day without gamble thank u for all your support on here I think he has issues my partner talked them through he going try get help I said had enough .he just has temper he has never hit me me shouts goes in mood things don’t go his way Ximena not let get me down stay positive feel happy haven’t felt like this for long time x worried about next week got week hoilday mam got bank card also planned things with my friends few days never done in long time x recovery been gamble free feel good feel free from hurt and pain to my self . X

    • #28999

      Another day gamble free really enjoyed chat room tonight met some lovely people feel happy and postive

    • #29000

      Feel great be nearly three weeks without gamble feel great brake up from work for week so scared now what next for me because it when I’m off I gamble finger crossed everything be ok that demon in my head gets me say I’m going to win what I can buy if I win but never do I just feed it if I do win I put it bCk in x

    • #29001

      Finished with partner feel lost at moment want to gamble to cope but know that not answer feel sick inside head all over but haven’t gambled 21 days feeling proud but down at the same time

    • #29002

      Well I’m off work this test for me feel like escape but I’m not going to feel really alone at moment keep write my diary and read others diary motivate me

    • #29003

      It’s been hard week still haven’t gambled day at time x

    • #29004

      Feel great it’s been a month without gamblr just need to keep it up from kat day at time bought book x

    • #29005

      Feel great another day xx continue been gamble free xx

    • #29006

      Well done that is amazing you havent gambled for a whole month.. fantastic.. yes i love it that you are keeping it to a day at a time.. i know that is the best thing that works for me too.. when you look at just getting through today it makes it easier than thinking too far ahead with this.. well done.. look forward to reading more from you


    • #29007

      Messed up today would of been nearly 5 weeks my family member died so heart braken didn’t know how to cope really gutted . Back to day one have to be honest and open with everyone I be lying to myself if I wasn’t x when people I love are so much pain felt helpless but not going to beat myself up day at time xx feel let people down on here x but get back on track xx
      Katrina x

    • #29008

      Thank u messed up now back to day one day a time x

    • #29009

      Condolences on the death of your Family Member, Katrina.
      Loss can set us back.
      Just start again and take time to grieve.
      Nobody can take the 5 gamble free weeks from you.

    • #29010

      Day at time again x another day gamble free xx

    • #29011

      Im so sorry for your loss.. i hope you are ok.. it is wonderful to see you have another gamble free day.. just keep doing that.. each day say just for this day i wont gamble.. and get through that day.. well done


    • #29012

      Thank u p for support had 10 days gamble free day at time x been hard family past way been very emotional at moment going try a day at a time xx

    • #29013

      Im sorry you are going through such a hard time, but yes, break it all down.. the gambling, the emotions, everything break it down to what you can handle just on this day.. sure we need to plan ahead for things sometimes, but today look at what you have on your plate and break it down so you can manage.. you can get through this.. keep posting, keep aware of your recovery.. congratulations on your time off gambling..


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