- Dette emnet har 2 svar, 3 deltakere, og ble sist oppdatert 3 ?r, 2 m?neder siden av oldyellar.
16 desember 2021 klokken 9:15 pm #145167charlesModerator
These are my own personal thoughts at this time of year.
We get a lot of new members at this time of year; both in the run up to Christmas and again in the New Year. The same happens at the Gamblers Anonymous meetings I go to. The reason for this is pretty clear – people can’t afford the presents and parties, debts catch up with them, they can no longer hide things, New Years resolutions are made etc
Well, if you are reading this as a new member, it’s got you to the point where you are looking for help so great. Now what? Well now you have a choice. The festivities will pass, the pain will fade, you will get paid again and not have the presents to worry about. It’s the new members who hang around then who will have most chance of success. Hang around and you wil see a lot of the new names disappear, it’s a tough addiction and not everyone wil want to take the tough steps needed. When I say “disappear” I mean disappear for NOW – they might be back next Christmas still unable to buy presents etc
Using this site and/or GA or other support likely won’t make this Christmas a good one – no magic wands here or anywhere else and Christmas is almost upon us. Using support though, TODAY, and then contiunuing to do so, will be what makes future Christmases better.
So hang around, and if only ONE of the new members we get at this time of the year is still around and posting this time next year about what a great Christmas they are going to have – make sure its’s YOU! -
22 desember 2021 klokken 9:02 pm #145782risingphoenixDeltaker
Thanks for this post Charles. A nice reminder that it is a life long journey!
4 januar 2022 klokken 12:23 pm #145800oldyellarDeltaker
hi as a new member I am here for some of those reasons outlined above. my mind is like a tumble dryer and I can’t keep going on like this. thanks for the tips and I want to get some of that recovery ye have in the coming months.
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