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    • #38231

      My chest is tight my hands are clammy and I am having a battle in my mind , how did this happen to me, why did it happen , I want to free myself from this evil , I have been gambling on slots online for about two years and lost the best part of £30.000 nearly lost my husband, luckily he has stood by me , but I know he struggles to understand, but I struggle myself ….there is no understanding to this nightmare . I have turned into a liar , sly and sneaky and I want to get my old self back . I have £550 withdrawal coming after 48 hr clearance and the urge to reverse it and obviously lose it come the end like every other time is killing me . I have been popping on here reading all your stories and I can so relate and I really feel I want to succeed and I know it’s early days as I bet last night , I even logged in about 3 times today and nearly reversed but haven’t and the days nearly over so hopefully I won’t . Anyway hello from me and keep up the great work your all doing….you are inspirational

    • #38232

      Hello Dabbers and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #38233

      Dabblers if you exclude from that site RIGHT NOW you will get your withdrawal straight away. Without the option of you being able to reverse it, it will be released as soon as you exclude 100%.

      You obviously don’t want to gamble again, so will also be doing yourself a big favour. Youve lost 30 thousand pounds. Why would this 550 be any different?

    • #38234

      Hi Dabbers, well done on looking for help. Read the other stories here, you will see a lot that you wioll relate to. You will also see the success stories – what are they doing that you can apply to your own situation?

      As Geardie has already suggested, excluding from sites is a good idea, beter yet get a blocker for your PC and phone.

      Financial barriers also help. Does your husband know you have that £550 coming? I am sure he would be delighted to help with financial accountability. He could also set any passowrds on the gambling blockers. If you are still tempted to use that £550 to gamble with then maybe he could set a password on the PC so that you can’t?

      We all know that no money = no gambling.It is an old saying – actions speak louder than words. The actions that wioll help you stop gambling are the same actions that will help you rebuild trust with your husband.

      Keep posting and let us know what positive steps that you are taking

    • #38235

      Self Excluded and keeping busy ……… can think of nothing else though aaarrrggghhhhhh …….one day at a time …..thanks for taking time to reply …..i don’t want to feel alone .

    • #38236

      It is a tough battle Dabbers, but one you can get on top of…. It’s not nice to feel all alone with it, you are not.

      There are plenty people that read the forums but don’t post, the support groups can get quite busy at times.

      One thing that’s proven each and everyday is that you can’t turn things around without support, so it’s been a good move posting on here.

      Well done for excluding I know it can be a difficult thing to do.

      All the best to you for your revovery. I’m at work and got to dash.

      Take care.


    • #38237

      My jaw is so tight and I am grinding my teeth and this heavy feeling in my chest hasn’t eased ….hope it doesn’t stay for a long time. Has anyone else suffered with this ….is this normal … mind is running wild lol thoughts are driving me crazy . On the positive it’s day 3 ….I am coping by imagining my addiction as an abusive person in my live that needs to go do one . Or maybe I am just going insane lol

    • #38238

      I think what you’re experiencing is normal when giving up Dabbers. Like any other addiction there are some withdrawal symptoms. It might take a while but they will go.

      Mind you it is feasible that you have an ongoing medical condition that you’ve never let bother you when you’ve been gambling.

      It might be worth getting it checked out, and when you’re at the doctors it might be a good idea to tell them about your gambling and see if they can refer you to either an addictions counsellor or to the NHS gambling clinic.

      All the best with whatever you choose. (Except gambling!)


    • #38239

      I was out for the day yesterday and I must admit , gambling was still on my mind but not so intense, I was so tired when I got home I went straight to bed, so my routine was messed up … worked out good for me . Slept well for the first time in a long time, I am feel positive and strong and just worried about how I am going to cope with the next strong urge where I fight myself . Anyway gotta go to work…..I feel I am lucky and suppose winning as I am lucky to have my family and friends and managed to keep down a job …thank goodness cos I need to pay back all my losses . Have a wonderful gamble free day all of you

    • #38240

      I love YouTube its brilliant how you can watch whatever you want , I am into these exercise routines at mo try to take away the body I built up through my depression that doesn’t seem to wanna budge …. not that I have done any yet I am at the watching stage , I like the party, dance music ones and I am building myself up to start as I did with this site …. watch and learn is my way . Feeling a bit disappointed with myself as I can’t stop dwelling on the money I lost …..hope you are all doing good .

    • #38241

      It took me a long, long time to let go of my loss, Dabbers. The trouble with holding on is that we keep trying to win back what we lost. I knew I would never win it back, yet I kept trying. Then, one night a man said at a GA meeting “gamblers never win” and the proverbial penny dropped. Although I still grieve my loss, its at a different level now. I have a lot of debt but its manageable and I just pay it mechanically, one week/month at a time.
      Look at the wider picture and you will realize that money is the least of our losses.
      Try not to dwell on it.

    • #38242

      Thank you for your advice, yes I suppose it could be worse in the fact that I could still be losing if I had’nt stopped . It’s early days and hazy at the mo but I know I will get there as so many of you have done so and all your stories and experiences give me hope and I am learning that what I am going through is normal.

    • #38243

      Still doing good and it’s getting better , I am currently staying up north and re visited Blackpool for the day , my husband reminded me the last time we were here I spent my time on the roulette wheel and slots the last time we were here last year , he wasn’t aware I had a problem then and neither did I if I am honest ….thought I could control it , I was soooo happy today cos I didn’t want to go in , I didn’t have the craving the desire the Need to go in , it was a milestone in my journey, I know I will face things again and will not be so strong but until that day I hold my head high and will carry on the fight . Hope you are all doing well

    • #38244

      What a great feeling! You should be proud of yourself!
      We all have suffered terrible loss due to gambling and it’s not just monetary!
      Whenever you dwell on your loss, think about what you have gained! Your life! Your sanity! Your self worth and self esteem! You can put a dollar amount on that!
      Keep working at it, you’re doing great!
      Love K xxx

    • #38245

      Keep moving on, Dabbers. One day at a time!

    • #38246

      Yes one day at a time …. wish every day was a good one lol it’s hard when temptation comes knocking, I have fought it and won so far ….

    • #38248

      Today as I am on annual leave was the first time I was left on my own as hubby and daughter back to work , met up with a friend in the morning and in the afternoon I had time to myself and it hit me like a speeding train, the urge to gamble was un bearable, its funny how the mind plays tricks , luckily I had this forum to turn to , I sat and read through the stories and stayed strong but the thoughts are strong and won’t leave me today . Hope your all doing well

    • #38249

      Having time alone and available funds used to be my downfall!
      The good news is, urges always pass. The consequences of gambling remain the same.
      Just use the “one hour at a time” method.
      Well done on resisting the urge.
      It’s very easy to succumb.

    • #38250

      Thank you Vera I tackled the ironing lol and feel safe now the family are here . Hope all going well for you .

    • #38251

      Never a truer word as I have just read written by Vera on the forum is …….A compulsive gambler will always find a way if they want to gamble , just read this and it struck a cord , so true we will always find a way and as I have not gambled for nearly 3 weeks I obviously don’t want to gamble ….or I don’t want to find a way to gamble …I want to learn to face it head on and not do it .

    • #38252

      The cycle of addiction…..just re read through this and it’s what has happened to me , I had a year gamble free previous to coming here 3 weeks and one day ago and I reached rock bottom and was so proud to say a year gamble free but even after all this time I succumbed to a bet that led to losing a lot of money in 3 weeks and although I start this post saying I have 550 coming back it was nothing to what I lost . I was asked last night what was the trigger …. I think I just let my guard down and thought I could handle it but I know now I can never gamble again and I feel lucky it was only 3 weeks. I had a weak moment that could of easily got worse and the only way forward is to stay STRONG.

    • #38254

      Hi Dabbers it was nice to meet you in group recently . You are making great progress. Well done on your honesty in Telling your husband. This addiction is horrible but you reached a year before and you seem to be very determined to stop . I truly believe you will .

    • #38255

      Thanks Jappy Keep Strong and yes IDI it was nice to meet you too , I am strong and determined and excited as I have a new hobby in going to the gym and am keeping busy exercising . The only thing that’s on my mind a lot is Las Vegas i have been 4 times lol CG paradise ha ha . It will pass . Good luck lovely people

    • #38256

      Hi Dabbers, well done on your gamble free time. You managed a year before? Well done, this time though you aren’t doing it on your own. If/when you get to a year this time you will still be getting support here, you will be stronger.

      Thinking about Vegas? Well we all like holidays, if you managed Vegas 4 times, with the resultant losses, think what holidays you can look forward to now :). Fancy the Mladives? A skiing holiday? Scuba diving on the Barrier Reef? Those dreams can become reality in recovery.

    • #38257

      Hi Charles Thanks for your kind words , I went in to the support group 2 nights running and wondered where you were as I was in the room with a Canadian and Australian and then realised it was the wrong time lol . It was helpful and interesting though . I have always fancied a cruise so that’s an option .

    • #38258

      Nice to meet you in chat, well done on getting here. For trying to make life better, for wanting to stop and looking for help. Hopefully see you in chat one day soon again. There are no wins in gambling, its all loss.


    • #38259

      Yes nice to meet you too , I get excited when I realise I haven’t thought about gambling for a few hours now as when it was constant i never thought it would end. Sat here alone at present as hubby out and have kept busy . Yes see you in chat very soon .

    • #38260

      How are you doing Dabbers?
      Just touching base.

    • #38262

      I am proud to say I am still refraining from gambling and today it’s now 5 weeks. Been busy at work and unfortunately we have some family sadness as someone very close has been given approx 2 weeks to live ……I sat with her the last few days and it is heart wrenching to see a shadow of a person that once was and the pain they are going through so not feeling too good and to top it off my husband is away till next Sunday when I could do with a hug but on the bright side I am not gambling. Hope your both doing well …and thanks for caring .

    • #38263

      Well done for not gambling. Very sorry to hear about your family member. It is possibly the most difficult thing to do, to sit with a family member who is making the transition from this life. No one should be in pain on this journey. Are they getting all the appropriate palliative or hospice care? Remember that you are not alone and that there are people on this forum who care.

    • #38264

      We are talking to the doctor tomorrow try for the hospice. Yeah I have always when down turned to gambling and it has crossed my mind but I have faced it head on and chose not to gamble as I know this is the right choice .

    • #38265

      Dabbers – I am so sorry to read of the difficult time you are going through . It is an incredibly sad time for you and I am so glad that you are gamble free and able to give such support to your family member . Thinking of you both .

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