- Este tópico contém 35 respostas, 5 utilizadores e foi actualizado pela última vez há 11 meses por kin.
24 Agosto 2023 às 1:35 pm #180907Cruising247Participante
No long intro needed, I’m back, picking myself back up “One day at a time!” I have found myself throwing away money again. Trying to come back out before I’m in the type of debt that keeps me up at night, the kind that won’t let you think of anything else other than my next play/bet and how I plan to pay all my over due bills.
I will not allow myself to go back there. Where I stand now, I can still see light at the end of the tunnel.
On day 4,Gamble Free. -
15 Fevereiro 2024 às 1:20 am #188358kinParticipante
Hi Cruising,
You say,
“I have found myself throwing away money again…
I’m in the type of debt that keeps me up at night…
the kind that won’t let you think of anything else other than my next bet…
how I plan to pay all my bills…”You have describe everything about me.
I love your posts. Thank you for sharing. -
15 Fevereiro 2024 às 3:10 am #188361Cruising247Participante
Hi Kin,
Thank you for your kind words.That last share was back in August.
But, to be honest I am back in that place again. If I had $1,000 for all the times I have started over, I would be very rich by now.
I am so tired… But, I will continue to start over until I get it right. I continue to question why me, why do I have a compulsive gambling problem. But, I just don’t know.
I just want to be delivered from this, and healed. I feel like I’m crazy sometime, like something is wired wrong in my brain. Stopping sounds so easy, but it’s not. I have honestly tried so many times to stop, but I just go running back.
I’m just venting, I just went and lost some money I didn’t have to lose…
But, I’m ok….One day at a time….one day at a time.
15 Fevereiro 2024 às 2:47 pm #188384Cruising247Participante
Good morning,
This should be an easy day. Nothing to play with, which means I have nothing to lose. Cash wise….
Have a pleasant, gamble free day.
One day at a time…. -
16 Fevereiro 2024 às 9:35 am #188428gustav101Participante
Hey Cruising… Good thing you came back to post, I hope we see a post where it is a month from now, and you didn’t gamble, but to be honest I would love to see a post of no gambling for 16 February 2024
16 Fevereiro 2024 às 2:35 pm #188440Cruising247Participante
Hi Gustav101
It should be an easy day, I have nothing to gamble with today. ??Have have you been doing?
One day at a time….
17 Fevereiro 2024 às 1:51 pm #188480gustav101Participante
I’ve been good… Today just spending time with the family… Taking one day at a time…
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 4:37 am #188538Cruising247Participante
Another gamble free day…
One day at a time. -
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 7:34 pm #188555
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 8:34 pm #188558Cruising247Participante
Hi Kin,
I actually enjoy walking, light workouts; but, I don’t push myself to go out when it’s cold outside, absolutely hate being snuffy (can’t breathe) at night.
But, when the weather’s nicei try to get out and walk/jog a little.
A little over a year ago I started working from home, it’s harder to get up and go walking after sitting in your PJs all day, so my goal is to make it a part of my afternoon/evening schedule again. -
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 8:43 pm #188559Cruising247Participante
Are you familiar with GamCare? I looked at theit site last week, it look like they have live chats/forums; But, I am assuming they are open in the UK time zone. I tried logging in during a meeting, but it was already over. UK is approx 5 hours ahead of the US.
I have always been somewhat of a loner, don’t really care to be around folks too much. So my support circle is very small, and it would be nice to have someone like a sponsor when you feel yourself giving in. But, I haven’t found anything like that for gamblers….. -
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 10:00 pm #188565kinParticipante
Hi Cruising,
to answer your questions…
I did not use Gam Care so I am not familiar. I am so sorry I cannot tell you much about them.
I am more comfortable with Gambling Therapy.Sponsor was a term commonly used by people who practice the Gambler Anonymous 12 steps recovery program.
GA has many physical and zoom meeting online in many countries.
You have many choices, there are many English speaking meeting in UK, USA, Canada, Australia and many more.
I cannot offer any more suggestion because I have stop attending GA meeting and I do not have a 12 steps sponsor.There is a saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
When I have a burning desire inside to ask questions on the 12 steps program
I used to ask Mr. Ken L and Charles in Gambling Therapy.I was looking for a sponsor and mentor who is loving, caring, more powerful in knowledge and experience.
I finally found this person in a physical gambling support group meeting who became my mentor.
I have tried practicing the 12 steps recovery program but found it difficult to practice until I found a Higher Power in Jesus Christ.- Esta resposta foi modificada há 1 ano por kin.
19 Fevereiro 2024 às 10:17 pm #188568Cruising247Participante
Thank you.
I’ll take another look to see what all Gam Therapy offers,other than the forum.
Didn’t take that walk outside today, but I’m on my treadmill, watching the news.Have a good evening, and thank you again.
21 Fevereiro 2024 às 1:21 am #188631Cruising247Participante
Another day, gamble free.
My pay hit this week, and retirement check hit next week, soooo that will be my test.
And no, unfortunately I do not have anyone to handle my finances. The life of an introvert….One day at a time.
22 Fevereiro 2024 às 1:43 am #188663Cruising247Participante
Another gamble free day!
One day at a time….
22 Fevereiro 2024 às 3:28 am #188670gustav101Participante
Hey Cruising, I am here for a liability check!! I understand you don’t have any body to hand your finances to, but instead of handing over your finances, I would love to see a daily post till atleast the end of June 2024, thereafter I will relax a bit, but would love to hear your progress and let you know, you are not alone.
22 Fevereiro 2024 às 3:44 am #188671Cruising247Participante
Hey Gustav,
Thank you for your support.
Praying to make it through payday tomorrow without losing one brown penny.
I got this.I’ll be checking in tomorrow, and thank you again.
Good night.“One day at a time”
22 Fevereiro 2024 às 4:15 pm #188695gustav101Participante
I also am getting my pay tomorrow, but I want to promise you, I will post on here that I paid all debt, and how I am going to spend the money on my family and at home, instead of making a casino rich!
22 Fevereiro 2024 às 6:38 pm #188944Dark EnergyParticipante
hi Curising\Gustav.
wish you all the best, if you are prepared I am sure you will pass it.
not to scare you but the riskiest paydays for me is the one that followed with a weekend or a long holyday, unfortunately like tomorrow.
if I didn’t distribute the money before i leave the office I will be very tempted to gamble. be more carful with such days.
the combination of money + free time + access to gambling site is very dangerous for us.wish you all the best
just a small tip:
after paying all your payments and keeping money for your other expenses, if you don’t have a plan or a way to protect the extra money, you can buy gold coin or gold bars there are bars from 5g and up. it will give you a time buffer because you need to sell it to get the cash compared with the cash that you can directly lose it to gambling if you slip. i know if we relapse some time nothing can stop us from ruining every thing but, i found this useful for me because in addition to the money that i save in a protected account “protected from me” i need some extra money for any emergency, keeping cash was very tempting to me, but keeping gold was much better. i failed on the first time i used this method but after that and for almost 2 years now i am having my emergency fund as gold. I had multiple relapses during the last two years but I didn’t use my gold emergency fund to gamble I used it once to cover the rest of my expenses after a relapse.
also i have a maximum limit for this emergency fund ( my monthly expenses x 2), I can’t trust myself to keep an easy excess for a bigger amount even if it is gold not cash. if you need to use this method i suggest to build it gradually to test this method and to gain trust. -
23 Fevereiro 2024 às 12:56 am #188966Cruising247Participante
Thank you Dark Energy!
Gustav, I did it! ??
Not only another Gamble Free Day, but it was actually a pay day. I actually did it.I decided to do something during the hour I would have tried to rush out the door to go play. I actually sat through a Zoom Smart mtg (my first), and I have to admit I enjoyed it and learned a few things. Pretty sure it wont be my last one, but I definitely prefer hitting the park for a good walk. I can’t wait until the time change and the evenings stay light a little longer.
23 Fevereiro 2024 às 3:03 am #188975gustav101Participante
Dark!! That is genius!! That way the money won’t be available immediately!! Thank you so much for the tips! By the time you sell the gild, the need to gamble has passed, and you proved to yourself that you can go without it.
Cruising!!!! You did it! This is wonderfully news, it gave me a smile when I read that! I want to say, I am proud of you Cruising! You truelly want to kick this decease, and you are using making use of the tools available. You are not alone, and I will be here to help you through this, the same way you guys are here for me.
One day at a time!!
23 Fevereiro 2024 às 9:24 pm #188998Cruising247Participante
Thank you again!
One day at a time…
24 Fevereiro 2024 às 3:58 am #189013gustav101Participante
Seeing messages like this, makes my day!! Have a great day Cruising and I hope you can feel the true power you have, to make this journey work!
24 Fevereiro 2024 às 4:17 am #189015Cruising247Participante
Another gamble free day!
Work today, dinner with husband this evening and I was actually able to treat him to dinner today.
Stopped by the store on our way home and I was able to pay for my own purchase.
It felt good not to be broke one day after pay day. All because I made the chose not to throw my money away (gamble).One day at a time….
24 Fevereiro 2024 às 11:41 am #189021maverick.Participante
Hi Cruising, I hope this finds you well, when we gamble it always only ever ends one way as we all well know, pain, hurt, suffering for everyone, I know I am a better person when I dont gamble, we all are but still we slip up, you are back on track and thats all that matters, keep working hard at staying gamble free and enjoying that life, its so much better than the alternative again as we both well know, take good care and wish you well.
24 Fevereiro 2024 às 1:24 pm #189028Cruising247Participante
Good morning,
Thank you Maverick.
Good to see that you are still doing well.One day at a time….
26 Fevereiro 2024 às 12:46 am #189095Cruising247Participante
Great weekend!!!!
Ready for a new week.
Taking it one day at a time. -
26 Fevereiro 2024 às 9:07 am #189111kinParticipante
Hi Cruising,
Thank you for the updates.
4 Mar?o 2024 às 5:47 am #189400gustav101Participante
Hey Cruising, doing a check in here. Hope all is going good and well and that you are winning this addiction
5 Mar?o 2024 às 2:05 am #189452Cruising247Participante
Hello Gustav,
Thank you for checking in.
It is a little embarrassing to say I slipped up, and that’s why it has taken me a minute to respond. The good part is it put me ahead (well, I didn’t lose my pants, son a few dollars), the BAD part is it took me back to day one again…. And I know from experience that they allow you to win to pull you back in. It sucks to know this, but you allow yourself to fall for it.One day at a time….
5 Mar?o 2024 às 2:06 am #189455Cruising247Participante
Correction: won a few dollars…
5 Mar?o 2024 às 3:33 am #189458gustav101Participante
Hey Cruising…
I’m sorry to hear, they managed to get to you… But the good news is, you are only human… We all make mistakes…
With you being this honest takes so much gits and I respect you for that, you could have easily lied, but you didn’t…
I am again reaching out, and reminding you, you are not alone in all of this, when the urge gets to you, come and make a post, let’s talk… Talk about what you are thinking and feeling, before you make that bet… Come here and read your your post even if it’s just for 2 minutes, this will help reduce the urge to gamble and give you the courage not to make that bet…
You are not alone, and I wish that you beat this thoughts, and you can be gamble free…
Have a great day, and let’s strive for 10 000 gamble free days…
One day at a time!!
17 Mar?o 2024 às 2:52 am #189950kinParticipante
Hi Cruising,
How was your week?
9 Abril 2024 às 5:19 pm #190995kinParticipante
Hi Cruising,
Thank you for posting.
It is ok to not be ok at times
It is normal to feel all kinds of emotions because mental well-being is about accepting and embracing all these emotions.It is ok to whine to the rest in your thread, it may be helping another person reading as much as it is helping you.
This way you can let out your frustrations without gambling.It keeps you safe which is more important.
9 Abril 2024 às 7:52 pm #191002Cruising247Participante
My week has been ok so far, but I am starting over again. At this point I would love to celebrate 30 days being gamble free. It’s sooo freaking hard.
I know some will say no it isn’t, you just have to have the will power. But, for me it is, when I go I know I shouldn’t go, but I go. When I lose all that I should, I know I should get up and go, but I don’t.
If it was that easy I would have been stopped. -
10 Abril 2024 às 12:57 am #191016kinParticipante
What does it feel like when your heart wants to do something?
Your heart, driven by emotions, instincts, and desires pulls you in one direction.
What does it feel like when your mind wants to do something?
Your mind, guided by logic, reasoning, and analysis, urges you to go in another direction.
What do you mean when your heart want to gamble and your mind want to stop gambling?
Cognitive dissonance occurs when two conflicting thoughts are present in the mind at the same time and both thoughts lead to indecision.
For example, your “heart” might say you want to gamble but your “mind” says you cannot gamble.
There is a tug-of-war between emotions and thoughts.Who will win?
The heart or the mind?In the Wolf Parable
An elder Apache was teaching his grandchildren about life.
He said to them,” A fight is going on inside me; it is a terrible fight
and it is between two wolves.
One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too.”
They thought about it for a minute
and then one child asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”
The old Grandpa simply replied, “The one you feed.Who are you going to feed, “your heart or your mind.”
- Esta resposta foi modificada há 11 meses por kin.
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