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    • #52671

      Good day everyone, Please how do i over come sport betting? It’s really killing me have spent every dime i make on betting have not been my self, i prefer to stay in a secluded area have been gambling for 4 years now and i keep chasing my losses I’m in debts right now and I don’t even know how to sort them i just hope I don’t end up committing suicide.

    • #52672

      Hey man, I hear ya. I, too, am addicted to sports gambling. We realize we have a problem, which is really a big step. Few understand the emotional toll of sports betting. Never give up! You will feel better if you avoid betting. I know how hard it can be. But I also know true peace of mind comes from enjoying life as it comes rather than gambling it away. I just banned myself from a few sportsbook I use frequently. But really we need to get out of our own heads. I know when the slate of games start up my juices will be pumping. It is very hard. There is a technique known as surge the urge which has helped me. Basically, when the thoughts come in like a wave, you do something else (run, bike, read) and do not give those thoughts any life. We will need to surge these urges tonight so we can earn a day. I am with ya man as I am hurting as well.

    • #52673

      Thanks man, I’m from Nigeria alot of those sportbook won’t  let you ban yourself because of there own selfish interest compare to BET365 or 1Xbet where you have the self Exclusion i just need someone to help me out of this i hate the urge so much have lost millions of naira in that shit am always depressed most times its not something I really wanna do

    • #52674

      A dear friend in Gambling Therapy always said that we are ONLY powerless over gambling when we make that first bet.

      I ask myself what is the advantage of staying stop in sport betting?

      I speak for myself – I regain the freedom and peace back into my life. I will not die if I did not listen to my head to go ahead to place the bet. I free myself from the anxiety to place the bet, the anxiety from waiting for the result, the anxiety from checking the results, the fear from not placing and missing a winning bet, the fear of losing. I have more time to do other things when I don’t need to check the matches and the odds. I have more money to spend on the family and myself. I do not have the emotional roller coaster from gambling, you no longer experience the high and low of gambling. There is no more regrets, disappointment, shame, guilt and depression due to gambling.

      This is a simple program for complicated people. I only need to stop today. Tomorrow I do the same. One day at a time.

    • #52675

      Best thing you can do is fight today. It feels good when you can go a full day without betting. Honestly, it feels better than any type of win. I need to do it as well as I’ve lost a lot the last few days. Let’s not bet today. It is not worth it.

    • #52676

      Hello Harbby and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #52677

      I can’t even bet today cos i dont have the fund to and its not my payday yet but once my salary hits my account the urge starts again I start checking odds and see available games

    • #52678

      When you wrote that comment – I wondered if you have anyone around you who can help. By that I mean practical help as well as the emotional support you need.

      Is there someone who can handle your finances on payday so that you won’t have the money to bet with? Is there someone that you can talk to when the urge to gamble becomes strong?

      Most of our gambling takes place on our own and we pride ourselves on being self-sufficient and able to do things alone. Quitting gambling is far easier when we confide in others and get help and support from as many sources as possible.

      Please talk to someone immediately if you feel suicidal – I don’t know if there are any helplines in Nigeria – but befrienders international may help – I wish you well.

    • #52679

      Thank you i will see who can help me with my finances on payday though I don’t really like people interfering in my finances but i think the option right now is to get someone who can help i will also check the help-line.

    • #52680

      I hear you on the temptation to bet when the money rolls in. I thought about betting today but haven’t done it. Once that urge comes on I do something else around the house or go outside for a walk. I know you said your books don’t self-exclude but maybe call and talk to a representative at the book about it. It makes things extra tough when it’s just an app and a few clicks away. People will say avoid watching sports but I know that ain’t going to happen for me. I’ve been a fan my whole life. And like some said, it really becomes a gigantic waste of time doing research and checking scores all day. If you do other things, you won’t even think about lines and scores. Go out to a bar with friends, take the woman out on a date, go to the movies, or toss the ball around outside. Sports betting – Win or lose – will never lead to living well. Enjoy your day and stay bet free! I’ll pop back on here as I am trying to stop betting myself. 

    • #52681

      Thanks so much for the response and support I really appreciate i will see what i can do when the urge comes on but that will have to be next week when my salary hit my account i just hope and pray I don’t get myself involve in it again

    • #52682

      You have said that you don’t like people interfering with your finances.  You also said that you hope you don’t commit suicide through gambling.  Can I point out to you that if you were to commit suicide, other people woulld then be interfering with your finances.  Think about it, better that they interfere and you are still alive surely!

    • #52683

      Yea i just thought about it, when any of my relatives or brother manage my finances they would know my income and also know how much i have left its not just easy for me i wish i never got my self involved in the first place.

    • #52684

      Hi, i totally understand how you feel. I am also from Nigeria although i have stayed in South Africa for the past few years. I mention this because i understand the hesitation to hand over your finances to a relative or a close friend. I also know that the brooks do not have self exclusion options available. I really understand your situation.

      I found this site just about 3 hours ago while researching for help. I have just lost about $11, 000 and that is almost 4mil Naira to sports bet over this weekend. I was chasing my loss of $4000+ from last weekend. It is 2:30 AM here and i can’t find sleep. I have been up thinking of all the things i could have done with that money. I am hating myself, loathing the lack of control that gets me to keep funding my bet accounts. I gamble at the casino’s and also online. I sometimes place sports bets and then go to the casino to try and win back my sports bet before i even get the results. I end up loosing both ways.

      I do not know the first thing about recovery and i am hoping tonight will be the start of my own personal journey. I do not have any tips for you and i am sure there are people here who will be better qualified to help and advise you. All i can tell you is that “you are not alone”. This is an illness and i believe you have taken a huge step by seeking for help.

      I will like to know how it goes when you get your salary in. I will try and follow your struggles as closely as i can while still working on my own problems. If i find any helpful tips, i will be sure to pass them on.

      Stay Strong


    • #52685

      Thanks for sharing your story kelvin i believe we can help each other cure this illness, first thing when i get my salary am clearing all my debts and see what i can save, still not sure if i can let someone manage my finances for me i must salute your courage kelvin you are strong  we can do this together

    • #52686

      Hi, am glad to meet you here. I am totally ready for the journey. I have made a few adjustments today already to start my journey. I closed the accounts and luckily i am also able to ban myself in the Casino’s in South Africa. I have started this process and will see it through in a couple of days. I will receive my salary in two days time and i have made solid arrangements to make sure i will not have anything to spare to gambling. I will go same day and pay all my dues and then buy all essentials. Whatever is left, i will buy gift cards for future purchases (it is a tip i found here). Unfortunately for you, i know things are a but different in Nigeria. However, i believe you can find ways. Just do not give away another single cent of your hard earned money.

    • #52687

      Have started making moves here too, I contacted the bookies to close my accounts they all refused and didn’t get back to me just because they want me to keep coming back to place bet so i had to send a mail to National lottery commission (NLRC) explained all what happened to them, immediately the bookies started getting back to me requesting for my phone number and user ID so my account will be deleted i was so happy i never knew they where scared of the NLRC i think thats a nice move for me.

    • #52688

      Isn’t it funny how they stop being nice to you once you want to close your account. When you have your account open with them, they are happy to service your account and take your bets. They smile and assist you with enthusiasm until you decide to end your relationship with them. It was smart of you to take the matter to the NLRC. When your pay comes, every day you do not place a bet is money saved. It is easy to see the results and think “I could have won if I placed a bet”, but that is the trap, that is the lie. It is fear of not placing a winning bet that pushes us to place loosing ones. I have decided to hold on to this pain of the most recent loss. I never want to feel this way ever again and I will make sure that I don’t. Stay strong and determined, your hard earned money deserves better, you deserve to spend it on yourself and not give it away for adrenaline. It’s a scam, a promise that would never be fulfilled, dreams of millions in exchange for your real millions. We are awake now buddy, let’s not fall asleep again.

    • #52689

      I really do appreciate your response, every word you mention  touches me one way or the other you said and i quote “its a scam, a promise that would never be fulfilled, dreams of millions in exchange of your real millions“ yes we are awake now glad i have someone who is on this same journey with me, that word I could have won if i placed a bet is a real trap funny enough the person who introduced me to sport betting isnt addicted and has quited a long time ago and here i am still battling with it, sometimes i regret knowing him.

    • #52690

      It feels very good to have someone else to talk to about this. I am surprised how much stronger and resolved that I feel since writing the first words here. We have addictive personalities and that is why we have been caught in this web. We alone can break the circle, break away from this rat race. It will be a long battle and I will be looking forward to winning and hopefully together.

    • #52691

      Hello,any update today? Some of my accounts has been deactivated am happy with the updates here so far.

    • #52692

      Hi bud, sorry i did not respond to you yesterday, i had a very long day. YES, all is fine on my side. Yesterday, i attended an event that got me in a very close proximity with a casino i have frequented. In the past, i would have stolen some time from the event to go try my hand at the tables. I would convince myself that i will try just a few thousands for fun, but that will quickly turn to “a lot of thousands”. Yesterday was very different, i had no urge to leave the event to visit the casino and i stayed in this event venue for so many hours. I could very well see the people going in and out of the casino from where i sat and after watching for hours, i made a very curious observation. I noticed the people walking into the casino were going in with alacrity, smiles on their faces and brisk walk. When they left, they left with dejection, they walked more slowly and you can clearly see the sadness in a lot of faces. This reminded me very well of myself, the joy and hope of placing a bet and the sadness and regret that quickly follows with the realisation that i just lost “again”. I felt sad for the people, i felt a deep sadness for them. I understood very well what they are going through and how little control they have of their inhibitions. I never want to lose control again.
      Today i will receive my pay. I earn a decent amount and it is more than i need to cover my monthly bills. I have contacted some of my creditors and committed to making some payment toward my debts later today. Once i receive my pay, I plan to honour all these commitments and pay my bills. I will only be left with enough till the next pay, so even with the urge to place a bet, i will have nothing to place. If i can make it to the next pay without placing a bet or going to the casino, i believe my journey to recovery will have started.

    • #52693

      Hi bud, sorry i did not respond to you yesterday, i had a very long day. YES, all is fine on my side. Yesterday, i attended an event that got me in a very close proximity with a casino i have frequented. In the past, i would have stolen some time from the event to go try my hand at the tables. I would convince myself that i will try just a few thousands for fun, but that will quickly turn to “a lot of thousands”. Yesterday was very different, i had no urge to leave the event to visit the casino and i stayed in this event venue for so many hours. I could very well see the people going in and out of the casino from where i sat and after watching for hours, i made a very curious observation. I noticed the people walking into the casino were going in with alacrity, smiles on their faces and brisk walk. When they left, they left with dejection, they walked more slowly and you can clearly see the sadness in a lot of faces. This reminded me very well of myself, the joy and hope of placing a bet and the sadness and regret that quickly follows with the realisation that i just lost “again”. I felt sad for the people, i felt a deep sadness for them. I understood very well what they are going through and how little control they have of their inhibitions. I never want to lose control again.
      Today i will receive my pay. I earn a decent amount and it is more than i need to cover my monthly bills. I have contacted some of my creditors and committed to making some payment toward my debts later today. Once i receive my pay, I plan to honour all these commitments and pay my bills. I will only be left with enough till the next pay, so even with the urge to place a bet, i will have nothing to place. If i can make it to the next pay without placing a bet or going to the casino, i believe my journey to recovery will have started.

    • #52694

      Hi Bud, i am wondering if everything is okay with you. How are you getting on?

    • #52695

      Yes everything is okay thanks for checking on me, today makes it 2 weeks since I placed a bet last and am so glad about my progress so far, i get paid today and what am doing first is pay all my debts. I wish i never owed them but it is what it is my fear is not just going back into this gambling thing have tried to quit so many times but i end up going back to it the long have stayed away from gambling is a month but i ended up going back to it I understand its a tough journey but we have to ride through it……happy about your progress too, let’s keep pushing it this way.

    • #52696

      Hi Harbby
      This is the first time I’ve logged in a while and it’s good to see you’re taken the first steps to recovery.

      I’ve been a compulsive gambler for nearly 50 years and I’m glad to say that I haven’t had a bet online or in a casino since the end of May. Towards the end things got so bad, I managed to take out 3 loans totalling £20000 in a matter of weeks, playing online roulette throughout the night and missing work. In the end, I had to ask a few friends from church to help me, and you can imagine how humbling that can be, “can I ask you to pray for me cos I got this gambling addiction and I can’t escape!” I was actually slapping myself in the face (real hard too) in attempt to stop in between spins even but I couldn’t; I felt like I was literally possessed. 3 weeks later, having hid away in the toilet for 4 hours my daughter finally caught and confronted me. To see the pain in her and my wife’s eyes was really tough, especially as I had dragged them down this path 7 years earlier when I nearly lost the house. However, being caught red handed was the best thing that could have happened to me because with the deceit part of it out of the equation, it made it easier to break the habit, I was able to practically stop it like a tap. I still have to be mindful because I found myself spending too much on lottery tickets and scratch cards but overall I personally believe that the prayers worked, I have nothing to attribute my ability to stop instantaneously other than God. I sincerely hope that you too have a support network that you can rely on, if I didn’t share the depths of my addiction to family and friends I think I would still be gambling.

      Good luck with your recovery, I’ll start you off with my own prayer:-

      “Father Lord God, I pray over Harbby and ask that you break the chains of his gambling addiction as you did for me. I pray you occupy his mind with happy thoughts , and help him recognise what activities make him free from these unhealthy habits and to know that his situation is merely temporary and he will grow in strength every day to attack this illness, it is only a valley that I know that I know you Lord God have the power to conquer, to dispel into dust never to trouble Harbby again, and most of all I pray that he recognises that “his life matters” so that negative thoughts never return again,
      I ask this in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen

    • #77364

      I can only express my support and wish you good luck in this difficult endeavor.

    • #77396
      Dark Energy

      After your reply I have just noticed the previous post from a year ago (#52697) , I guess it is an automatic post by an advertisement software, I hope the Admin here can remove it because it’s inappropriate for this site. I really hope it is done by automatic software I can’t imagine how evil a person could be to do such a thing manually in a gambling therapy site.

    • #139057

      I am familiar with your problem, as my cousin has also been gambling for six years. He is mired in debt and can’t stop himself.

    • #144554

      I know it’s pretty hard to deal with it, but I hope you started fighting it and not giving up. Good luck!

    • #145637

      Contact the doctor!

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