- Acest subiect are 6 r?spunsuri, 6 opinii ?i a fost actualizat ultima dat? acum 7 ani, 4 luni de Jonny123987.
1 noiembrie 2017 la 10:11 pm #39378New beginningsParticipant
Hi all,
Today is the first day of my life that I finally appreciate how evil gambling is. I am a 24 yo student in university, and have currently zero in savings. My total debt is around $1000. I currently receive $500 a month allowance after quitting my job to focus on studying.
I have just lost the last $400 to my name. It’s been a horrible 3 weeks of losing. Started 3 weeks ago with about $1500 and slowly lost it all in Soccer betting. After each big lost, I would tell myself that I would lessen my gambling. But never once did I fully appreciate that it would have to be cold turkey. I am regretful about how much I have lost in my life to this evil, and am fully committed to not gamble a single dollar anymore.
It is 6am now and I’m dreading the thought of waking up in a few hours starting from $0 in my bank account. And to make things worse, I have a 2 day part time job coming up this weekend, earning $150. The feeling of spending 20 hours to earn back what was lost in 1 hour is horrible.
Usually, I am always up for a challenge. And I am now. It’s just that it is a horrible feeling attacking a challenge when you have zero to your name.
Please feel free to share your stories about climbing back up and building back your bank account.
Thank you for listening.
2 noiembrie 2017 la 9:22 am #39379DuncKeymaster
Hello ?and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. ?We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. ?We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. ?The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. ?So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and ?terms and conditions so you know how it all works! ???
2 noiembrie 2017 la 12:11 pm #39380i-did-itParticipant
Hi Newbeginnings.
Most people can drink alcohol and enjoy a glass or two and then stop. Alcoholics however get a much greater buzz from alcohol and they just want to keep drinking more and more .
It is the same with those of us for whom gambling has become compulsive . We get a mind numbing high from gambling that social gamblers do not get .
That is why we become addicted and will gamble until our bank balance reaches zero.To be honest I feel you are quite fortunate to have work this weekend – it’s hard to feed yourself with a zero bank balance. .
I would recommend you find your nearest GA and join .
Also there are groups on here you can attend where u will get advice – there is a live chat which you can go into for most of the day .You need to think of a way to keep that money safe that you earn – canny get someone else to look after it for you .
Can u get your allowance in smaller amounts so you can’t blow the lot ?
Can u use some of your allowance to buy a gambling blocker for your phone ?You need to put barriers in place so it is impossible for you to gamble .
Hope this helps – you are young and u can stop and have a great life.
2 noiembrie 2017 la 2:19 pm #39381finding_lauraParticipant
New Beginnings,
Hey and glad you have found this place with understanding, support and guidance. I Did It has given you lots of great advice and sound suggestions.
Reach out to the chat desk and talk to the facilitators, join the groups, seek out counselling, read about the topic.
GA is an excellent support. The scary thing about addiction, it just gets worse! And you will likely find some of the stories extreme. But it is a slippery slope and knowing you have a problem now is an important insight.
No matter what, you know this place is here and that there is support for this. And nothing will make you forget that there is help.
Let us know how you are doing.
Laura -
2 noiembrie 2017 la 2:48 pm #39382New beginningsParticipant
Thanks I did it and Laura for the kind words and advice. I understand the need for barriers, and will probably keep the bulk of my money in cash at home. This addiction is probably one of the scariest because you don’t even know how deep you are into it until you lose everything.
On a side note, day 2 started with no gambling, hope to keep it that way. The problem is that I keep having this thinking that a small bet here and there for epl nights or big matches won’t hurt. But I have to slowly force myself to understand that it’s anslippery slope as what Laura said.
To be honest, I have been reading and following this forum for a few weeks now. Would usually come into it to read following a loss, but I never thought that I’d be writing and posting in it.
Anyway, I woke Up today feeling surreal, like I couldn’t believe that I woke up with the same losing and empty feeling again. I just think that it’s so unfair that some of us are pre disposed to addiction. Especially one that has the potential to destroy lives so greatly. I read some stories in this forum about people losing their life savings of 50-100k, and just shudder at the thought. How do you even find the strength to pick yourself up?
To my fellow friends out there let’s keep the good fight going.
2 noiembrie 2017 la 3:55 pm #393832017shaunParticipant
Well done new beginning on posting, it helps get things of your chest. Things you cant say to partner or friends but all of us here understand and are listening. We’re all in the same boat.
Luckily for yourself you have noticed the problem now. I would not keep bulk of cash around you. It is way to tempting. Get your head stuck in a few revising books, I’m sure you have lot to do being in uni.
Completely erase thoughts for gambling right now. It is not ok to place a little bet. Every little bet adds up to a large amount before you know it you’ll be in to deep. It destroys you as a person.
I wish you all the best on your journey. Don’t let it get the better of you. Be the bigger person and so no -
3 noiembrie 2017 la 6:47 pm #39385Jonny123987Participant
The feeling that you are having now at 24 will be 100x’s worse when you are 44. Listen to everyones advise on here and please take it. Just stop gambling now. Go to GA. Come on here and read others methods and stories. Tell someone you trust whats going on and have them hold onto your money for you and your cards. Just live on a daily allowance. Put up gambling blocks on all digital devises and let all bookies and casinos around you know that you have a problem. And if you or your university have the option go and talk to a profession life coach or psychiatrist and let them know whats going on and see if they have any advise or thoughts on things. You have your whole life ahead of you. It sucks to have to work a week to pay off an hour. It will suck more to have to work a year to pay of a day pf gambling or worse.
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