- This topic has 32 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by shanky666.
4 March 2014 at 3:05 pm #8700janey1Participant
I’m Jane Fahy, the Clinical Services Manager for Gambling Therapy. Gambling Therapy is an online service for people who are adversely affected by gambling and we form an integral part of the Gordon Moody Association. We’re in the process of introducing a new service specifically for people who’re waiting to come into the residential treatment centre and I wanted to update you all on it ??
If you’re currently on the waiting list you’ll soon be receiving the very best in residential treatment for the issues you’re facing. However, while you’re waiting a dedicated member of the Gambling Therapy team can be here to support you online. We can offer advice and listen to what’s going on for you, we can “meet up” with you in cyberspace so you can let us know how you’re coping and you can use our website to talk to your peers in forums and online groups to receive emotional support and learn about what works for them.
We don’t aim to replace the kind of support you’ll receive in residential treatment but we can be here for you every step of the way whilst you’re waiting because we know it can be a very difficult and confusing time.
If you have applied for, and been given a bed space, at one of the Gordon Moody Association Residential Treatment Centres we will soon be contacting you and you can come and check us out. You can find us here https://www.gettogethablog.com
Thanks for reading!
Jane Fahy (MBACP)
Clinical Services Manager
30 December 2015 at 7:21 pm #8701riverdaleboyParticipant
Hi janey1 I have been offered a place at your Dudley centre and I was wondering what sort of waiting list I am up against. I realise there are probably a limited amount of spaces available but I am somewhat relying on Gordon Moody to finally rid me of this gambling burden that has been with me for forty odd years. I have been visiting the forum every day and find it useful to help me through day to day with my urges to gamble but I fear that self control is not going to work long term and I will need experienced support very soon.
30 December 2015 at 10:29 pm #8702BrokeladParticipant
Hi riverdale, I’m currently on the waiting list too, I was wondering what forum are you finding helpful as I’m really struggling everyday with this horrible addiction?
30 December 2015 at 11:16 pm #8703riverdaleboyParticipant
Hi Brokelad, I find that just reading other peoples stories is helpful to me because I had the feeling before I joined that I was very alone in my addiction. I don’t know about you but my family have virtually stopped talking to me now because of the lies and deciet I have put them through over the years and as for friends they just melted away fed up with lending me money no doubt. I too struggle with the urges to gamble every day but I keep a record of everything now
31 December 2015 at 2:54 am #8704BrokeladParticipant
I will start doing that thanks, yeah I’m in that exact same position. I’ve just pushed everyone to there limits and now I’m just punishing myself for the wrongs I have done. Back to your first post I was told 3 month waiting list
31 December 2015 at 3:02 pm #8705riverdaleboyParticipant
I too was told 3 months so it is quite possible we will meet up at some point. In the meantime we can keep in touch on a regular basis and help each other through this. I just tell myself each day that I am one step nearer. Of course it helps to have no money and the tough test will be when I have but I am confident that I can do this.
3 January 2016 at 2:21 pm #8706riverdaleboyParticipant
Hi Brokelad well its January 3rd now and I don’t know about you but I have been gamble free for a little while now. Of course it has helped me being skint anyway so it took away the opportunity. I hope you are doing well yourself, let us really make this work in 2016 because I think we both need a clean start.
11 January 2016 at 10:53 am #8707riverdaleboyParticipant
Just a quick note to enquire how you are doing. I myself have had a couple of relapses since the New year and feel quite ashamed of myself. I hope you are doing well in your quest for a better and gamble free life, please stay in touch and let me know how you are.
17 January 2016 at 6:24 pm #8708BrokeladParticipant
Sorry just been able to get to the computer, I’ve had a few relapses myself not many and not a lot but a bet is a bet, hope your doing well and being strong
20 January 2016 at 2:54 pm #8709bobobaldyParticipant
Hi, I have just completed the 14 weeks in rehab & 6 weeks relapse prevention u would never believe how much better I feel as a person as a man even doing this has changed me as a low self esteem person to a positive considerate man. I was 1 choice away from not being here today in am glad I choose the right 1. You both have chosen the right one as well being on the waiting list should give u the encouragement to say this is the beginning of my new life. Hope u both stay safe & get in soon
21 January 2016 at 10:52 am #8710riverdaleboyParticipant
Thank you bobobaldy for your encouraging post. I am finding the wait for a bed space very difficult. The past couple of weeks have been up and down for me. Some days I feel strong and determined but I have had also some bad days when the gambling urge feels like a fluttering in my heart which is really hard to shake off. What worries me most is that if I had some money in my pocket those urges would get the better of me because apart from this forum there is nobody around me giving me any support, quite the opposite in fact I feel that they are mocking my efforts to break this demon in me. I hope that Brokelad is doing better than I am because I am suffering a bit at the moment.
21 January 2016 at 3:04 pm #8711Kevrum74Participant
Hi am due to attend beckrnham on the 22nd Feb I am just wanting some advice from others who attended I am nervous and excited all at the same time time
21 January 2016 at 7:19 pm #8712bobobaldyParticipant
Just keep ur chin up speak to office next week & see if any progress on a date. It can be a long wait but it is worth it. Few coping skills. Try & fill ur time with positive things to do. Try & budget ur money don’t take excess out with u as ur putting urself into a dangerous mode. These small things will get u in the right frame of mind. Most importantly talk to people tell them if ur struggling.
21 January 2016 at 7:27 pm #8713bobobaldyParticipant
Hi. I can only give advice for dudley but programs are about the same. Go in with an open approach & attitude if possible take some basic food supplys in with u as the 1st thing u do us budget ur money which makes u look at it in a different light instead of it burning a hole in ur pocket. U need to willing to change everything if that’s wot is requires u to stop gambling. Be honest with urself & the staff that’s the most important thing. There is nothing u have done which someone else hasn’t done b4 u. 14 weeks goes quick to use that time & work hard with the staff & u WILL see the real you & the difference is fantastic.
21 January 2016 at 8:51 pm #8714Kevrum74Participant
Thanks how do they budget you, also what is it like on a daily basis please it sound really good though
25 January 2016 at 10:52 pm #8715bobobaldyParticipant
Hi budgeting really good. They take control of ur money & u put in a weekly sheet depending on ur allowance eg u go shopping twice a week so tues u say £10-£15 food Fri same if u smoke u do the same for that & try & stick at that. U will save money doing that. There is also a community night where each house cooks on a rota basic & it’s paid for by gm. U will really enjoy it if u want to & meet good friends who will support u.
20 February 2016 at 12:19 pm #8716Kevrum74Participant
Thanks I am due to attend beckenham on Monday scared but excited at same time I really need this to work but thank you for your advice
7 April 2016 at 9:07 am #8717Wazza22Participant
Great to read of similar people (on the waiting list) and also people that have been in.
I just wondered if you could let me know a bit more about exactly what goes on at the residential, I am not nervous about going in as I am desperate to try and get the best help but a little apprehensive about how it works. General information such as, what do you take in to GM with you? How is your day filled? Do you leave the property at all? I know you mentioned the shopping part. Any feedback would be appreciative.
7 April 2016 at 9:27 am #8718janey1Participant
Hi Wazza
It’s perfectly normal to feel the way you do, the unknown can feel very frightening! I guess the main thing to keep in the front of your mind is that your not coming into a prison :), you’re going to be in a supportive environment surrounded by people who’ve either been where you are or therapists that “get it”. I think a lot of people who go through the programme experience quite a lot of relief to be in such a safe environment once they get used to their new surroundings.
With regards to the specifics of what to bring with you, I’d advise you to give the office a call and speak to Amy, she’ll fill you in on the details.
Take care Wazza
1 May 2016 at 9:16 am #8719Miche48ukParticipant
Hi I am new here and meant to be coming on the residential stay for women in May, I am trying to juggle everything to ensure I am there whilst lying to people about why! Good start eh! I hae very little faith that I can rid myself of this when I haven’t even brought it up properly in private therapy lately, it was to address PTSD. I hope and pray (although I am not religious) that this really does help me change as it is impacting my life totally now. I wanted to check it isn’t an ‘AA’ approach as I am pretty anti that ethos usually…although not wanting to knock those it works for of course.
3 May 2016 at 2:13 pm #8720janey1Participant
Hi Michelle
We don’t use the steps programme. Ours is predominantly CBT but with a lot of common sense added for good measure ??
Take care
24 May 2016 at 2:25 pm #8721tonyjParticipant
I have a question regarding the residential setting, I have applied for a place at one of the houses, it is in the early stages and waiting for a phone interview, the question I have is,
I have a daughter which although I don’t live with her I see and talk to every week, I am a bit concerned that if I did get a place I wouldn’t be able to talk/have contact with her, could anyone help answer what the protocol is once you are a resident ? I think I read somewhere that you can’t take mobile phones ? if this is the case are you allowed to make contact /phone/visit with family ?
Many Thanks in advance
Tony -
24 May 2016 at 3:15 pm #8722janey1Participant
Hi Tony
I can understand your concerns, it can be hard to be separated from family no matter how beneficial the break will be for your emotional well being. For the two week assessment period you’ll be asked not to contact family but they can contact the treatment center, at any time, to check that you’re OK.
Following the assessment period, you’ll be permitted to contact your family after a discussion with your therapist. For further clarification, please speak to Amy at the Dudley office.
Kind regards
Jane -
26 May 2016 at 11:41 pm #8723tonyjParticipant
sorry janey I read your post but forgot to thank you,
I have spoken with Amy and have a bed for this Tuesday !
Still concerned about not seeing my daughter for 3 months but the pro’s definitely our weigh the con’sThanks for your response !
12 July 2016 at 8:08 pm #8724tamworthParticipant
I applied to GMA and been on the waiting list since March 2016. Hopefully reading this forum will give me the support I need for whenever I do finally get to go on the programme.
14 July 2016 at 12:51 pm #8725janey1Participant
Hi Tamworth
Are you have one to one support sessions with Ruth? If not, you should think about that, it’s valuable support whilst you’re waiting.
You should have an e-mail from her.
Jane -
14 July 2016 at 1:04 pm #8726tamworthParticipant
Hi janey,
Yes i’ve contacted Ruth to get 1 to 1 support with her. Ruth said she is away this week and back next week.
Hopefully the wait and obstacles wont be too much longer.
It’s amazing to see someone can be in the programme in 2 days reading the above.
3 October 2016 at 9:44 am #8727marky69Participant
Hi everyone
I have just completed the 14 week program at Beckenham
All I will say to everyone waiting once you arrive is talk from soul (get naked!!) and not from your head. The CBT therapy is fantastic and is something I would like to learn more about even though I have left. It has helped me understand the person I had become and I am now in a better position to deal with all my emotions and feelings.. I am not cured and everyday is a new day to learn and become more aware of my actions so I can lead a happy life. I have not gambled now for nearly 26 weeks and I feel at last I have a purpose and future in life. The staff and pherapists are amazing and really supportive. Stay positive everyone.
Thoughts have energy, make sure they are positive and powerful . -
28 January 2018 at 9:43 am #8728Dave0876Participant
Hi I was wondering how you fund your stay at GMA if you have no money and are on JSA.
28 January 2018 at 11:38 am #8729marky69Participant
Hi Dave, you claim via ESA
Phone GMA and apply for the programme if you want to change your life and they will sort everything out for you to take that worry away from you -
28 January 2018 at 5:45 pm #8730tonyjParticipant
Hi dave086
Just to add onto what mark has said, Gordon moody are a charity so everything is covered in that sense, when you get there you will apply for housing benefit to cover your room, and you will (if you haven’t already done so) apply for ESA which will give you money in your pocket/budget for your essentials during the week,
Anything else your worries about just ask
Tony -
27 February 2018 at 8:55 pm #8731matcolParticipant
Hello my friend I will start my rehab in 15 days…kindly can you give me your email or facebook so i will talk with you privatly and ask you some questions about the rehab programm.
6 March 2018 at 3:44 pm #8732shanky666Participant
i have just got onto the waiting list and i was so relieved. i finally got some sleep but 3 months is a long time and i wonder what shape ill be in when the time comes. my life is spiraling out of control at the moment. If anybody drops out i would be happy to take there place at a days notice.
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