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    • #182116

      Many companies recommended this wonderful forum to me for discussing my gambling problem. Compulsive gambling addiction has destroyed my life, and I have lost all my money and am in debt. The support of friends and fantastic organizations has been helpful in addressing the issue, but there is no financial support, and I am currently unemployed.

    • #182123

      Hi Wailben

      I am pleased that you have found this site, it is indeed a wonderful place to share your problem and seek support.

      You have, however, arrived in the Friends and Family forum so I will ensure that you are transferred to the ‘My Journal’ forum which is there for you.

      I wish you well and look forward to following your progress


      • #183032

        Unfortunately, he did not receive any support. Gambling addiction ruined my life and I lost all my money. No assistance is provided. The lives of weak people don’t mean anything

    • #183036

      Hi Wailben

      The lives of people with the addiction to gamble matter very much on this site – it is the reason we are here.

      In this forum, in our groups and on our Helpline we offer the tools to help you control your addiction – it has worked for thousands. Our Gambler groups are facilitated by Charles who he will understand you and support you.

      The gambling addiction will have ruined a lot of things in your life but it is never too late to change – I know because I have seen lives transformed.

      Having the courageous to face your addiction and learning how to control it is the only way forward. Learning how to control it can be found here, in our groups, on our Helpline or in the Gordon Moody rehab. Have you tried GA (gamblers anonymous) who also have great success in supporting those who struggle with this addiction. You are not alone Wailben, keep seeking the right support, it is available

      What this site does not do, is offer financial support as that would not give you the necessary tools to stop gambling – you would soon be back where you are now but deeper in debt. The addiction to gamble is fed by financial enablement making it worse.

      You are in the right forum now and will be being heard by others who understand you and have faced similar challenges.

      I wish you well


    • #183041

      I appreciate your message Velvet .
      , I stopped gambling more than 4 months ago, after it had ruined my life, and I grew to despise anything related to gambling. However, I am currently suffering. I don’t have a job, and I don’t own anything, coming from a poor family. I lost all my money, $77,000, on the website xxxxxxxxxx For the past 4 months, I’ve been trying to find a loan to start a project, but unfortunately, all the banks require collateral. I feel increasingly worthless day by day, and it seems that you only help people from the United Kingdom. As for others, gambling companies take our money and leave us to fend for ourselves, without caring, unfortunately.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by charles. Reason: Edited to remove the name of a gambling site
    • #183127

      Hi Wailben,

      If you can connect to one of the groups here, on either a Wednesday or Thursday evening UK time, we can look at some of your options. You are welcome in any of the groups regardless of where you are in the world. Hopefully see you in a group soon.

    • #183157

      I need help. I am in a very difficult situation. Please help me. Where can I find these groups?

    • #183160

      I hope youre still here to find Support youre looking for. I’m writing nearly every day at the moment. When you want to talk more about this topic, i’m happy to get a response from you ??

    • #184104

      Here is a link to the support groups here.

      Alternatively at the top of the page click on “Support” then on “About Support Groups.”

      You have a lot of support available, both here and elsewhere.

    • #184180

      my life has faded and ended. It has been over 4 months, and I am seeking support. Gambling companies told me that you provide support. However, up to this moment, there has been no support and no communication. Even the live chat told me that you are only available in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, I am going through a difficult time, and there is no one to talk to or help me

    • #184190

      You can access the support groups on here. Follow the links after you log in. I can definitely recommend them.
      I am in recovery and I have also found reading other peoples posts plus getting my thoughts out there in my own posts very useful.
      The early days and weeks are very tough for sure but it definitely can get better if you stay away from gambling.
      Best wishes.

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