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  • Bu konu 1 yan?t i?erir, 2 izleyen vard?r ve en son 4 y?l 9 ay ?nce Steev taraf?ndan güncellenmi?tir.
1 yan?t dizini g?rüntüleniyor
  • Yazar
    • #55000


      I am looking into joining the meeting starting in 7 minutes. How do I actually get into the meeting or can you not join until the actual time it starts? Thank, new to this

    • #55001

      It was good that you found your way to the group tonight and I hope you found it useful. As I mentioned there – you can post more about your story here and people will respond – there is a lot of expertise on these boards!
      Also if you can get to groups tomorrow, they will be facilitated so you will have some wiser brains than mine to tap into.
      I wish you well.

1 yan?t dizini g?rüntüleniyor
  • Bu konuyu yan?tlamak i?in giri? yapm?? olmal?s?n?z.