- Bu konu 11 yan?t i?erir, 7 izleyen vard?r ve en son 9 y?l 4 ay ?nce AGamblersJourney taraf?ndan güncellenmi?tir.
3 Haziran 2015: 5:01 pm #30650AGamblersJourneyKat?l?mc?
Well, here I am again. Back at day 1. Still in hundreds of thousands of pounds of debt.
I’ve decided this time I will create a journal, or a diary, to track my progress. So I can share this (and because I can type quicker than I can write!), I have decided to set up a blog (please check it out here : https://agamblersjourney.weebly.com/blog)
It really helps knowing I have the support of websites like this, and we are going through our journeys together. Please check out my blog, follow it, and get involved in the survey / polls. I find comfort in knowing it’s not just me against the world, there are lots of us in it together, and we will win!
4 Haziran 2015: 9:06 am #30651DuncAnahtar y?netici
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you?re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you?re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We?re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you?re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
And on that note….
I?m going to hand you over to our community because I?m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our
privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
4 Haziran 2015: 8:18 pm #30652AGamblersJourneyKat?l?mc?
Hi all. I have added a new blog today on my feelings. Please take a look. It helps me and hopefully I can help inspire others and together we can get through this. Thank you
7 Haziran 2015: 6:24 pm #30653TheElder2000Kat?l?mc?
Your blog about sums it up!! I would start one myself but it would say exactly the same thing——
16 Haziran 2015: 6:25 pm #30654AGamblersJourneyKat?l?mc?
Thanks for the support guys!
I added another post about my thoughts when betting. This was based on talking to my friend who finds it hard to understand gambling, as it’s not ‘rational’. I argue in my blog posting how I manage to rationalise my irrationality, so I think that I’m acting rationally in the heat of the moment!
If anyone wants to read it, it’s here: https://agamblersjourney.weebly.com/blog
16 Haziran 2015: 9:11 pm #30655pKat?l?mc?
Well i like your blog its very well done. you describe what happens to the mind very well and our thinking.
17 Haziran 2015: 5:02 am #30656TheElder2000Kat?l?mc?
Action action action! Well written and all too accurate!
I hate slot machines but occasionally get sucked in to them. And If I don’t hit a big jackpot on one (and I have NEVER hit a big jackpot on one) I know I am going to put everything I have into it.
Makes no sense-can have as much fun on a video game I paid 50 bucks on–but rational does not enter the equation.
My last trip to Vegas I was up 9k after a day-down 25K after 3 days….Enough is never enough…so starting is not a option….
17 Haziran 2015: 10:48 am #30657marko1231Kat?l?mc?
Thanks for starting the blog
A very insightful and helpful blog
Please keep it going -
16 Ekim 2015: 10:25 pm #30658AnonimZiyaret?i
Hi AGJ, great blog. How are things going for you?
12 Kas?m 2015: 7:50 pm #30659AGamblersJourneyKat?l?mc?
So, after a few hard times and back at day zero once again, I’ve decided to return to my blog to document my recovery – including the hiccups and distractions that occur along the way.
Hope it’s useful for someone: https://agamblersjourney.weebly.com/blog
12 Kas?m 2015: 9:05 pm #30660charlesModerat?r
Hi agamblersjourney,
When you write your blog why not copy and paste it to here? That way you can get more support and feedback. Coming here more regularly will aslo mean you can read the other stories here, see the sort of thing that is working for others and be able to apply it to your own situation.
12 Kas?m 2015: 9:45 pm #30661AGamblersJourneyKat?l?mc?
I also read the stories here – I started my blog because I was inspired by others. In terms of why I don’t write it here each time? There’s less freedom in terms of formatting, linking, searching and organising posts and I like to reread certain blog posts – at lot easier to do when they’re tagged.
- Bu konuyu yan?tlamak i?in giri? yapm?? olmal?s?n?z.