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  • Bu konu 0 yan?t i?erir, 1 izleyen vard?r ve en son 13 y?l ?nce Dunc taraf?ndan güncellenmi?tir.
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    • #13103
      Anahtar y?netici

      After a year of volunteering Mike has decided to leave Gambling Therapy. Mike  become a valued member of staff and a personal friend whom I have great admiration for. His dedication and knowledge of recovery Im sure has helped many.
      Mike has moved on to work in a valuable position within the public sector, a job I have no doubt he will excel at.
      I hope the alarm clock is doing its job
      Mike I wish you all the best mate
      HarryWatch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

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