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    • #161576

      I have a gambling issue which I developed in April 2022 and I have accrued over £70k of debt. I have also split up with my fiancée due to my issues. I am seeking help but I have had a relapse. To make matters worse I have been unlicensed casinos who I have no found out from research have fake games abd close and open new casinos offer so I have no chance of winning as the games were rigged.
      Is there anyone who has sucessfully come back from rock bottom and how did they manage it.
      I’m usually a determined person and nothing can stop me but I feel worthless at the moment and don’t know where to turn

    • #161606

      ? Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums. By posting to the forums you’re allowing the diverse and caring Gambling Therapy community to help support you through the difficulties you’re facing.

      This may well be a tough time for you – particularly if you’re new to recovery, so we encourage you to post here as often as you need to, as well as making use of the online groups and the live advice helpline if you’d like some one-to-one support. We’re all in this together! If you’re a new member, you are warmly invited to join Charles in one of the New Members Practical Advice groups (Mondays at 21:00 UK Time and Thursdays at 19:00 UK Time).

      The forum is a great place to share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. By writing it all down you can start to build a record of your progress that you can look back on – particularly useful if you’re ever feeling stuck. Share as much or as little as you like – but you’re encouraged to stick to keeping to just one thread in this forum – so people know where to find you to check in on your progress or to share something with you.

      The Gambling Therapy staff team don’t generally post to the forums as it is a peer support area of the site – so we’ll hand you over to the community from here.

      Take care,

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS. Please take a moment to review our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works.

    • #161839


      My name is Craig I’m a compulsive gambler last bet 5/03/2018

      Everyone’s rock bottom is different mine was losing my children , house , job , alot of money over many years and then going bankrupt

      I spent many years isolating myself and not living a life while losing all the above and hurting everyone that actually cared about me .Once I finally admitted to myself i needed help I managed to go to rehab and that’s where the start of new foundations were laid to allow me to firstly be taken out of the life I had led and feel safe which then allowed the rehab team to break me down bit by bit and restore my dignity and self belief .Don’t get me wrong this did not happen over night but I knew I was at rock bottom there was nothing left to lose except most likey my life .I am a compulsive gambler and that will always be with me on a day to day basis .I now lead a better life than I did and more importantly I am happy with life nowadays , I’m honest with my family and friends who all know the depths I went to in my gambling days

      Life is not easy but can be much better there is help out there if you feel you want it

      I hope this brings some comfort or encouragement to you to help you move forward

      My name is Craig I’m a compulsive gambler
      Last bet 05/03/2018

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