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6 yan?t dizini g?rüntüleniyor
  • Yazar
    • #36813

      I almost made it to 2 years. I last stopped gambling on April 2nd 2015. And then on 31st Jan I started again. It started when I was very depressed. I got an email. I thought it would do no harm. I knew in the back of my mind it was not a good idea. Over the last 6 weeks it took me over totally. The financial damage is not too bad, but the motional damage is awful. I feel like a fucking idiot, pardon my French.

      So I am back here, to share my story. I was doing so well. I cannot tell my family though I have told close friends.

      I have banned myself from the site, taken all the money out and am putting my head back to where it was having quit.

      I had a Facebook addiction last year and now the gambling. I realise I am an addict. I get sucked into things which take me away from my life.

      There are good things in my life and if I contnue to Gamble I will lose everything and more.

      I will not let that happen.

      I am a compulsive gambler – once I start I simply cannot stop.

      I have a problem and I am here to share my problem, and also my success. Almost 2 years without a bet. I can do it again.

      My love to you all, I will stay in touch and join the forms.

    • #36814

      Hi Maverick. I am sorry that you gambled but glad that you came back to GT. I know you can stay gamble free again. Don’t give up! I wonder how many of us turn to another addiction when we are not gambling? Mine was compulsive shopping. I have sold and donated most of the silly things I bought. I guess it is how a addictive mind works. I wish the best for you. You have a lot of support and friends here. Thanks for sharing.

    • #36815

      Hi Maverick and welcome back.

      As Lizbeth says, the good news is that you KNOW you can stop, KNOW the things that help you stop. Get back to posting, get back to groups. the important thing to remember then though is that if we need help to stop gambling then it is also important to use support to maintain recovery. Keep posting.

    • #36816

      Wow Maverick – you have done so well. I have never got that much free time behind me- just shows what you are capable of . Keep strong

    • #36817

      Nobody can take your 2 G free years away Maverick. It is sad that you “slipped”/gambled but that’s what CGs do when we take our eye off the ball.
      I know you will bounce back Mav. GA will be always there for you.
      I went to a meeting tonight and the young man who sat beside me was in tears. Shaking with shock . Heart breaking. When we know where gambling will lead , all illusions are smashed.
      Well done on being so honest Mav.
      Keep posting.

    • #36818

      Vera, you’re an inspiration. Best part of that, you’re right.

      When do angels arrive? Just in time. The right time.

      Thank you, Vera.

      Let’s figure out how to not gamble and yet lead lives that we can be proud of, friends. With angels like Vera, I feel hope.

    • #36819

      Welcome back Maverick. Time to stop again. I hope 1 day turns into 20 and 20 turns into 100.

6 yan?t dizini g?rüntüleniyor
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