- This topic has 16 в?дпов?дей, 9 учасник?в, and was last updated 8 рок?в, 3 м?сяц? тому by charles.
3 Жовтня 2016 о 3:16 am #34493DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Hello dear gamblers in recovery, recovered gamblers, friends or family of someone who is gambling,
The time has come for me… to put an official end to this horrible addiction!!! Addiction that not only robs me from money, but time, energy and health as well, makes me underperformer and underachiever, with 1 word: loser! That’s what gambling is: losing & suffering. Whenever you want to gamble again, just think of losing & suffering and ask yourself do you want to lose & suffer?
In a nutshell: I’m a guy in late twenties, I’ve been gambling actively for the past 10 years on & off. My gambling has been very active in the past 3 years. Things began escalating at the end of 2013 when I started increasing my bets and you know the rest… there were some winnings, more losing of course and the God of all gambling misery: chasing losses! My very first sports bet was when I was only 14 and you can guess: I won! That’s the worst thing that can happen to any person: his/her experience with gambling to be a winning one! I was betting during high school but nothing serious and not so frequent. After graduating from college and getting a job then things began to escalate. Initially all was going great. Nice job, nice salary, I was saving money and enjoying the life to the fullest. I would bet only occasionally because I was so busy working I couldn’t find time. Fast forward to 2016 (horrible year for me!) all of a sudden I stopped working for the company I used to work in the past few years. It was completely unexpected. We went separate ways. I found my escape in gambling. This resulted in 9 months of hell (I joke with myself I went through 9 circles of hell and now I can be free) and the hell is indeed over starting from today!
In mid-August 2016 I made a decision to stop gambling once and for all! I read the book “The Easy Way to Stop Gambling – Take Control Over Your Life” by Allen Carr. I extremely highly recommend that every gambler who wants to quit gambling read this book. It will strip away all illusions about gambling and help you big time! Since reading this book and the decision to stop I had several relapses in September, each relapse was smaller and smaller but they were still happening! Here I am today on October 3rd, 2016 writing this post to announce that my last relapsed just finished (balance on betting website: $0.00) and that I’m officially done with gambling!!! Unlike in the past where I would feel angry or pissed off because I lost my money and can’t bet anymore, today I feel great that the illusion and pain are finally over! I’m so calm and relieved right now because there will be no more pain due to gambling! I closed my accounts with bookmakers I bet, I should probably terminate my Neteller and Skrill accounts but decided to leave them, will use them in future not necessarily to gamble but to do online shopping etc.
My thoughts on gambling: It’s a losing and zero-sum game! Huge illusion! The result is always the same: balance of $0.00! Even if someone is winning in gambling, it’s just a matter of time before that person goes broke. I know for a fact it’s going to happen. So many times I would win x5, x10, x30 of deposited amount only to lose it with time. In the end I have lost not only money but time which I will never get back!
My gambling “career”: I have gambled on almost everything: sports betting (my main activity), live blackjack, live roulette, electronic roulette in casino, online poker etc. I have never played slots because I know they are rigged as hell (as well as other listed stuff). I see many people on this forum are addicted to slots. That’s probably the worst thing to get addicted in terms of gambling though there is no worst and best gambling addiction. It is all an illusion!!! Those who play slots think they are in control if they choose which games to play or the way the push/click the button, but it’s all an illusion. The same goes for my sports betting: I think if I choose the right game to bet on, I have better chances to win. Ironically I think I’m a good sports bettor but lack of discipline, patience, chasing losses – all this kills my bankroll. When I’m on a winning streak everything is fine and I have self-control but not once I start losing that’s when all starts to go down the drain – I think 99% of people who have gambled know what I’m talking about.
Conclusion: Gambling is illusion, suffering, misery, endless vicious cycle unless we end it!!! Quitting gambling is not that difficult as it seems. It’s a mental trap, it’s all in our brains! In order that we stop gambling we need to remove our desire to gamble, that’s the key!!! With the right frame of mind everyone can quit gambling for life!!! Don’t believe if anyone tells you quitting gambling will be very difficult because you will remain in the gambling trap! Yes, to quit gambling you need some hard-work and discipline but that’s how success is achieved in life, right? I want every person reading this post to know that they can all quit gambling! If you are sports bettor like me, you are not obliged to bet the game if it is on TV!!! If you are online poker player, stop playing on poker sites they will take your money with their bots, super users and rigged RNG. If you are online slot player, quit immediately! You are playing against computer code written by some programmer, you will never ever make money and you probably know it! If you are playing live roulette, live blackjack, live baccarat quit as well: odds are against you and you will lose in the long run guaranteed. Let’s do some real talk: if there is 55% fixed chance that something will happen in the favor of the casino and 45% fixed chance that the result will be in our favor, then there is no theoretical way to beat the casino!!! In the long-term the math laws will do their job and wipe out our bankrolls!!!
How to quit gambling: I’m by no means trying to act like a smartass but since I’ve read the book I mentioned above it has helped me a lot to see the gambling for what it is: an illusion! No gambler in the world even when he/she is winning is happy with their gambling lives!! Gambling is not a genuine pleasure!! Addiction forces us to gamble even when we don’t want to! Doing something you don’t want to will make you unhappy over time, agreed?
Those who have been quitting gambling and always returning with bigger relapses than previous ones I’m afraid might have been quitting gambling the wrong way: by sheer force of will! I have tried to quit gambling like this in the past and always returned to my addiction. However, this time is different! My approach to quit gambling and the information I gained this time is helping me quit gambling (despite relapses during September). There is no solution that works for every gambler in the world! However, I think quitting gambling should be done this way: realize and admit that you have a gambling problem (crucial step), read books on gambling addiction and quitting, see the gambling for what it is – an illusion and our worst enemy, remove all illusions and delusions regarding gambling, realize that there is no fear if you quit gambling and that gambling does not need to be substituted with other addiction, remove the fear that you can’t live without gambling or what are you going to do if you quit (You can! Remember the non-gambling part of your life? Why not go back to this lifestyle again? You will be certainly much happier than the gambling lifestyle you’re leading right now). Once all illusions, delusions and fears are beaten you will be in the right frame of mind and be able to say goodbye to this devil’s addiction. Relapses might occur along the way but stay strong and I assure you, you will become a happy non-gambler again!!! Another useful advice: don’t try to stop thinking about gambling forcefully! It is ok if thoughts about gambling cross your mind, in such occurrences smile and say to yourself “Yupiiii, I’m a free man and I don’t have to ever gamble again!” instead “I must stop thinking about gambling. I must not gamble!”. The reason for this is: the more you try to resist something the more likely it is going to happen. If you quit gambling forcefully with a thought that must not gamble, over time this will become an itch that you simply gotta scratch and one day you will scratch it and feel so awesome that you’ve scratched the itch. Unfortunately this means that you have again fallen into the gambling trap! To quit gambling successfully, once again I will repeat: realize what gambling is – an illusion and our worst enemy, gambling is not our friend and we don’t need it! Simply put: when we were kids we used to believe in Santa Claus but once we learned that Santa Claus does not exist in reality we can never be fooled again to believe in Santa Claus existence. So what I’m trying to say is: once you understand how the gambling illusion and the gambling addiction work, you will be able to quit gambling and your soul will be able to find its peace and happiness! ??The bottom line: We got this people, let’s do it! We can beat gambling addiction. There are no excuses and reasons why we should not quit gambling. All reasons to quit gambling are on our side: much happier life, much more free time for ourselves, friends and family, no more lying, no more deceiving and sneaky games, no more hiding, no more shame, regret and guilt, no more terrible worker, no more underachiever, no more low on money all the time, no more life of a loser!!! The list is endless. If you are in debt I’m sorry about that but see the situation this way: if you stop gambling your debts are 100% guaranteed to go down over time but should you continue to gamble you will keep sliding further and further into the gambling trap and your debts will skyrocket! Problems created by gambling can’t be solved by gambling, simple as that!
Gambling is not fun and sexy as it is portrayed in the media and advertised everywhere. Realize this and you will never ever fall for this trap again! All brainwashing about gambling that has been done to us must be removed and we will be able to quit gambling for good! Please change your view on gambling and you will see how easy is to quit gambling!I hope I didn’t “scare” anyone with this huuuuge post it is 100% mine masterpiece. ?? This is how I view gambling at the moment and I think I’m on a very good road to quit gambling once and for all! Forever! Para siempre! I wish exactly the same for every problem gambler. I hope you will find my post motivational as well. I will be glad to see your replies and answer to them if they contain question. I’m a problem gambler in recovery. Until 2016 I didn’t know I had gambling problem. I was not in denial, I just didn’t think what I did was a gambling problem behavior. Now I’m 100% aware of everything. Everyone in this world who spends time thinking about gambling more than he/she should, that person has a gambling problem! When your friends, family, work or anything else suffers due to preoccupation with gambling you have a problem gambling. Even if you are winning you still have a gambling problem. There is no such thing as controlled, disciplined, responsible gambling! My every gambling session would start like this but then spiral out of control with time. It’s just a matter of time before addiction takes over, know this!
I will stop here because I think it is enough. I did enjoy writing this huge post. I hope many people will find it helpful. I’m pretty sure the gambling industry may not like this post but the truth simply had to be told! ?? It was enough living in the dark thinking there is no way out of the gambling hole that each gambler digs for himself. There is a way out! The way out is called: stop all forms of gambling, right now right here and never ever gamble again!
Huge thanks to everybody who took the time to read my post. Excuse my potentially bad English. I’m from Europe from a non-English speaking country, in case someone wonders. ?? I will end the post with this thought: gambling addiction does not discriminate, we all suffer!
3 Жовтня 2016 о 3:24 am #34494DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Interesting that I will reply to myself. ??
Just a short clarification: though in my post I appear so strong and like I’ve quit gambling successfully, I’m still vulnerable but my decision to stop gambling is stronger than anything else! I know I can and I simply must succeed in this otherwise I put my life on the line. That is the reason why I joined this forum: to get support and to give support. Sharing is caring! ??
3 Жовтня 2016 о 9:40 am #34495DuncХранитель
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. ?We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. ?We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. ?The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. ?So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and ?terms and conditions so you know how it all works! ???
3 Жовтня 2016 о 12:35 pm #34496tonyjУчасник
Thanks for your post and it made good reading, It’s good that you sound like you have a lot of motivation and you want to stop and I wish you the best of luck.
Just a quick point I would like to make;
You said “I should probably terminate my Neteller and Skrill accounts but decided to leave them, will use them in future not necessarily to gamble but to do online shopping etc”
As you said you probably should close them so you know yourself it would be a good idea, I think you need to close every door which helped/led you to gamble and With this in mind I would close them. It might be a bit of an inconvenience if you use these accounts for shopping but it will be an even bigger inconvenience if it helps you gamble.Good luck
Tony -
3 Жовтня 2016 о 8:16 pm #34497DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Hi Tony,
Great advice to close my Neteller and Skrill accounts. I know I should do this, my heart tells me I must do it because it will increase my chances to never gamble by x100 times. I used exclusively Neteller in the past 2-3 years of my gambling “career” so that’s the root of all evil! However, I have a Net+ MasterCard and 2 virtual Net cards. I need them in order to pay some online stuff. I have a complicated relationship with Neteller and Skrill haha. Need them to move my money in the cyber space but at the same time I hate them because their primary goal is to be gambling e-wallets.
Long story short, I work and I’m being paid online. I rarely use the banks in my country. Got used to this online money management and movement. I withdraw cash from ATM with my several MasterCards including Neteller’s one.
If I close my Neteller and Skrill accounts I know there will be no going back. It’s a huge decision I really need to think do I want for the rest of my life to not be able to enjoy the benefits of their services. They can be used for other purposes other than deposit to gambling sites, for example like online banks (though they are not that), online shopping, place to keep money in the digital world etc.
If it becomes necessary or I reach a point in my life where I’ll relapse like never before I swear I will close them! The moment I lose my last bet is when I usually go mad and self-exclude myself everywhere. In such moment of madness I will not hesitate at all and will execute permanent termination of my Neteller and Skrill account.
I’m staying gambling free until 2017 (first baby step) and from 2017 until the rest of my life! This is my current plan.
I feel great today! I will not gamble today and it does not bother me at all! I went through post-gambling feelings such as anxiety, depression, anger, regret, misery during September. I did have relapses in September as I mentioned in my post but it was clear in my mind those were the last grasps that gambling had of me in desperate attempt to put me back in the gambling trap. I didn’t allow! And here I am today standing like a warrior who won the battle though it’s still an ongoing war. I feel like a survivor! ??
Working on myself and learning to love myself without gambling. Gambling does not define me. Gambling destroys me. Destroy what destroys you! That’s exactly what I’m doing!
4 Жовтня 2016 о 7:39 am #34498DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Another day in which I’m not going to gamble yeeees that’s how life is supposed to be: without gambling!!!
Feeling great, motivated, energized, what has happened in the past remains there. I’m burying gambling there!!! I’m 100% aware I can never recoup my gambling losses through gambling, but through hard work I can and I will!!!
The gambling illusion is fading away! There is no such thing as just one last bet, one last spin, one last hand, it never ends there! That’s why I’m letting gambling rest in pieces (yes pieces not peace)!!! I’m crashing this horrible addiction and breaking free, this time forever!
Huge life lesson learned! Took me many years but I’m so glad I’m getting rid of this addiction before the age of 30. I’ve got so much to live for and so many things to achieve. I have my whole 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and hopefully 70s and 80s in front of me. I’m aware no one lives eternally but I want to live the rest of my life gambling free!
F you gambling industry, from now on you will be getting the middle finger from me! Stupid, stupid, stupid gambling!!! Because of gambling I began to hate my profession and I have such a lovely and lucrative profession. I’m redirecting this hate now in the right direction: towards gambling!!! It’s over! Knowledge and information can’t be defeated! Once you understand how the gambling illusion works you can never be fooled again! Gambling is one huge illusion!! Huuuuuuuuuge!!!
5 Жовтня 2016 о 12:53 am #34499Brendan_UTУчасник
I am new to site and forum. I wish you well on your road to recovery.
I have a few questions/recommendations:
1) have you told anyone in your personal life about your struggles?2) it might be a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member monitor your accounts just to add some level of accountability.
3). Something that I am working on is identifying my triggers and then identify coping techniques that I can do in advance to counter the triggers that lead to my compulsive urges.
Hope to chat with you and others.
5 Жовтня 2016 о 3:35 am #34500DoneWithGamblingУчасник
1) My girlfriend knows about my struggles. She knows I’m a sick gambler. Been with her for 5+ years and out of those 5+ years she knows about my problem since the 2nd year we were together. I never tried to hide my addiction from her! Back then I didn’t know I was a sick addict, now I know and that’s my strongest weapon! Many times I would place a bet and go out with her and check the score of the game all the time on my mobile phone = ruined night! We’ve fought many times and she threatened to leave me but she never did because she said she trusts in me that I can beat this addiction. Unfortunately she is clueless and has no idea how this addiction works. It’s not that easy as she thinks! I remember one time I tried to introduce her to the world of gambling but she never fell for it. However, she did place a few bets while being with me which I find interesting haha . Anyway I like that she is a non-gambler because in a relationship between 2 gamblers it is extremely difficult to quit gambling. I’m the gambler in this relationship and on my way to become happy non-gambler again, like I used 13-14 years ago when I was a kid!!!!!!!
2) Yes that’s a very good idea. My gf wanted to control my finances 1 and a half year ago because she was seeing that I was suffering and losing money. I told her I can do this on my own. Of course didn’t do it because I wanted to gambleeeeee and become professional sports bettor! From this perspective and all I went through this year I realize I was mesmerized by the gambling illusion! Not anymore. 2016 is the decisive year where I made huge progress like never before, realized I have a problem, came clean to myself and my gf and now I’m in recovery. Still vulnerable due to recent relapses (each with less and less effect on me because my brain is getting into the right frame which is the non-gambling one!).
3) Yes, identify your triggers, they can be countless!! I’ll give you several examples: every time I would argue with my gf (not necessarily due to gambling) I will decide to “punish” her and gamble but in reality I was punishing myself and escaping from her madness caused by pms haha. Gambling was my heal, foolishly I thought. Reality was, gambling was my worst enemy!!! Can see that now, couldn’t back then!
Another example: work stress & asshole clients! :)) This resulted in me firing several “bullets” on live roulette and live blackjack. Later a few bullets on sports betting until the gambling drug overrode the stress feeling.
Third example: seeing some people from the past I didn’t want to see and would rather crack their skull! ?? This would result a few hours later in sports bets and live roulette.As you see, triggers have no limits! They can be of any nature! This is how to recognize triggers: whenever something happens and you decide “I’m gonna go gamble now!” after that or urges to gamble appear after some incident or situation that’s your trigger. Triggers can also be: bad mood, anger, anxiety, boredom etc. When I recognize a trigger I say to myself “OK, what just happened was a trigger, but I’m a non-gambler now and won’t gamble!” or “This right now is my trigger. I’m smarter now, I know I have a gambling problem, I understand the gambling illusion and won’t fall for this trick for the 1000th time!!!”. Simply put, use positive approach and positive mindset. However, don’t force yourself not to gamble (exactly the opposite will happen = you will gamble), you must not gamble because you really don’t want to! Also do a reality check: if something has ended 1000 times with the same outcome, it will surely end the same way the 1001st time. I’m referring to that moment when you begin to chase losses or simply run into bad streak and lose everything! It’s just a matter of time before this happens! Could take a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, several years but it is going to happen for sure!
I hope I helped you with my thoughts and answers! ??
Btw I’m doing good and keep getting stronger and stronger. Have some money but won’t gamble. Don’t have any desire & more important I don’t want to! Time to get my s*it together and become the strong person I used to be! Time to take back control of my life!!!!!! I’m motivated as crazy and see the light at the end of the tunnel after gambling literally ever day this year until end of August. Minor relapses in September as part of the addiction fighting back, so far clean in October and to continue like this until 2017 and from there until the rest of my life!!
No one needs gambling in life! No one! Not even for fun and excitement! We don’t need 1 little shot of heroine for fun and excitement, do we? Then the same is valid for gambling – we don’t need it at all!!!!!!!
8 Жовтня 2016 о 4:24 am #34501DoneWithGamblingУчасник
After this weekend I will be officially gambling free for 1 week! Nice achievement, the first days and first week are always crucial! It was a bit emotional week, at moments I was feeling tired, sleepy, lethargic, unmotivated, sad. I’d call this post-gambling depression. Managed to remain stable and not to use gambling as the promised cure by the devil. Instead I withdrew the money that I had on my card, put them in my pocket so there is no chance that I can gamble online. Gonna do the same with next paycheck.
The battle is real but it’s not that agonizing because the darkest period is behind me. However, my brain still needs period of non-gambling in order to sort himself out and balance the chemicals. Just a little bit more and I know I’ll reach that point where there won’t be even a theoretical chance for relapse since I’ll be too strong to give in.
8 Жовтня 2016 о 7:13 am #34502WebbeУчасник
Hey man, reading through your posts i relate a lot to this! Im 20 and just started my own journal on here because i really do want to break out of this illusion. So much of your stuff on sports betting i agree with, being a pro sports bettor is where i see myself when im winning and even when im losing i think i can still find the next great bet if i research enough. Anyway, great post and i look forward to seeing your recovery! You seem very motivated and i am aiming to feel the same!
Will be following along! -
12 Жовтня 2016 о 2:39 pm #34503veraУчасник
Just touching base, DWG.
Are you still gamble free?
Thanks for posting to my thread and for the Al Pacino link. I love him!
Knowing that gambling is an illusion helps us to wake up. Staying awake can be difficult, though. I agree, we are all vulnerable. Any CG can find an excuse/reason to gamble again. We need to be a step ahead all the time.
Awareness is the key.
Keep posting. -
13 Жовтня 2016 о 9:38 am #34504DoneWithGamblingУчасник
How do you do Vera? ?? Yes I remember I replied to your journal and shared the Al Pacino’s motivational speech from one of his movies. Nice if the speech inspired you!
I would not classify myself as a CG but as a problem gambler definitely. I know when to stop before it’s really really too late but still I allow gambling to do a big damage to me before I stop.
Right now I’m doing good I hope I continue like this. This is my 2nd week gambling free, my emotions are back I’m feeling like a human being again! Last week I was feeling literally numb i.e. feeling nothing. I’m glad to feel alive again. I feel like my brain chemistry got balanced and I’m ready to start enjoying the life like a non-gambler person! With this being said surviving the first week without gambling is crucial! Then it keeps getting better and better and easier and easier. Let me know if you agree on this with me! ??
New weekend is coming I believe this will be the decisive weekend. If I stay gambling free the upcoming weekend my confidence will skyrocket and I will definitely remain gambling free till the end of the year (part 1 of my gambling free mission). Part 2 is from 2017 on.
No worries I will keep posting at least once or twice every week until 2017. I will post in 2017 as well but these 3 months until 2017 are crucial for me. I know I fucked up this year pretty much but it doesn’t have to end as it started – with gambling! 9 months of uncontrolled gambling with end result huge lesson and altered perception about gambling for life + 3 months gambling free = good ending of the year! I think it was my destiny to happen like this. 1 year of gambling hell in exchange for life lesson and gambling free for the rest of my life. Sounds like a good deal to me I took it! ??
In summary: I’m feeling good, my gambling scars are healing, my full focus now is work, I sleep like a baby (no more staying late in the night until last game for the day is finished) and I’m learning to enjoy my free time even to feel bored at times because that’s part of life. Everything in life is better than gambling!
Thanks Vera and everyone else for following my story. It’s a story where 1 individual is fighting back and proving to the world (I hope) that yes, gambling addiction can be defeated, gambling free life can be lead and it is perfectly fine to watch sports without having an urge to bet or feeling obliged to place a bet because that’s not my job! No one’s job should be to bet and gamble!
Fully agreed with your last sentence: “Awareness is the key.” I would add letting the past go as well. What’s been in the past remains there and it can’t be changed but what can be changed is the future and the very present moment we live. Sure I will not forget or ignore my gambling past but will let it to rest in peace!!!
13 Жовтня 2016 о 10:30 am #34505DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Here are my thoughts on sports betting: it can be done! Haha this is contrary to all I’ve said so far but still I won’t delude myself into thinking sports betting is the way I should take in my life!
What I mean by it can be done is that any experienced sports bettor more or less is in position to double his/her bankroll but the problem is we never stop there. We gamble till we really win so big that we start to realize wow this is a hell of a lot money or till the balance becomes $0.00! In 98% of the cases it’s the latter!
I’m 100% sure that if I have really big bankroll like $100,000 by betting professionally 1 bet = 1%-3% of my bankroll within 1 season which lasts 9 months (in football(soccer)) I can turn that $100,000 into $200,000. In fact it could only take me a few month and not full season. I know it’s doable because in 90% of the cases I manage to at least double or go x5 of my deposit before things start to spiral out of control due to losing streak and attitude “heck, it’s not a lot of money anyway I’ll bet more aggressively and recoup my losses or simply die like a hero”.
I’ve tried to bet professionally and indeed I managed to come out as a winner (even on losing streaks I would remain super cool and calm) but the thing is it’s not worth it if the bankroll is small like it was in mine case and I assume in majority cases. You can’t turn $100 or $1,000 into $100,000 and that’s exactly what we sports bettors want hence that’s why we always lose in the end! To earn a living from sports betting you need savings of $150,000 to live comfortably, pay bills etc. have a plan B in case betting career fails + $50,000 bankroll exclusively for betting. In such instances I’m gonna make it lol. Now we come to the 1 million dollar question: is it going to be worth it in the end? Gambling is a lonely profession. Bankroll swings are surely going to cause some stress, the social life is going to be affected, I don’t think any wife would like to have a gambler for husband, constant lies about our profession (even winning bettors are reluctant to admit to others they are professional gamblers because they know they’ll get judged by people).
In the grand scheme of things there are more reasons not to do sports betting for a living than to do it! Anyone who is in position to have a bankroll of $50,000 or $100,000 for sports betting is probably doing good in life and does not need to gamble!!! Such amount of money can be invested in much smarter and less riskier business though everything in life is a risk more or less!
Anyway, I’m not talking myself nor you or anyone else into giving a shot at sports betting! I’m giving reasonable reasons why we fail – because we want too much! It is not necessarily greed but an illusional desire to deposit small and win huge. Basically we bet with money we can’t afford to lose. Scared money never win in sports betting!!!
Here is my awesome philosophy regarding sports betting: give me a bankroll of $500,000 and I’ll turn it into $1,000,000, put me on a bankroll of $10,000 and I will 100% fail to turn it into $510,000 although in both cases the profit is +$500,000. The reason for this is simple: money loves money. The math is also very simple: from half a million to 1 million you need to win x2 of your bankroll, from $10K to $510K you need to win x51 of your bankroll.
It may seem like I’m still delusional and like I don’t want to learn the lesson lol but it’s not like that at all! Bookmakers are vulnerable when it comes to sports betting. They can’t control or fix any game, they do take a good beating on some games!
“The sportsbook doesn’t beat you. It just gives you the opportunity to beat yourself.” I love this quote it is 100% true! ??
Anyway I can write volumes on the subject of sports betting, just dare to challenge me. ??
For now I’m staying with clear and sharp mind: all bets are off for me for indefinite time!!! If I ever return to sports betting I’ll post in this journal.
I do realize even if I’m successful in sports betting it will not give me the life I will get by simply being a non-gambler! That’s one reason plus all bets to stay off for a very long time, preferably for life!
13 Жовтня 2016 о 10:45 am #34506DoneWithGamblingУчасник
Quick update that everything is going good on my end. I’m going through week #2 of being gambling free, I’m busy and focused on work, I do have a bit of free time which I enjoy the right way without gambling!
I have no urges, no desire to bet, no more illusion “just one more time”. That’s good I guess! Do have the money to bet though but I know all it takes is 1 bet and I’ll get sucked in again regardless if the bet wins or loses. The cycle has been broken for now and I’m glad about that!!!
See you in a few days or next week. War on gambling continues, first battles are always nice to be won as well as all upcoming ones!
A manmade illusion can be defeated 100%. And since gambling is an illusion there you go the answer: you can beat the addiction, the urges, the desire and everything else related to gambling.
18 Жовтня 2016 о 10:15 pm #34507JodiexdxУчасник
I’m new here, this is he very first post I have read and I can relate to all you have said. It was scary taking the first step to join but now I see I am not alone and there are so many others going through the same thing. Good luck and thank you ??
17 Листопада 2016 о 9:10 am #34508addictedbrain 2007Учасник
Recovery is a processs. Keep it strong, look forward to seeing your post again
17 Листопада 2016 о 8:41 pm #34509charlesМодератор
Hi Jodie, your post seems to have gone unnoticed here, my apologies. If you scroll to the bottom of the forum and click on New Topic you can start your own thread. I hope you are still reading, you can get a lot of support here. When you start your thread tell us a little about your situation.
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