- This topic has 106 в?дпов?дей, 11 учасник?в, and was last updated 7 рок?в, 3 м?сяц? тому by finding_laura.
30 Жовтня 2017 о 4:35 am #392682017shaunУчасник
I have decided to start this post because really I believe this site helps, the support offered here helps. So for everyday with out gambling is a good day.
Here’s to day one.. I WILL NOT GAMBLE
I have been here before and my gambling reduced
Stop using this site and found myself back in the bookies
Anyone can join in. Help one and other on the way.
I am doing this for myself because I want change in my life
Good luck allOctober 30th one day at a time from now untill … I shall not gamble
30 Жовтня 2017 о 5:59 am #39269i-did-itУчасник
Well done Shaun
In the past you may have had day ones but you didn’t have the knowledge you have now …that you are powerless over gambling .
Once you take that first bet you become completely powerless and at the mercy of this addiction.
You have learned this now and today will be your last ever day one –because relapses are not inevitable .
You can stop just as many on here have stopped.
If you need really high barriers . Put them in place today.
You know what you need – is it an online gambling blocker, or a bookies self ban i.e. someone else to manage your money …or all of the above . Do you attend GA -do you need to?Don’t let anyone tell you relapses are inevitable – relapses mean you have left a door open to gamble.
Close them all tight and by Christmas you will be in such a different place .
Well done on your decision to brush yourself down and start again. This is your time. -
31 Жовтня 2017 о 8:25 am #392702017shaunУчасник
Thanks I did it.
I am aware of all the above. Just easier said than done sometimes. After 6 years of my partner controlling my finances. I still can’t keep 10£ in my bank for a period longer than 24 hours. So I know consequences before than action has even taken place.
I know what needs to be done involving barriers ECT. I admit I would benefit from a GA meeting more than I think. Finding one… I have not got round to yet.
All in the nick of time
But for today I’m happy getting back into the one day at a time routine.
The build up to Christmas has been stressful previously so hopefully I can make a difference this time round.
No gambling today -
31 Жовтня 2017 о 9:24 am #39271i-did-itУчасник
Hi Shaun ,
Sorry didn’t mean to tell you what u already knew.
It feels like something has clicked for me this time so I guess I want to tell the world .
Having said that I’m only on day 33 not years .I m not sure why GA works but it the only real difference I have made this time – I have added in a few GA meetings which I located on the GA website .
Keep going – one day at a time !
You deserve this Shaun. -
31 Жовтня 2017 о 10:21 pm #39272Анон?мГ?сть
One day at a time you can get through November mate. It’s only ever going to be TODAY you don’t need to bet. Just today, you’ve done that many times.
I hate sating the obvious Shaun, but no gambling every single day from today, is going to help give your family some sort of Christmas.
You know how quickly things can spiral out of control. You done well in August Shaun when posting everyday, even when you gambled you came straight back. Not many do. When you stopped posting look where you ended up. A coincidence? It’s just funny how many of us have experienced the same coincidence.
As I said on your August thread I was a cynic of the old monthly pacts and never joined in. But joining yours in August has given me a new prospectus on this. I had forgotten how I felt when I first started recovery. Every day I got through I wanted to tell people of what to me was a big achievement, and I also wanted to be accountable, I wanted to actually show somebody who appreciated it, that I could get through a day without gambling. I could get through a Saturday. I could get through a payday. These are all big achievements to any CG, compared to when we were gambling. These achievements, every single day is an achievement really, are appreciated here on this forum. In the real world though you probably cross paths with people who have just never gambled at all. To millions of people its no big deal to go through the whole of life without any gambling, never mind ten years, two years, 3 months, a week, a day.
You know you’ve got a problem with it mate, you know its not going to get better. If posting here everyday is helping you in anyway keep doing it.
Oct 31st ..No gambling, just for today!
1 Листопада 2017 о 12:19 am #39273Mark PУчасник
Wow those words are powerfully true. Great job.. Good luck Shaun.
1 Листопада 2017 о 2:08 am #39274finding_lauraУчасник
Who knows when we will hear something or read something that we’ve heard or seen many times before but for some reason this time it clicks. We each know the struggle for recovery is real. It is good to read your post and see so many fellow CG’s offering support. We just want to see each other live a life without the suffering this addiction brings. Keep posting or pacting or whatever helps you from day to day.
take care,
Laura -
1 Листопада 2017 о 4:36 am #39275pУчасник
A big well done to you… yes whatever works for you do it. It is a great feeling to get through days gamble free, its relief to be out of the madness. The longer you go the less the urges will come. Its only once we start again that it takes over and we are gone.. its avoiding the start. One day at a time you are doing this, you have stopped
1 Листопада 2017 о 9:04 am #392762017shaunУчасник
Great posts everybody really appreciate it.
Yes ididit something clicked for me when I joined this site. The fact we recognised what we was doing is wrong, there’s only so much one will take, I’m glad it happened to me though. I got so sick n tired of being depressed because I had lost or gambled what i knew I shouldn’t have.
Your right mark power full words by Geordie all of its true. I am glad the pact showed you a new prospective and you helped get me through August. I should have continued without a second thought when you asked. But I have learned and things did not get better when I stopped posting so I will continue a life long pledge mate.
Thanks Laura and p I hope your both doing well. We’re all here for change reading and learning others storys the supports great Laura and yes p one day at a time I will avoid them start days. I can do it buddy
Today 1st November is going to be a gamble free day.
All the best -
1 Листопада 2017 о 12:00 pm #39277Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today, 1st November, I will not gamble.
2 Листопада 2017 о 2:11 am #392782017shaunУчасник
2nd November no gambling today
2 Листопада 2017 о 2:20 am #39279Анон?мГ?сть
On at a time mate, we’ll trundle along. It’s no big deal really.
Nov 2nd….Just for today I wont gamble.
3 Листопада 2017 о 8:28 pm #392802017shaunУчасник
It is easy enough Geordie, we managed yesterday and can do the same today 3rd November no gambling.
This is about 5th time trying to post, site error -
3 Листопада 2017 о 8:40 pm #39281Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today, 3rd Nov. No gambling for me.
4 Листопада 2017 о 3:59 am #39282Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling on Nov 4th for me.
4 Листопада 2017 о 4:12 am #39283veraУчасник
Today I will not gamble.
Look on this month, Shaun as a “Fellowhip/Unity” month
Every night when you put your head on the pillow be thankful that TODAY was a “clean” day.
The Monthly Pact has it’s flaws but if it creates confidence and accountable, I’m happy to follow along,one day at a time. -
4 Листопада 2017 о 8:03 am #392842017shaunУчасник
Thanks Vera
No gambling today 4th November
Tis firework season -
5 Листопада 2017 о 3:37 am #39285Анон?мГ?сть
It’s just another day.
No gambling for me.
Do you still work nights Shaun?
Have you ended up in anymore debt, or trouble, because of your last gambling?
5 Листопада 2017 о 12:24 pm #392862017shaunУчасник
Ye still working nights mate. And no, no debt just gambling everyday constant weather it be 5 pounds or 50. Just continuous, constant.
That’s what it is for me. Ye I have debt from it but I’m not increasing that debt. I have ruined my credit anyway. I could gamble our shopping money, Bill money. Times I have wasted my wage n so on. Just can5 continue that lifestyle any more -
5 Листопада 2017 о 4:07 pm #39287veraУчасник
no gambling today
6 Листопада 2017 о 5:51 am #392882017shaunУчасник
6th of November. Another day free. No gambling today
6 Листопада 2017 о 1:33 pm #39289veraУчасник
no gambling today
waste of time
waste of energy
waste of money
always ends in tears -
6 Листопада 2017 о 11:06 pm #39290Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling today, Nov 6th.
7 Листопада 2017 о 12:04 am #39291Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today I won’t gamble!
7 Листопада 2017 о 1:33 am #39292veraУчасник
No gambling planned for today
7 Листопада 2017 о 7:25 am #392932017shaunУчасник
7th November no gambling today
8 Листопада 2017 о 3:57 am #39294Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling for me today…it’s a no no.
8 Листопада 2017 о 2:46 pm #392952017shaunУчасник
And again. No gambling for me today 8th of November
8 Листопада 2017 о 2:50 pm #39296veraУчасник
8th November
No time to gamble
No time to waste
Gambling is a waste of time
And a waste of money -
8 Листопада 2017 о 8:35 pm #39297Анон?мГ?сть
I was never a fan of these monthly pacts once upon a time.
Just typing on here, “Just for today I won’t gamble” Isn’t really going to fix anything.
But there are a great number of us who have built up a considerable amount of consecutive gamble free today’s without the need for any “daily pledge” (Larry springs to mind).
We all have to be a bit selfish in our own recoveries, every person in recovery should be doing it for themselves (Annie Lennox springs to mind ?? ) . However we were all struggling like fishes out of water for many a day/week/month/year.
We just didn’t get it.
This is Shaun’s thread, he has a young family, it’s nearly Christmas. He’s tried to stop gambling a few times..he’s done a thing nearly everyone of us has, at least once.
Stopped posting, and started gambling. Or started gambling and stopped posting. Dosn’t matter which.
He’s back here and like a lot of us old timers has achieved the same as us this month, a gamble free November. 8 days one after the other gamble free.
We all have our own worries and cares, they seem of a much bigger magnitude at this time of year. But we all know how valuable support and encouragement is, especially during the early days.
It is easy for us to get wrapped up in our own problems, I’m going to be posting a daily pledge on this thread every day for the rest of this year, I think Vera will too. But it would be great if we had a good few doing the same. I noticed earlier on today when looking through some historical threads from the last 7 or 8 years and realised just how many people took the time (20 seconds?) every day, to pledge and encourage each other.
I dont want to see anybody go wonky, theres no reason why anybody should mind you. But I think the more of us that get behind the newer people the more benefit it will be to them, we’ve all been in the position where we’ve been waiting hours or days for a reply on our own threads, its not nice. Feeling alone.
It’d be great to get a few more names on here to help Shaun get through to Christmas, one day at a time. Recovery is for life not just for Christmas.
In the early days who cares about recovery? Didn’t we just want to stop gambling, work hard and get out of the poo?
Be great to see a few names join the list.
9 Листопада 2017 о 5:54 pm #392982017shaunУчасник
No gambling for me today. Cheers Geordie nicely said. If yourself and Vera didn’t join in my August pact I’m unsure whether I would still be posting today, it helped me hugely.
9 Листопада 2017 о 6:00 pm #39299veraУчасник
Yes, Shaun There’s strength in numbers
I used to do monthly pacts a few years ago here on GT
Not everyone agreed but strangely a lot of people have vanished from the site
All cured??
I wonder?
Whatever helps us to stay “clean” should be tried, Shaun.
One day at a time.
Stay focused! -
9 Листопада 2017 о 6:09 pm #39300i-did-itУчасник
Hi Shaun,
Well done on starting your monthly pact – I always thought counting days didn’t t help me, but it is so motivating .The monthly pact seems to be doing the same for you .
Did you find the monthly pact really helped you stop Vera – did you always stick to it ? I might add it to my repertoire !
9 Листопада 2017 о 9:08 pm #39301Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling today.
Today Shaun was typical of a day that would have had me gambling in the past. I didn’t gamble, and it hadn’t crossed my mind.
Having said that mate, for long periods in my life any day would have been a gambling day. I can’t emphasise enough if I can change, anybody can.
Pleased we helped you in August, we all help each other mate. I’m hoping you stick with this daily post til Christmas had been and gone and then start thinking about some real recovery type therapy I know you said GMA was out the question back then, and I understand your reasons. It’s obvious you need support mate.
You sacrificed your place at GMA so as you could be with your kids, I understand that 100%. Be awful for their Christmas to be ruined because you’ve gotten back into gambling when GMA could have been your salvation. A bitter irony. No reason for that to happen, and no guarantee GMA would have helped sort you out especially if you weren’t 100% committed to it.
Just for the record Shaun I think you did the right thing not going at that time.
One day at a time mate.
9th Nov. No gambling for me. Because it’s a waste of time, waste of money and I’m a pathetic addict once I start . Oh and I don’t bloody want to because I don’t like it anymore!
10 Листопада 2017 о 8:50 am #39302Анон?мГ?сть
Ten days into the months already.
I never gamble on a Friday anymore.
Just for today tenth of November I will not gamble.
10 Листопада 2017 о 9:25 am #39303i-did-itУчасник
Seeing as im also ten mins in i am joining the pact.
Just for today I won’t gamble
10 Листопада 2017 о 10:47 am #39304veraУчасник
I’m taking just one day off today……………………………………………………………………………………that’s all I need.
Just one day off! -
10 Листопада 2017 о 12:52 pm #39305Анон?мГ?сть
Might be what you think you want, but you know as well as me, you never need it.
10 Листопада 2017 о 8:56 pm #393062017shaunУчасник
That’s brilliant that you can overcome days like today Geordie, that you have reconiginesed it, managed it and come out on top. I like your last sentence mate. Good stuff.
Yes I would not have been 100% at gma and yes I do need the support. I just know I’m sticking to one day at a day and i can do that.
No gambling today 10th nov -
10 Листопада 2017 о 8:58 pm #393072017shaunУчасник
You’ve worked hard Vera. Don’t spoil it. Have a great day
11 Листопада 2017 о 2:06 am #393082017shaunУчасник
Pay day yesterday. Must stay focused. Times like these when I fall of track. Not this time tho not today thanks very much. No gambling for me today 11th November
All the best -
11 Листопада 2017 о 2:18 am #39309Анон?мГ?сть
Remembrance Day/weekend that would be the one time of year I’d feel quite ashamed to gamble, not that it stopped me, don’t think I’ve gambled as the clock struck 11. I’m sure millions of people didn’t give up their lives, just for people like me to throw ours away.
11th November. Just for today I won’t gamble.
11 Листопада 2017 о 2:20 am #39310veraУчасник
No gambling allowed today
11 Листопада 2017 о 2:39 am #39311Mark PУчасник
Shaun you are doing so well. Im happy for you and your family. Its those who we love so much who we strive to be the best for. Your posts tells a story of my life in many ways..i have thought on more than one occasion WOW finally found others who understand the emotional and financial dread that i feel..yet also understand the urge to escape to the one thing.. the false dream that we think that gambling will bring ..the financial means to change our and our families world..but that ends up being our nightmare because we CG if we have “hit” we think its our big day and keep playing. Those normal people who would only take so much money for gambling would stop. Not me it had to be my lucky day when i get hit. Only to turn from wining to chasing to broke..stressed depressed felt like everyone would be better without me..yet when those intense emotions would pass and thank God they did for me i just felt like a loser and let down on those who depended on me so much..i haven’t gambled since 9/25/17 and the mountains and valleys are still there but atleast i know i cant do it on my own , im not alone, and i did not gamble today..this site. ,GA meeting and individual therapy are my tool box and as long as i am actively participating in my addiction my tool box is my resource i go to for support understanding and strength to say ..i will not gamble today.. So much for my rambling. I am proud of you for today you did not gamble. Have a good night and enjoy your family.
11 Листопада 2017 о 7:55 pm #39312pУчасник
Well done on the pact, you are making it through, pay day will become just any day eventually, after a while money just becomes money as it was not what it becomes when we gamble if that makes sense..
A day at a time, just this day dont gambleP
12 Листопада 2017 о 4:16 am #39313Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today I won’t’ gamble.
12 Листопада 2017 о 1:57 pm #393142017shaunУчасник
12th August no gambling. Thanks Mark and p for your messages, keep up the good work guys. All the best for now
12 Листопада 2017 о 2:02 pm #39315veraУчасник
I don’t gamble on Sundays
13 Листопада 2017 о 9:17 am #39316Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling for me today.
13 Листопада 2017 о 11:31 am #39317i-did-itУчасник
Another gamble free day Shaun.
13 Листопада 2017 о 11:47 am #39318veraУчасник
Is there any point in gambling today?
NO!! -
13 Листопада 2017 о 12:46 pm #393192017shaunУчасник
No gambling for me today
14 Листопада 2017 о 7:41 am #393202017shaunУчасник
Another day not gambling.
My last job I was at earlier this year, some of the lads were gambling there (one of the reasons I left there) so glad I left that job. Haven’t spoke about gambling at my job now and I don’t plan to.
14th Nov no gambling -
14 Листопада 2017 о 2:01 pm #39321veraУчасник
no gambling today
14 Листопада 2017 о 10:17 pm #39322finding_lauraУчасник
Good decision Shaun! New ways, new healthier habits, helps us. WTG! NO GAMBLING TODAY for me today either!
14 Листопада 2017 о 11:21 pm #39323Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today I didn’t gamble
15 Листопада 2017 о 1:23 am #39324veraУчасник
gambling allowed
because we are compulsive gamblers
compulsive gamblers
win -
15 Листопада 2017 о 3:29 am #39325Monkey15Учасник
No gambling today even though I thought about it. Been 3 1/2 weeks now….passed two pubs that had pokie machines and didn’t go in.
15 Листопада 2017 о 4:05 pm #393262017shaunУчасник
Well done monkey. Fruit machines never me but glad your in control. Thanks for posting
Today November 15th no gambling for me today
Thanks guys all the best -
16 Листопада 2017 о 1:41 am #39327veraУчасник
Another Gamble free day looming!
16 Листопада 2017 о 8:27 pm #393282017shaunУчасник
Another day gamble free
No gambling -
16 Листопада 2017 о 10:17 pm #39329Анон?мГ?сть
You’re doing grand Shaun more than half way through the month already.
I didn’t post yesterday, thought I had, no gambling though.
No gambling today either.
18 Листопада 2017 о 1:07 am #39330Dave1Учасник
I did not gamble today
18 Листопада 2017 о 1:14 am #39331veraУчасник
17th was a gamble free day
18 Листопада 2017 о 1:15 am #39332veraУчасник
I will not gamble today
18 Листопада 2017 о 2:03 am #393332017shaunУчасник
No gambling yesterday 17th
18 Листопада 2017 о 2:03 am #393342017shaunУчасник
And for today I will not gamble 18th November
18 Листопада 2017 о 3:38 am #39335finding_lauraУчасник
None for me either, yesterday or today. Good days!
18 Листопада 2017 о 3:40 am #39336Анон?мГ?сть
Sorry been off work on sick for a week so have a good excuse.
No gambling yesterday, 17th Nov. And, just for today, 18th Nov, I won’t gamble.
18 Листопада 2017 о 10:08 am #39337Jonny123987Учасник
Good work Shaun!
19 Листопада 2017 о 4:58 am #39338Анон?мГ?сть
Everyday is like Sunday.
Just for today. I won’t gamble. It’s not too hard really.
19 Листопада 2017 о 4:36 pm #393392017shaunУчасник
Not today. Not for me. I choose not to
19 Листопада 2017 о 11:56 pm #39340veraУчасник
No gambling today
20 Листопада 2017 о 12:05 am #39341veraУчасник
Me again!
No plans for gambling on Monday.
I have other arrangements made. -
20 Листопада 2017 о 12:50 am #39342Анон?мГ?сть
Look it’s the 20th already.
Shaun, how are you feeling about Christmas? Have you anything planned?
21 Листопада 2017 о 1:01 am #39343veraУчасник
I will not gamble today
21 Листопада 2017 о 1:04 am #39344Анон?мГ?сть
I’ll join you. Today I wont gamble either. Just for today though.
21 Листопада 2017 о 7:51 am #393452017shaunУчасник
Was busy yesterday.
Well were having it at ours home for the first time. This will be our second Christmas at new house. Finally got table n chairs for us so just relaxing all day I guess. What about yourself?
No gambling today 21st November -
21 Листопада 2017 о 2:22 pm #39346Анон?мГ?сть
To quote Mavis Reilly, “I dont really know”.
I’m working 24th and 26th if weather is ok I’ll probably drive up the road to see my mother.
I hope you were busy in a good way mate, I did notice you hadn’t posted. Are you ok gambling wise ? Putting it another way is November still a gamble free month?
I know this is just a quick “just for today” thread, but if you’re having urges, bad thought’s, or even gambling mate please talk about it….a problem shared and all that.
Take care man.
22 Листопада 2017 о 3:22 am #39347veraУчасник
I will not gamble on 22nd November
22 Листопада 2017 о 4:56 am #39348Анон?мГ?сть
I will not gamble
22 Листопада 2017 о 6:25 pm #393492017shaunУчасник
The months going ok Geordie mate. Just tired from work, I know it’s only 5 mins to post but some days I really can not be bothered.
Just trying to keep on the straight and narrow mate.
Hope the weather is decent for you. But saying that I would enjoy being snowed in lol
Anyway thanks for your support buddy -
22 Листопада 2017 о 6:27 pm #393502017shaunУчасник
Just for today I will not gamble
22 Листопада 2017 о 7:29 pm #39351Анон?мГ?сть
Well that’s alright then! ??
23 Листопада 2017 о 2:09 am #39352Анон?мГ?сть
No gambling for me today. Because in my eyes..its shite!
24 Листопада 2017 о 12:09 am #39353Анон?мГ?сть
Today I won’t gamble.
No post again yesterday Shaun, I take on board what you say about being tired.
But 5 minutes a day can keep the gambling at bay.
No Vera either ??
24 Листопада 2017 о 1:36 am #39354veraУчасник
no gambling
24 Листопада 2017 о 9:50 pm #393552017shaunУчасник
No gambling done today 24th November
25 Листопада 2017 о 1:55 pm #39356Анон?мГ?сть
For the 12th consecutive month I wont be gambling on the 25th day, of course the last twelve of them aren’t as important as this one, they were at the time. This is the important one. Why is it so important?
Because its TODAY…just for today I wont gamble, I’ll promise you that!
25 Листопада 2017 о 2:27 pm #39357kinУчасник
The only thing that change today was my gambling but nothing else about me change. I was still the same a@@@h@l@.
26 Листопада 2017 о 12:41 am #39358Анон?мГ?сть
A quick post each day, can keep the demons at bay.
No Vera or Shaun yesterday, howay man.
I tell you what I’ve posted on this thread nearly everyday this month and havn’t gambled.
I used to think Paul/Laryy’s daily pledge was “lame” I actually think now there is a lot of good in it.
Just for today..I wont gamble.
And where as I do care about other peoples lives and recoveries, mine is the most important one to me. And if some people think I’m a knob….that really is their business.
26 Листопада 2017 о 10:13 am #39359kinУчасник
I cannot give what I do not have
26 Листопада 2017 о 4:27 pm #39360veraУчасник
Time is moving so fast I skipped a day so for 25th and 26th I did/will not gamble
and that’s not a lie!!
26 Листопада 2017 о 10:11 pm #39361Анон?мГ?сть
I’m having a day off GT tomorrow, so I pledge early,
As well as today 26th Nov, tomorrow will be a gamble free day for me.
27 Листопада 2017 о 10:21 pm #39362veraУчасник
No gambling today
No gambling planned for 28th or 29th either.
I have to post in advance, as I will be away.( 23 months tomorrow since my last bet!)
28 Листопада 2017 о 3:04 am #39363Анон?мГ?сть
Just for today. I will not gamble.
Shaun, hope that you’re ok mate.
28 Листопада 2017 о 5:11 pm #393642017shaunУчасник
This point in my life there’s too many ups and downs. I don’t think I can commit to this site anymore. I thank you Geordie for.all the help and advice given. I hope.to speak soon. All the best thanks for your support and hope you guys understand
29 Листопада 2017 о 1:29 am #39365Анон?мГ?сть
I hope you do “speak soon”
I’m grateful that just for today I wont be gambling. I understand how difficult it has been for me to get to the stage where I can say that and believe it without any doubt at all.
My life at the minute Shaun is also full of ups and downs. Above all else though my commitment to recovery and staying away from gambling has to be my number one priority.
I’ve made the mistake of trying to go it alone too many times in the past.
Take care man. All the best.
30 Листопада 2017 о 4:49 pm #39366veraУчасник
Last day of November.
As Magnus Magnusson used to say
“I started, so I’ll finish”
No gambling for me today.
Shaun, I sincerely hope December will be a better month for you.
We all have to face “ups and downs”.
Gambling solves none of them.
Never give up quitting! -
30 Листопада 2017 о 5:40 pm #39367Анон?мГ?сть
That’s another full gambling free month.
Just for today I will not gamble. Just like the rest of the week and month. Just like yesterday.
I never told any lies either. (Not that I’m aware of).
3 Грудня 2017 о 4:02 am #39368kinУчасник
Today I am willing to:
1. exercise
2. control my diet
3. stay gamble freeI cannot promise that I can do this for the rest of my life but I can do it one day at a time.
4 Грудня 2017 о 12:14 pm #39369kinУчасник
1. 9 am – Two hard boiled eggs for breakfast
2. 12.30pm – Three hard boiled egg white only for lunch
3. 6.30pm – One hour walk home from office.
4. Cucumber and One hard boiled egg for dinner.
5. Stay gamble free today.
6. Drink lots of water with lemon slice inside.What they say is true, you do not feel hungry so easily eating hard boiled egg white. I ate 6 hard boiled eggs today.
Tomorrow I do the same.
5 Грудня 2017 о 12:36 pm #39370kinУчасник
1. 9 am – Two hard boiled eggs for breakfast
2. 12.30pm – Three hard boiled eggs for lunch
3. Broccoli and one hard boiled egg for dinner.
5. Stay gamble free today.
6. Drink lots of water with lemon slice.
I was so hungry in the evening that I had to buy some broccoli for dinner.
Tomorrow I do the same.
6 Грудня 2017 о 5:50 am #39371Monkey15Учасник
What is this diet? Is it working for you? You sound like a very determined person. All the best
6 Грудня 2017 о 11:04 am #39372kinУчасник
3rd days into keto diet.
Plan to do this for 6 weeks, I still have to persist for another 39 days. Can only tell whether it work for me in a few weeks time. All this while, I did it one day at a time. -
7 Грудня 2017 о 1:13 pm #39373kinУчасник
Gamble Free today.
Completed 4 days of egg diet.
Another 38 days to go.
One day at a time. -
8 Грудня 2017 о 1:31 pm #39374finding_lauraУчасник
hope you find your way back Shaun!
Let us know how the diet turns out Kin.
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