- This topic has 7 в?дпов?дей, 5 учасник?в, and was last updated 10 рок?в, 2 м?сяц? тому by thewizefox44.
6 С?чня 2015 о 8:09 pm #28006thewizefox44Учасник
Total nightmare, been diagnosed with personality disorder recently too, ive gone high off the rails, sold every thing and am now homeless, so
It here tonight contemplating lots of different things, for me I.feel like my time is up, I gambled on.the street today too, scary place but its what happens, I haf treatment at gordon moody and.I still continue to.gamble, I had a period of seven months away, however I went back to it, ive got myself in.severe debt lost everything now , I hope now for a last.chance , gambling has destroyed me good and proper, ! -
6 С?чня 2015 о 8:57 pm #28007Mred321Учасник
It is a long hard road . I have been where you are homeless no money no where to turn . But there is hope.The other people here are better at helping people than I am But you need to see that there is hope.Welcome to the group here.
6 С?чня 2015 о 9:13 pm #28008Анон?мГ?сть
I am sorry! You got up before you can do it again. Can you go back to Gordon moody or is there someone from there you can talk to?? There are a lot of people here that understand how you feel and are here for you. Uggggh this raddiction can be relentless!
6 С?чня 2015 о 9:13 pm #28009Анон?мГ?сть
I am sorry! You got up before you can do it again. Can you go back to Gordon moody or is there someone from there you can talk to?? There are a lot of people here that understand how you feel and are here for you. Uggggh this raddiction can be relentless!
6 С?чня 2015 о 9:46 pm #28010jansdadУчасник
Hey wizefox and welcome to the forum. Come here often and read through the stories. You’ll see that you’re not alone in this.
7 С?чня 2015 о 9:57 am #28011DuncХранитель
Hi Mate
Im sorry your back in this situation… Take a step back, think about all you’ve learned at GMA, the tools and coping mechanisms… its a choice to use these tools and mechanisms, come back and talk to me on the helpline.
Last time we spoke before Christmas you’d reapplied to GMA as far as I’m aware they are waiting for you to call
Wize, you have choices, your not to far down the road to make the wrong ones your just making seemingly irrelevant decisions leading to bad choices
Come and have a chat Wize….. we can only help if you let us
8 С?чня 2015 о 10:31 pm #28012thewizefox44Учасник
Im currently rather unwell and thre reason I have not replied to my treatment is because ive been in hospital and homeless and have no contact, just on friends computer havinh night on sofa, I havnt gambled for two days, so thats something. Ig yoi coukd pass om that at moment not wello.come into treat ment but Its my aim in
Future month -
8 С?чня 2015 о 10:34 pm #28013thewizefox44Учасник
Very depressed, angry, regular panic attacks, m currently in counselling for that but I.will be applying soin when im ready thanks ross
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