- This topic has 5 в?дпов?дей, 3 учасника, and was last updated 7 рок?в, 11 м?сяц?в тому by Анон?м.
13 Кв?тня 2017 о 12:22 am #37445Coaster76Учасник
I’ve been in here before , on 21st Dec last year I went 61 days of not gambling , I joined a gym, lost stone in weight , got quite fit and I really thought I had beat it. For some reason I thought I’d have a fiver, now I reckon I’ve done nearly a grand since Feb . Not huge bets just volumes accumulating . I’m so gutted, I’ve even dreamt about gsmbling, sports betting is my thing , especially cricket. The numbers aren’t that bad , not great but not like some stories . The thing that destroys me mentally is , is that all I ever think about is odds, winning and next bet. My moods totally depends on whether I’m winning or not, ffs what am I doing? We’re saving for new bathroom, I’ve nicked 200 out of it this month alone , then I moan if other hair spends too much on shopping , I just feel so shit. I know even when I win it will eventually be lost but I can’t stop getting that buzz. I just feel I can’t live without the next bet. When I done my 61 days it felt great, yes I missed the buzz but my quality of life was so much better, I had time for other people, not just checking my phone for my bet. I dunno why I’m typing this really , I guess it’s a release ? I know what I need to do yet even now I’m thinking one more £20 on ipl game tomo, I have access to our joint acct and there’s always money in there so I know I can bet if I want . It almost feels like its got a bigger grip this time , before xmas I knew I had to give up but now I don’t know if I can ? I just crave that next bet . I’m off work next week decorating so I have ample opportunity to bet, I just don’t see the day when I will never fancy the bet. I’m not fed up , I’m just gutted, I done so well and yet I feel more gripped than ever. I don’t bet on line and never will, I just dunno how i won’t how I’ll stop and stay stopped? Over the years must be up to 3/5 k down , that’s a car or family holiday , maybe I’m looking through those rose tinted specs and it’s more ? I desperately need new glasses yet say I can’t afford it yet I’ll blow money down bookies, I’m rambling now, just needed to get it down paper , I know I can do 61 days so I’m gonna try again , night night, jim
13 Кв?тня 2017 о 9:38 am #37446DuncХранитель
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And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
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13 Кв?тня 2017 о 9:50 am #37447Анон?мГ?сть
You could try self excluding from the bookies.
Gambling addiction messes with your head no two ways about it.
Nothing disastrous will happen if you dont get that next bet on Jim. Disasters galore are waiting if you do.
Accept the grand has gone mate, think yourself fortunate it wasn’t any more than that. It has gone though, its not there to be won back, the bookies have it its theirs not yours now.
Sorry to be so blunt and for stating the obvious but those are the facts Jim. Believe me mate you can live without gagging for the next bet however f*****ed up you might think you are.
It dosn’t happen quickly though but at the end of the day you know its a non-sense that you cant have in your life.
If its really causing you this much concern have you considered GA? Try ringing gamcare, or even GT there are people who can and will help. But you need to seek that help out mate.
You are not a looney mate, you have an addiction. It is proven everyday on here, at GA’s, at Gamcare you can not beat addiction on your own. Its not a sign of weakness to ask for help Jim, it takes a big man.
Take care
13 Кв?тня 2017 о 11:02 pm #37448Coaster76Учасник
Thanks geordie,
Done another 30 today, I agree with every thing you said, especially nothing bad will happen if I don’t bet but will if I do. Let me tell you more about me, I have a very addictive personality, whether it’s alcohol , the home, work, the gym etc. When I done my 61 days I got used to not betting, I felt a different person, yes I missed that buzz but I didn’t have these emmense lows and guilt. Like I said I have addictive traits but gambling affects me more and like no other. I done 61 days through sheer will and grit. No one knows about my gambling, my partner knows I bet too much but hasn’t a clue how I feel and how much it controls me, I know I’m in denial of the problem as I’ve always reigned it in and never lost it. I love my sport and I loved gambling on it but it’s gone too far now. I’m not going to bet on ipl cricket tomo, I haven’t got any money of my own, I know I’ll hate it and come 11am I’ll be gagging to have another 20 on it.
I have never considered outside help as i am too private a person to admit to this problem , on here no one knows me and it’s safe.
I sit and think , how the hell can one pastime like betting take control of my head like this ? With cigarettes ( never smoked) and alcohol I understand as it’s a physical craving , but I can’t get my head around craving this buzz ? I know I will never win , I’ve read so many posts and it’s me, yet I still go back for more. This false dream of turning £20 into hundreds with a purple patch . Tomorrow is the start, my aim is to beat 61 days, I know this week and whilst IPL is on will be torture but it’s gotta be done , i just want this feeling to go away now and be normal .Night, Jjm
13 Кв?тня 2017 о 11:02 pm #37449Coaster76Учасник
Thanks geordie,
Done another 30 today, I agree with every thing you said, especially nothing bad will happen if I don’t bet but will if I do. Let me tell you more about me, I have a very addictive personality, whether it’s alcohol , the home, work, the gym etc. When I done my 61 days I got used to not betting, I felt a different person, yes I missed that buzz but I didn’t have these emmense lows and guilt. Like I said I have addictive traits but gambling affects me more and like no other. I done 61 days through sheer will and grit. No one knows about my gambling, my partner knows I bet too much but hasn’t a clue how I feel and how much it controls me, I know I’m in denial of the problem as I’ve always reigned it in and never lost it. I love my sport and I loved gambling on it but it’s gone too far now. I’m not going to bet on ipl cricket tomo, I haven’t got any money of my own, I know I’ll hate it and come 11am I’ll be gagging to have another 20 on it.
I have never considered outside help as i am too private a person to admit to this problem , on here no one knows me and it’s safe.
I sit and think , how the hell can one pastime like betting take control of my head like this ? With cigarettes ( never smoked) and alcohol I understand as it’s a physical craving , but I can’t get my head around craving this buzz ? I know I will never win , I’ve read so many posts and it’s me, yet I still go back for more. This false dream of turning £20 into hundreds with a purple patch . Tomorrow is the start, my aim is to beat 61 days, I know this week and whilst IPL is on will be torture but it’s gotta be done , i just want this feeling to go away now and be normal .Night, Jjm
14 Кв?тня 2017 о 3:34 am #37450Анон?мГ?сть
One day at a time is all it takes mate.
It will be a struggle today but you know you can get through one day, you’ve done it before.
My glasses are knackered too mate, both pairs, and they’re vari foculs so not cheap. I havnt gambled since before Christmas but as usual got myself into so much shite I just havnt been able to afford it yet. Mind you it’s moving up the list of priorities.
I think a common problem with us is we see the consequences of our gambling as one big mountainous problem and we want every thing sorted. And we want it sorted now. But as you know you can’t put everything right at the drop of a hat. It takes time. Time does pass and problems will and do get solved as time ticks by.
All the best with it mate.
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