- This topic has 42 в?дпов?д?, 14 учасник?в, and was last updated 7 рок?в, 7 м?сяц?в тому by Анон?м.
7 Березня 2017 о 10:33 pm #36770Fish face2017Учасник
I’m writing this tonight because I’m going into my 3rd day clean. No gambling for three days although in my head I don’t feel like this is very long at all, I know it is. I was too angry and upset to post at the weekend from what happened but now I’m coming to terms with the fact that I do actually have a problem. Over the past 3 years I’ve tried many things from Self excluding to cutting up cards. None seem to work but to be honest I think I needed to hit rock bottom before I eventually gave up for good.
Saturday morning I placed a bet on Football and as always was spending the winnings in my head before it had actually won. Of course it lost, hours later I’m into hundreds of pounds into the online casino and I’m trying to win back all that I lost. I had plans that night and had to go as the excuse of ‘I’ve lost too much money tonight gambling’ just wouldn’t work… let alone coming to terms with having to tell people about my problem. Got home after a few drinks… BAM another £500 gone. Gambling after alcohol is never a good combination. Thoughts going through my head that I never thought I would actually go through. I wake up in the morning thinking it was a bad dream, nope not today. I check the bank balance and start panicking over the fact I’ve lost all my savings and In the last week over £3500 has gone out of my account. I hit the casino in the morning… winning most of it back but sure enough i feel the urge to carry on and try and win more. I ended up losing everything.
Gambling is ruining my life. I know that I need to stop. I have no dependants and very little outgoings. But this demon is taking over and stopping me being the good person/happy person that I actually am.
After the awful weekend I turned for help and came to this site and was reading people’s posts. I can now see if I don’t stop the consequences can be severe. Monday was my day 1. I can do this, I can get over this problem and become a better person. I now have solutions in place to help me day by day and overcome this monster that is making me lose every penny/savings I have.
7 Березня 2017 о 11:18 pm #36771Dave1Учасник
Well done on your first 2 day’s! The lenght of your gamble-free days isn’t important. You need to be gamble-free just for this day, today.
Yes you have a problem, I have a problem as well. Compulsive gambling is a disease, we tend to forget that sometimes.
Feelings of superiority, superstition and magical thinking lead to thoughts of spending your future winnings.
Chasing losses, is a feeling of not accepting your losses. But losses aren’t important. Realize that in the end it doesn’t even matter if you do win. Winning leads to gambling more, which eventually leads to losing again. As compulsive gamblers, we gamble to win, so we can gamble more and longer.
Of course you’re a good person, most of the compulsive gamblers are. Sometimes I think that gambling is a crime commited by good people. Just like criminals we like(d) to make money fast and in an easy way, but we want it in a legal way. Never ever did we thought we will end here.
Stopping is the right choice.
Wish you the best,
8 Березня 2017 о 9:57 pm #36772moniqueУчасник
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you ??
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
9 Березня 2017 о 7:45 pm #36773charlesМодератор
Hi Face. Well done on looking for help.
You are not alone with this problem, as you will have seen when reading the other stories here. You will also have seen the success stories – what are they doing that you can apply to your own situation?
What barriers can you put in place? Putting a blocker on your home computer would be a good start, not having easy access to those sums of money would be another.
Thee is a lot of help available in the UK – here, Gamcare, gamblers Anonymous, counselling and more.
Keep posting and let us know the positive steps that you are taking.
11 Березня 2017 о 3:32 pm #36774Jonny123987Учасник
You need to not have access to money.
16 Березня 2017 о 7:25 am #36775Fish face2017Учасник
Gamble free still for 10 days. Im telling myself it’s getting easier. This week was a test for me as there’s been a big sporting event each day, but every morning I’ll read through my post on here and remember how annoyed and let down I was with myself after that awful weekend. Onwards and upwards.
I’ve self excluded each betting site online which helps. My biggest thing was like you said Jonny was having access to money. I opened a new bank account and set up standing orders of all my income straight into that account leaving myself enough for Diesel and food. I’ve cut the card up and threw it away so I know I can’t use it or enter the details into a gambling site. This has worked really well (Even after 11 days) .
Taking every day as it comes… but starting to feel abit better although I am still getting urges every now and then. Weekends are the most difficult time for me but bring it on!!
17 Березня 2017 о 6:12 pm #36776charlesМодератор
Well done on your gamble free time and on the positive actions that you are already taking.
keep posting.
17 Березня 2017 о 6:38 pm #36777Faith In MeУчасник
This is wonderful news, Congratulations! I myself just found this site and wrote my journal today. Feel free to read it if you like. One day at a time! We are all here for you, support is so important.
Faith In Me -
19 Березня 2017 о 2:21 pm #36778Fish face2017Учасник
Day 14
2 week mark today… feeling the benefits of not gambling . I woke up today in a bad mood and definitely feeling empty. Today is turning out to be the hardest day so far, not sure why. Trying to occupy myself by doing other things but having urges to go and place a bet so I’m back here again.
Although it’s hard. I will not gamble today.
19 Березня 2017 о 10:02 pm #36779veraУчасник
Well done on 2 G – free weeks, Fish Face.
The struggle subsides as time goes on.
Keep postponing that next bet.
Think of how we struggle when we succumb to the urge to gamble.
It is so NOT worth it! -
21 Березня 2017 о 9:32 pm #36780Fish face2017Учасник
Got through another day with no gambling today. Last few days have been tough. After a long time hiding, finally going through finances and seeing the best possible ways to save and pay off cards. Can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel but I known it’s there. It’s going to take a while to get where I should be but I’ll get there.
16 days… longest I’ve given up for since i started. How crazy? I’m not really getting urges to go back at the moment. I’ve still got the feeling that you have after you’ve lost big the night before… although I’m two weeks after now!! Which is a good thing but you can all imagine the mood swings and the deflated feeling I’m having every morning. Anyone got any ideas to help? or do you just ride it out?
Still taking each day as it comes. I’m really busy with work at the moment to which helps to keep my mind off gambling/money etc. I forgot to mention that on Sunday I had a few too many to drink and opened up to two close friends about the problem, they were quite upset with why I hadn’t mentioned anything. I just explained that I was too embarrassed although it made me realise… although we think there’s nobody that can help sometimes they are just a phone call away. Just have to dig deep and find the courage to dial those numbers!
Day 16 was a gamble free day.
Day 17 will be too.
Hope all is well and your keeping safe. We can do this!
23 Березня 2017 о 10:34 am #36781FlyingDutchmanУчасник
Well done on staying gambling free. I am on the same boat, like many others on this site. Everyone’s story offers me comfort and inspiration, For me it’s only day 2 but I am coming right behind you. Keep going.
23 Березня 2017 о 1:29 pm #36782Fish face2017Учасник
Just take it day by day. All the support is helping massively, We’ve got this!
23 Березня 2017 о 8:08 pm #36783charlesМодератор
Hi FishFace.
When you have a look at those finances then be honest with yourself. If thigns are manageable then great, if not then get some proper advice. You are in the UK so you can get free expert advice at either the Citizens Advice Bureau or at Stepchange. Lots of options around these days and they will help you get to a manageable place.
Well done on opening up to your friends. ber a little careful with the drinking, just carry the moeny for what you plan on drinking – alcohol can weaken anyone’s gambling defences.
23 Березня 2017 о 8:20 pm #36784GregroУчасник
Hi all, first time on the forums. Day 7 gam free , it feels like the advice already is great.
23 Березня 2017 о 8:22 pm #36785Fish face2017Учасник
Thanks for your comment on my thread! Much appreciated.
I’ve looked at the finances and yes I can sort something out that is very managable on my salary. (Considering i stay in work) Obviously it’s going to take time but hopefully step by step and week by week will help me. It’s a long road but I’ll get there.
Very true about the drinking, I’ll take that on board. Thanks for the support and I hope you’re keeping well
23 Березня 2017 о 8:32 pm #36786Анон?мГ?сть
So far so good fish face. In some respects you have a long way to go, on the other hand nobody can ever do more than one day at a time. Today. You have achieved today in gambling terms no more than someone who’s been clean 20 years or more.
Just for today, I done it, Vera done it, Charles done it and you’ve done it as well as countless more people in recovery. Well done. Some of us would have found it more difficult than others, some may have woken up in bad moods, others good. Some may have fought urges and others not. It dosn’t matter just for today we didn’t gamble.
Its not nice waking up with the gambling hangover, and the disbelief that your gambling has brought you back to this position..again. It’s an awful feeling that many of us remember well. Personally I felt like that for very long periods, the guilt of what I had done would always play heavy on my mind. Over time it does subside I committed some serious crimes to fund my gambling over the years, many against my own family. I began to realise though that my family didn’t hate me for it, and the only way to pay them back was to change my life and stop gambling.
I’m pleased you spoke to your mates, all be it after a few pints. Maybe try talking to them when you’re sober as well. I’ve found that by talking about things, not necessarily gambling, but more about the consequences and how you’re feeling. You might feel daft at first but you’ll be quite surprised by a true friends reaction. Not everyone thinks we’re all fecking idiots. (Although I’ll be first to admit I’ve acted like it a lot). Getting things of your chest will clear your head a bit, you’ll maybe sleep better without things playing on your subconscious mind.
One day you might even wake up happy! Imagine that. If you can change your life around thats something to be immensely proud of.
All the best.
24 Березня 2017 о 1:29 pm #36787Fish face2017Учасник
I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my thread , it means a great deal to me.
I sort of imagined that the gambling hangovers would stay around for a few weeks/months. But I’ll take each day as it comes, the last two days have been better and I’ve been in a much better mood. Not sure if it’s because the weekend is approaching! But overall I do feel in a lot better spirits and this site is definitely having a positive impact for me. Congratulations on also having a gamble free day, I wish you many more. Yes I agree i need to sit down with my friends properly and talk to them.. as they’re the only ones that know. I haven’t told any family still only because I’m still embarrassed and I know financially I don’t need there help, only if I stay gamble free. Which I will. I completely agree with you about the friends reaction part. When I told them at first they couldn’t believe I had been hiding it so well, I guess that’s what it does to you. Brave faces and white lies. But im hoping day by day these things seem to fade out. Our minds are our own worst enemy for sure.
Haha that would be nice eh!
Thanks a lot Geordie, I really appreciate it!
24 Березня 2017 о 1:32 pm #36788Fish face2017Учасник
No gambling today.
Really happy with the fact I’m nearly at 3 weeks. Lots planned over the weekend to keep me away from gambling so feeling very content. Still need to go through more finances but that can wait until Monday.
Hope everyone is well!
Best wishes
26 Березня 2017 о 4:23 pm #36789Fish face2017Учасник
3 weeks clean today. No gambling, really happy with myself that I’ve managed 21 days. Bring on tomorrow
28 Березня 2017 о 10:37 pm #36790Fish face2017Учасник
23 days without a bet or any form of gambling! Will do a full update when I have abit more time tomorrow.
Hope everyone is bearing up under the strain
29 Березня 2017 о 1:58 pm #36791Fish face2017Учасник
Things are starting to feel like they’re getting a lot easier. I’m finding that I’m being able to open up to people about the problem I was going through. Talking really does help, people’s advice and support does have a massive impact. I’m 24 days clean today which is the longest ever since i started gambling.
Can already see a difference with money. I get paid weekly and have managed to put over 60% wages into savings each week. Normally I would be struggling st this point of the month with DD coming out and everything. Losing all access to money has been the key part really, I’m just leaving myself enough to get by day to day.
I know it’s still a long road but even my mood is improving (Not in the mornings ofcourse). This week has so far been the easiest, not many urges although I’ve been working some long days so that probably helps.
Hope everyone is keeping positive and upbeat ??
29 Березня 2017 о 2:53 pm #3679203.25.2017Учасник
Goob job not gambling. I wish I could say the same. I need to stop before it’s too late. I am really really proud of you
30 Березня 2017 о 8:29 pm #36793charlesМодератор
Well done on your gamble free time. It sounds like you are already starting to see the benefits of not gambling. Well done.
30 Березня 2017 о 8:59 pm #36794Анон?мГ?сть
Really pleased for you fish.
Please keep your awareness though, things do get better once the gambling stops, as you’re experiencing now.
I think it’s important to keep on talking to people and to keep your money out of harms way.
A wise man once told me, “just because the circus has left town, dosnt mean the monkeys off your back.”
I love that phrase and remind myself frequently of it. Keep on going the way you are mate if you ever find yourself tempted just come on this forum and look through the threads.
Gambling to us never changes. It will drag you down if you let it back into your life. Keep your awareness and wits about you at all times.
Take care Fish, and keep it up.
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 3:55 am #36795Анон?мГ?сть
Hey fish face, why have you stopped posting??
I hope it’s because you’ve been busy with life, it maybe because you went back to gambling, I don’t know. Whatever the reason I hope, for your sake, you start posting again.
You’ve tried to give up for years you said when you first posted, and then you posted a lot and got up to day 24 and stopped posting??
Obviously posting on here must have been helping you in some way.
You wrote in your first post ,
“Gambling is ruining my life. I know that I need to stop. I have no dependants and very little outgoings. But this demon is taking over and stopping me being the good person/happy person that I actually am.”Knowing you need to stop and wanting to stop are two very different things. I hope that whatever life is throwing at you at the minute you are managing to be the good/happy person that you are.
Take care.
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 6:53 am #36796Fish face2017Учасник
I’ve been trying to post for the last few days and every time I go to post it keeps saying ‘Form of submission is incorrect please wait 45 seconds’ and every time I try it just appears with an error!!
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 6:59 am #36797Fish face2017Учасник
Gamble free for 32 days and today is day 33. Feeling a lot more confident with myself and content. Not quite sure why this site isn’t letting me post onto my thread but it’s becoming very annoying and time consuming keep writing out the same bloody post!!
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 12:38 pm #36798veraУчасник
Contact the Helpline FF.
Harry is the “techy” guy.
I often get that notice too…I just wait 45 seconds and it works then. It usually happens when you edit your post which I do, compulsively. I can’t cope with reading back on typos!
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 4:25 pm #36799lelbowУчасник
I’m looking forward to MY day 33!!! Keep GOING!!!
7 Кв?тня 2017 о 7:50 pm #36800Анон?мГ?сть
Great to see your update, believe it or not I wrote a reply about 1/2 hour after you posted and it wouldn’t let me post, I tried at least 6 times.
Pleased alls well for you.
10 Кв?тня 2017 о 1:44 pm #36801Fish face2017Учасник
No gambling over the weekend especially with Cheltenham on and the football. Still gave my friends some tips and look at the race card but didn’t gamble. Didn’t even feel like I wanted too really. Had another big step over the weekend, I woke up yesterday morning feeling fine. Got chatting to my Mum Anne for some reason I just burst out with everything and told her all about what I had gone through and how I’m on this site telling my story, how I’ve been gamble free for 5 weeks. She was upset obviously but it was so helpful for me. Finally felt like that was the last person I needed to tell and to also get some closure on the gambling. We went through finances and and I told her the barriers I’ve put in place to make sure I can pay my monthly outgoings. She has all access to everything now I don’t have to hide or lie about these separate bank accounts. She knows everything. Really happy with myself that I managed to do it, although it was bloody frightening!!
Things are looking up, but have a long way to go!! Managed to book myself a long weekend away as a little treat for my Months gamble free time.
10 Кв?тня 2017 о 5:00 pm #36802kingsterУчасник
Congratulations on day 36, id try to refrain from giving tips to friends and going thru racecards, thats kind of mentally gambling with out putting money on, I no how hard it is, but i think that would be a good move to make as the temptation will lure in.
10 Кв?тня 2017 о 8:22 pm #36803charlesМодератор
Well done on being honest with your mum FishFace.
I would advise against looking at race cards and/or giving tips to your friends. If you do that then sooner or later you might have a lucky streak which will really kick the urges back into life.
Do your friends know that you have decided to stop gambling? You don’t have to tell them about any problem but “I’m not interested anymore” soon brings and end to any conversation about gambling.
12 Кв?тня 2017 о 1:34 pm #36804Fish face2017Учасник
Day 38 today. Still gamble free.
Manage to pay back about 20% of what I actually owe. Although 50% of the total borrowed was finance on a car and not my own doing through gambling. So 30% left which is due to gambling, going to try and pay that off next with saving each week. It’s amazing how having no access to money helps. It’s frightening to see how much of my weekly wage went on gambling. I CAN ACTUALLY AFFORD TO GO OUT AND NOT WORRY!! Not having the thought about I need to win big this weekend to fund the month. Never happens. As soon as I’ve done the 30% which is about 3500 I’ll start putting some money aside to pay off the finance for my car. Slowly but surely I’ll get there… I know I can. By not gambling I know how much money I can save each month. It seems like it’s going to take forever but ODAAT. The thought of having this all paid off and being gamble free for that period of time is literally a dream at the moment. But I’m going to do it, no matter how hard it is.
Hope everyone is keeping upbeat!
14 Кв?тня 2017 о 3:08 pm #36805finding_lauraУчасник
Hi Fishface,
well done on confiding in some people close to you. I always felt like i was living a double life. It feels so good in one sense not to hide things even if we were feeling terrible about the gambling. You’ve put in place so many of the important steps! Stay aware, as when you least expect it the urge will strike. Take care and have a great gamble free day, Laura
18 Кв?тня 2017 о 1:38 pm #36806Fish face2017Учасник
Day 44 and gamble free.
Something really strange happened to me on Sunday. Somebody had stolen a jacket of mine from the bar I was at . Cost around £190 and it was a present from my birthdays. Few months ago. I was so gutted and pissed off with what happened. But it sort of made me think about things, before my gamble free time if I lost £190 gambling I wouldn’t bat an eye lid, I’d go on with my day and probably gamble some more. The jacket is replaceable yes, but i think it just proves I had no value for money.
I’m still gamble free and I’m feeling positive about moving forward towards my second goal of 100 days. But one day at a time. Spent abit too much money this week on other things and just general life. Paydays are every Tuesday so starting next week I’m going to carry on plucking away at the debt.
Hope everyone is well and staying gamble free!
21 Кв?тня 2017 о 7:11 am #36807Fish face2017Учасник
Today is Day 47.. I AM NOT going to gamble today. Nearly halfway for my 100 Days. I can do this. One day at a time.
21 Кв?тня 2017 о 7:12 am #36808Анон?мГ?сть
Whats going to happen when you get to day 100?
21 Кв?тня 2017 о 9:54 am #36809Fish face2017Учасник
I’m going to set a new target/goal. But once I get to 100 days then I can reward myself again.. Not quite sure with what her. Going to treat myself to something nice. I find that it give s me something to work towards!
21 Кв?тня 2017 о 10:45 am #36810kingsterУчасник
Well done on your 100 days im really pleased for you, life must be a lot more happier for you
24 Кв?тня 2017 о 1:26 pm #36811Fish face2017Учасник
Half way towards my target. Feeling positive about life and really am feeling a lot more upbeat. My Mum had mentioned to me over the weekend that I seem happier and I’m taking an interest when we sit down and talk. Not just a blank occupied mind like before I stopped gambling.
Still struggling to come to terms with this debt I’m in although it’s managable and I am paying it off monthly… it just seems like I’m going to be here forever paying it off. But I got myself into the situation and I’ll get myself out. Without gambling!!
I’ve been promised a pay rise next month too which really could help. Not sure how much yet but anything is a bonus.
In regards to urges and wanting to gamble… I’ve been surprisingly okay. when I look at my debt and when I feel like I might be short of money.. I can’t lie I think I can make that quick fix of 5K or 10K. I know deep down it’s not an option but I definitely still get those urges. But I’m learning to deal with these urges when they come. It’s not as bad as what it used was! I think it’s been key not having access to any money just for the reason I can’t physically gamble with no money.
50 Days Gamble free… Can’t believe I’ve already got this far!! Although it’s a long road so I need to stay focused.
Bring on Day 51.. One day at a time
1 Серпня 2017 о 4:46 am #36812Анон?мГ?сть
Hey FF
Can’t believe its 3 months or more since your last post, hope you’re still going well.
On your last post you said, “when I feel like I might be short of money.. I can’t lie I think I can make that quick fix of 5K or 10K. I know deep down it’s not an option”, I’m afraid I disgree.
Lots of people will say gambling is not an option. Sadly, I think, it will always be an option to each and every one of us. The thing is learning to say no. Rather, chossing to say no.
Let us know how you’re getting on mate.
Take care.
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